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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I hope so!" Said Seviper dimming his poison tail's glow.

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Mark didn't hug back being a little in shock


"I w-w-was j-just asking I-if she w-was okay s-since she l-looked n-normal again..." he managed to say

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"I promise!  I know what I'm doing!" said Skye.


"You...were being nice and she hit you?" asked Stacey angrily, his temperature starting to rise.

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"I've had my say. Ziona dear would you like to add anything?" Said Seviper.

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"Just that you will never do magic on our children without our permission," said Ziona.

Skye nodded.

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"Now that everything's taken care of....better make sure those kids are in there rooms and alright." Said Seviper.


"I don't really have a room..." Said Fenn.

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"Good idea," nodded Ziona.


"You can share my room," said Zoe.  "See, it has two beds.  The other was Sarah's, but she won't be sharing it with me anymore."

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"Alright. And Skye....sorry for scaring you." Said Seviper as he exited out of the lab.


"What's wrong with Sarah?" Asked Fenn.

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"Er... uh...." Skye just stared after Seviper and Ziona as they left.


"Oh, we used magic to make her nice.  But Stacey didn't like that so he changed her back and now she's mean and horrible again<" said Stacey.

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"I think that went well." Said Seviper.


"That's awful! I hope she hasn't done anything bad." Said Fenn.

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Mark hid under more looked away a little


"I g-guess she was angry a-and I asked at th-th-the wrong time" he said

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"Yes it did.  I hope the message sunk in," said Ziona.


"Hopefully she's just run away from Haven and we'll never see her again," said Zoe, tearing a little.


"DON'T blame yourself!" said Stacey fuming.  "I... I'm gonna.... I'm gonna knock her block off.  No one hurts my friends!"

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"I-its okay Stacey..." Mark said hiding more

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"No it's not," said Stacey, storming out.

Luna knelt down next to the bed.  "You poor dear.  Do you need anything?"

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"Stacey! Where are you going?" Dominic called out


Stacey looked at Luna scared


"Im o-ok-k-kay" he said

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"I'm gonna find Sarah!" Stacey shouted.

"Are you sure?  Would you like something?  A nice hot chocolate?" asked Luna trying to calm Mark.

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"Wante to come?" Dominic asked


Mark looked away. He was interested but scared of Luna

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"No!  Mark is my best friend.  I'm gonna do this per...person... myself!" said Stacey.

"You don;t need to be scared of me... Mark was it?" asked Luna as gently as she could.

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"Be careful!" Dominic said


Mark nodded nervously

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"It's Sarah who needs to be careful!" said Stacey.

"Okay then.  Mark.  You don;t need to be scared of me.  I'm Dominic Mom."

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"I know... but I know you like her and stuff..." Dominic said


"I g-guessed" Mark said


"Should I go get a hot chocolate while you two talk?" Dylan asked from the door

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"I HATE HER!" screamed Stacey.

Luna gave Dylan a nod, thumbs up and mouthed 'thank you'.  "I suppose it is obvious," said Luna to Mark.

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"Okay... if you say so" Dominic said


Dylan left the room


Mark nodded

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Stacey didn't reply, just stormed out looking for Sarah.


"I'm also looking after Stacey now," said Luna

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Sarah wasnt inside Haven




"Wh-what d-d-do you m-mean?"  Mark asked

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