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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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I understand. You don't have to read it, I just thought you'd want to see. I've got one as well

*Waves other rolled up sheet of paper*

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"Oh well, In that case , I suppose I can affird to take a look at mine...." And glen started reading....


"Oh my , that's Quite impressive indeed !" Said Tikal, amazed.

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"Welcome to the modern world Tikal," said Skye as he approached the hotel.

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You read it if you want, I won't force you. Do want to be left alone with it?

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"Hang on, I'm almost done..." Said Glen...."Here , i just read it... that's ... unexpected to say the least....


"Well there was this time where I was in station square , but I never got to really visit it ...."

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"Don't worry. Now you'll have plenty of time to go and see whatever you want," replied Skye as he landed on the Penthouse balcony. Taking her hand, he entered into the main room.

"Everyone," he called, "I'd like you to meet Tikal. The nicest, cutest, prettiest girl in the Zone."

Melody's head spun round at her brother's entrance, and her mouth dropped open,

"No... way..."

(ooc: Yeesh! Tone it down a little Skye!)

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Well, at least they aren't specifically looking for you. Mine on the other hand...

*Unrolls sheet*

I guess I should be happy they're asking for me alive

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Locke dropped his drink and spilled the content already in his mouth."Sweet merciful aurora ......"

"Ha , so that's why we didn't see for a whole day!"Said Red."My , aren't you adorable ?"


"Well, they don't seem like it... thing is: why do they want me back ?"

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"Heh, thank's Mom," Skye replied, giggling at Locke's reaction.

"I suppose," Melody said to herself, still flabbergasted, "If anyone could pull the girl they fancied out of a magical rock it'd be him."

"Introductions Tikal, that's Mom and Dad, or Red and Locke. That's my sister Melody. The scowly person in the corner is Crowley. That's Glen, or the Glen from this world, and... Honey, wasn't it? And that's Ziona next to them."

"So that's why you..." Ziona began, glancing at Locke. "I'd never had expected something like this, you've only been in this Zone for less than a week."

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Well, it's asking for information, so perhaps they just want to know what has happened to yuo first. Whether your dead or lost or captured or turned traitor, I guess. Do you want to return to the others, it sounds like something's going on there

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Rouge walked back into her room and gave Shadow and Hope their drinks.

"It seems Skye has a girlfriend."

Shadow casually shrugged in response and walked out to the main room, his face still totally expressionless.

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"Oh, and that's Shadow," Skye pointed out as he appeared. "I know, we've a lot of Zone duplicates with us. I think I saw Rouge head into there room. No idea where the other Glen and Dylan are. Is Hope still with you as well Shadow?"

(ooc: and that's me back off to work. Catch you this evening.)

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"I'm..... not sure yet dylan......"


Locke sat down , and said nothing.

"Well skye, you serm to know a lots of peoples !" said tikal."even if locke doesn't seem in his right mind at the moment...."

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Are you sure? Usually you seem happier talking with the others. Especially Ziona

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"Ye-yes...the other ? Oh sure . I was just lost in my mind , nothing too grave ."

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Skye looked a little embarrassed at Shadow's comment. "Not really busy.... spent a lot of the time just sitting.. and sleeping."

He turned to Tikal. "Actually, this is about everyone I know, so it's not that many but..." Skye headed over towards Locke. "Dad, are you okay."

Ziona headed over. "I'm very pleased to meet you Tikal."

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"Well, I'm pleased too zionna." Said Tikal with a smile ."Oh no, Skye . that's still a whole lot of people you know? And they seems to care about you . How lucky you are ."

"oh?I'm fine skye. I'm fine." Said Locke."It's just... things took a quite unexpected turn here..."

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"I don't think I really appreciated how lucky until today," Skye replied to Tikal as Melody moved over to him and Locke. "And I know it's unexpected Dad. I... I still can't quite believe it happened myself."

"Nor can I," interrupted Melody. "Not just that you managed to rescue her from the emerald, but that you actually have a girlfriend when you're only ten."

"Actually Melody, I'm twelve."

"WHAT?" shrieked Melody. "You're joking right? That's not funny. You're my baby brother. You CAN'T be OLDER than ME!"

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"It's alright , it's alright ..." Said Locke ...

"Wait ... if Melody is supposed to be.... oh , it's normal ." Said Red.

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So... do you want to go or stay here for a while?

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"Melody, calm down. You've been.... away for a few years remember? And I'm only just twelve, last month sometime, I lost track."

"Last... There's less than TWO MONTHS between us? That means we're practically twins!" Melody turned to face Red "What's normal? None of this is normal!"

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"It's your choice Dylan. I guess i'll just do the same then." Said Glen.


"Calm down melody." Said Red."That just mean that you'll be closer ."

"Beside , it's not the end of the world Melody ."Said Locke."You are still technically the oldest ."

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"Technically we haven't even been BORN yet! I'm meant to be twelve in three weeks, but if we go by birthdays, that won't be for, what, six months? Longer?"

"Now you see why I lost track," explained Skye

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"Well , you both are here. so it'll have to do for now." Said Locke.

"I hope so." Said Red.

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