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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Huh?" Dominic asked looking surprised

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"Oh... um... sorry Stacey" Dominic said

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"I-I'm sorry too Dominic," said Stacey.

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"Thanks bro," said Stacey starting to smile.

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"Yes you did!" Said Fenn getting mad and then turned the other way.


"What I seen can't be undone!" Said Zangoose.



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"What...?  Sis?  Sis!  I'm sorry!" said Zoe upset.


"That's the point!" grinned Ziona.

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"You're welcome" Dominic said smiling a little too

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Stacey grinned and raised his hand for a hi five.

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Dominic grinned back and hi fived

Mark was relieved they were happy again

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Fenn ran away from Zoe.


"You've made your point! Now begone!" Said Zangoose.

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Stacey laughed happily.


"Fenn!  Come back!" called Zoe upset.


"What do you think Vipey?  Should we?" asked Ziona.

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"No!" Shouted Fenn who ran in the living room and his under the couch.


"Yeah...But before we go...Nyah Nyah!" Said Seviper making a silly face at Zangoose.

Edited by Seviper the Fang Snake

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"What's so funny boys?" asked Lucas coming over.


"P-please!" sobbed Zoe following, though she didn't see where Fenn hid in the living room.  "S-sis?"


Ziona couldn't stop herself breaking into giggles.

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"Nothing!" Dominic said smiling

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"If you say so.." said Lucas as Stacey giggled,

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Fenn started to whimper after hearing Zoe.


"Okay let's go!" Said Seviper.

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"Fenn... are you in here?" asked Zoe, hearing the whimpering.


"See yah Goosy!" called Ziona to Zangoose.


"Can I go play now?" asked Stacey.

"No.  You still need to rest," said luna.

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"Awwww..." Dominic said

"He... really should rest" Mark said

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"Do I HAVE to??" asked Stacey.

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"N-N-No! You're gonna yell at me." Said Fenn.


"Ha!  So long Stinky Mcfatty fur!" Said Zangoose.


"I'm not fat! I'm fluffy!" Said Zangoose.

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"I won't!  I promise!" siad Zoe.


"Are you sure?" teased Ziona.

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