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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Well, it sounds like there's an interesting discussion going on since Melody is speaking pretty loudly. So I guess we should rejoin to see what's up

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Shadow laughed to himself at Melody's concern for her age, given he had no idea what his technical age was, age was meaningless to him.

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"Right," Skye interrupted his sister, "I think the best plan is just choose a new date for our birthday, and officially mark down on whatever records we have that we were born on the same day."

"You want us to be twins?"

"No, but it keeps things simple."

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"twins ? It's not that common , but it would be nice ." said locke .


"yeah... let's join them." Said Glen , still thinking.

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Melody sighed. "Okay, okay. We can be twins. Can we have our birthday in three weeks then, as that's when I'll turn twelve? If not, sooner the better."

Skye shrugged, trying to look nonchalant at suddenly having an upcoming birthday. "Works for me."

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At the mention of the word birthday, a thought suddenly crossed Shadow's mind. He went back to his room and approached Rouge.

"This might seem odd, but do you remember when my 'birthday' is, or rather, the day I was created on?"

"Hmmm, maybe in my contact book back at our apartment. We can check when we get back."

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*Puts hand on Glen's back*

Come on then

*Leads Glen back to the others*

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"Sure , I'm following you."glen simply followed Dulan , his mind wandering of elsewhere .


" So , does that mean that we'll get two birthday the same day in three weeks ?" Asked Locke

"Yes , it seems so ." Said Red ." Got any idea for presents , crowley ?"

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"YesYesYes!" called Melody, "And I know what I wanna get for my birthday too!" she said addressing both her adoptive parents and Crowley. "There were all these fun games at the arcade, I'd love some of those." Skye shook his head at his sisters over enthusiasm, and noticed Dylan and Glen enter.

"Dylan! Glen! I'd like you to meet Tikal, my girlfriend. Tikal, this is another Glen, and, well, you saw Dylan, but lets make it a proper introduction this time! Sorry I was rude to you before Dylan."

(ooc: are you hinting at a birthday party for Shadow?)

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It's fine. I'm sorry about ruining your moment like that

(ooc: Oo, birthday party

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"Do you want the actual machines or just a console and the games? Because I can get you either," said Crowley.

(OOC Maybe, That might be a fun side trip later on).

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"Don't worry Dylan. I know you were just trying to warn us as a friend."

"I... oooh.... uh.... I dunno... erm...."

"Go for the console Melody. It'll be easier to get new games for when you get bored. Or maybe just one arcade machine if you have a special game you like."

(ooc: It'll be an interesting one!)

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"You can always make a final decision closer to the time Melody. And what do you want Skye?"

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"Wha...? Me? Uh? Well, there are some rare items and materials I'd like for my magical experiments."

"Oh Skye," Melody sighed, "can't you think of anything more interesting?"

"Well.... I would like a pet."

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Glen took a look at tikal , then gave a look at Zionna , hoping she would understand . He then sat down. "I need a drink."

"An arcade game? That sound like an interesting present .... and you Skye ? a pet ? well........"said Locke.

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Ziona looked at Glen, muttered 'Oh heck!' under her breath, then went to fetch him a drink.

"Well," Skye began, "I'm not sure if you have them here in the Prime Zone, but on Moebius as well as the normal dragons, there's a type of smaller non-sentient dragons. They only grow to about six inches or so. Trouble is, to raise one as a pet, you need to take an egg before it hatches. I always meant to get one but... Hey, Glen? Are you alright?"

(ooc: Gah, I have no idea what kind of pet. Stupid spur of the moment decision. Quick, write something random...)

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"A dragon." Said Locke."You'd like to have a dragon for your birthday."

"Me? I'm fine...." Said glen."Zionna wait ! I wasn't serious about the drink !" Glen followed her.

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"It's just a small dragon," Skye defended as Melody giggled behind him. "And it doesn't breath fire... Well, most of them don't."

"Even if you weren't serious I suspect you could still do with one," Ziona replied to Glen.

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"A dragon....... a dragon......," Said Locke. "


"I don't need one." Said Glen."While I know what I said about skye getting a girlfriend , I'm more happy for him than jealous." He kept on."But it's true that she seems to be a fine girl."

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"Uh, Skye. I think you broke Dad," said Melody. She tried snapping her fingers on front of Locke's face.


"I never can tell with you. But if you don't want it I'll have it," said Ziona as she took a sip. "Yeah, she seemed nice. If she's who I think she is though, I'm surprised she's even here."

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"I don't know if there are any dragons here. I'll have to look into it," said Crowley.

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"Thanks for offering Crowley. If there isn't, I can see about making a quick trip to Moebius maybe..."

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"Hum....... I might have a say in this." Said Locke.


"I know, I know. But don't worry too much about me . Or else you might break another part of your body ." Said Glen.

"And yes, It's her. just like in these old legends."

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