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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Dominic ran away




Sarah now tried to ignore Zoe again

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"Maybe we should thank Fenn for this," said Ziona.


"Hey!  Waitup!" called Stacey.


Zoe looked back at Sarah, then sighed, tears starting to fall.  

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Dominic paused for Stacey


Mark was following too




Sarah peeked put a little from under the covers

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"Phew!  You're in a hurry!" said Stacey.  "Me and Mark almost lost you!"


Sarah was sitting on her bed silently crying.

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"I want another story!" Dominic said




Sarah sat up

"Why are YOU crying?" She asked

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"That would be cool, yeah," said Stacey.


Zoe jumped a little.  "B-because.... because you don't want to b-be my f-friend!" said Zoe.

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"We were a little hard on her..." Said Seviper looking down.

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"That's... true... She didn't mean to harm us," said Ziona.

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"She's just a kid....with fire powers that can cook you to a crisp..." Said Seviper.

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"So we needa hurry!" Dominic said


"I... didn't say that" Sarah said

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"No that unusual in this world!" laughed Ziona.


"Yeah!  Okay!" grinned Stacey.


"You mean you do wanna be friends?" asked Zoe.

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Dominic ran into his room


"Y...um..." Sarah began but couldn't get the word out

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Seviper laughed and said "Well let's go find her and apologize and thank her."

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Stacey grinned at mark and ran after.


Zoe stared at Sarah wide eyed.


"I think Luna was looking after her," Said Ziona.

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Mark started following again*


Sarah looked away

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"So... brush our teeth... pj's.. what else? " asked Stacey.


Zoe burst into tears.

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"That's it!" Dominic said


Sarah turned back

"Please don't..." she squeaked

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"Right!  Let's go!" said Stacey.


Zoe was crying to hard to hear.


"Sure.  I think they were by their rooms," said Ziona,

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"Let's go look. Remember...Slither up and down not left to right." Said Seviper heading to the bed rooms

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"Oh!  Okay!  I'll try," said Ziona, trying hard to slither properly. 

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Dominic went into his room to start


"Zoe..." Sarah said

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Stacye headed to the bathroom grabbing his toothbrush


Zoe looked up, eye filled with tears.


"Thanks Vipey," said Ziona smiling.  "It's... coming more naturally now."

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