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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Stacey hurried outside, trying to track her.


"I've... adopted him," said Luna.

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Sarah was a little further out from Haven, trying to practice with a stick




"Oh..." Mark said

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"SARAH!  YOU..." Stacey screamed a rude word at her and charged.


"What's wrong?" asked Luna.

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Sarah turned, her eyes were red from crying.


"What did you call me?"she asked holdimg up the stick,  arms shaking


"N-nothing. Its n-nice" Mark said

Edited by Dylan

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"A mean coward and a weakling!" shouted Stacey, to mad to see how upset Sarah was.


"You think so," asked Luna/

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"Don't c-call me that!" Sarah said




Mark nodded


(Oh... 2000 pages)

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"I'll call you whatever I like!  You can't stop me!" shouted Stacey.


"You don't mind?" asked Luna.

(Yay!  Go us)


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"Stop it!" Sarah said starting to cry again




"It's his choice" Mark said quietly

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"No I won't!  You hurt my friend, you gonna pay for that!" said Stacey.


Luna lowered her voice.  "But you're... jealous?"

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"G-go ahead and t-try!" Sarah said struggling with the stick




Mark looked surprised but shook his head

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"I will," glared Stacey, holding out his hand and forming a flaming sword.


"Sorry.  I just thought.... you way you said that..." said Luna

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Sarah kept ahold of her stick




"Im p-pleased for him" Mark said

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Stacey leaped at Sarah swinging his sword.


"I hope so.  You're a great friend to him!" said Luna.

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Sarah could barely swing her stick to defend and she dropped it accidentally




"H-h-how do y-you know?" Mark asked

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Fenn hugged Zoe and said "It'll be okay."


"You think we were tough on the kids?" Asked Seviper.

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"Fight back dammit!  I want to show you how weak you are!" shouted Stacey.


"Because you're here," said Luna.


"I h-h-hope so S-sis," said Zoe crying.


"Maybe a little.  But magic is very dangerous.  And if we're tough now hopefully we won't need to worry again."

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"The stick is wrong!I can't balance it correctly!" Sarah said




"So?" Mark asked

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"Alright. Tomorrow I'll do something nice for them." Said Seviper.


"It's okay. You're little sister is here to make it better!" Said Fenn.

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"It's a stick!  It doesn't have balance," said Stacey, sounding a little confused.


"So, you came from another world with him.  Left everything behind," said Luna.


"Good idea," said Ziona.


Zoe giggled and nuzzled Feen.  "Thank you!"

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"I want my weapon!" Sarah shouted




"I didn't have much to leave" Mark said ears drooping

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"Alright. I think they're inthe middle of something." Said Seviper seeing Zoe and Fenn.


"You're welcome." Said Fenn nuzziling Zoe back.

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"Tough, you can;t have it!" said Stacey.


"Oh you poor thing," said Luna, trying to hug Mark.


"Let;s just give them a moment," said Ziona

"You're the best Sister I could have!" smiled Zoe.

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"You're so welcome," smiled Zoe.

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"Then I can't fight you with your sword!" Sarah said




Mark froze surprised

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