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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Cause I like it," Melody replied with a wide grin. "Do I need another reason Though, it also makes me feel like a princess again."

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It looks nice

Anyway, Glen, I've got something you should see

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"Thanks Dylan," Melody responded with a smile.

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Well, it's true

Do you want me to get it Glen?

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Hope knocked on Shadow's door. After a few moments he opened it and stepped out.

"Hope. Do you need something?"

"Not much, I just wanted to discuss something with you," she replied, having a look back at Melody with a wink.

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Melody, still smiling from Dylan's compliments, caught Hope's wink and gave her an almost imperceptible nod in reply. Her smile grew slightly.

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Hope shut the door behind her.

"Well, I've been thinking, I might like to become a combat engineer."

Shadow's face dropped.

"What? Why on earth would you want to do that Hope?"

"I want to experience the action and I think I'd be more useful in the field."

"Hope if you do that you could be killed. I don't want to see you hurt. It was hard enough earlier."

Hope tried to answer but decided not to continue the ruse at Shadow was clearly worried about her.

"Don't worry Shadow I was only joking. I just wanted to see your reaction to it. I can see now it wasn't the best idea."

Shadow remained unamused.

"Please don't worry me like that Hope."

"Sorry," she replied sheepishly before hugging him.

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Melody nonchalantly made her way over to Shadow's door and tried to listen in. She couldn't make out what they were saying, but couldn't even hear any surprised shouting from Shadow or laughter from Hope. Hoping that it hadn't gone badly, and feeling a little guilty for suggesting it, Melody moved away.

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Rouge walked into the main room to get herself, Hope and Shadow a drink, passing Melody on the way out.

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"Hey, is everything all right in there?" Melody couldn't help but ask Rouge.

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"Hope tested Shadow's sense of humour. Not the best of decisions. They're fine now, but he wasn't happy."

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"I... uh.." Melody looked down at her feet. "Sorry, that was my fault. I suggested the idea to Hope."

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"Well if it was anyone else, they'd have found it funny. Don't be too hard on yourself Melody."

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"Thank's Rouge, I'll try. Heh. I don't usually feel guilty at all. I must have spent too long in my brother's head."

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"Haha. So long as you don't feel guilty over the tiniest little thing I'd say it turned out well enough."

(OOC I'm off now. Good night).

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"What d'you want Dylan?" Asked Glen."Oh , something for me? ok, let's get in a more...private place to talk."Glen then took Dylan away."There, we'll be fine here. So, what is the thing you want to talk to me about?"


"Why not skye, that would be nice too." Said Tikal happily.

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"Great. Just hold on tight." Skye took ahold of Tikal's hands. His tails began whirring and soon they were above the treeline. Getting his bearings, Skye began flying back towards the hotel.


"Heh. No, it's not that bad at all. It's just slightly unusual for me. Though if I didn't know better I would have sworn something was warping me and my brother's personalities, given how well we seem to be settling in."

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Tikal was enjoying the travel. After all, it wasn't everyday that one would get to fly around with a two tailed fox ! She was having the time of her life.

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Um... I don't have anything I want to talk about really, but I do have something which you might want to see. I'll go get it

*Goes back to room and picks up the two rolled up sheets of paper that he got earlier, then returns to Glen*

Here it is

*Passes one of the sheets to Glen*

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"I though that would be better ." Said Glen ."Hum, what is this?"he said , has he took the paper .

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Open it. It seems the DEL want you back

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"Wants me back ? but...." Glen did'nt open the paper."I don't want to read it. simply tell me what's inside ....I get the feeling i might open a pandora box if I were to read that paper."

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Well, if it helps, they don't seem to know where you are and they don't seem to know you've abandoned them. Just read it

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"That's crazy....." Said Glen."Well too bad. I'm not reading that. I don't want to bring back bad memories. I'm sure you understand that right?"

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In the distance, the hotel began to come into view. Skye looked down at Tikal, and grinned at the delighted expression on her face.

"That tall building, that's the hotel we're staying at," Skye called to Tikal.

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