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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Dominic ran after too


Sarah turned

"GO AWAY!" she shouted

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"But... but... we were friends!" said Zoe, a little tearful.

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Sarah looked at Zoe

"You left me in servitude to you! Filthy Yagyu!" She said


"Leave her alone!" Dominic said stepping in front of Zoe


"And you... together with a Yagyu? Do you even count as a Shinobi anymore?" Sarah asked


Dominic said nothing

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"I.. I... I tried to m-make us e-equals," said Zoe.  "And w-what worth are t-the houses if w-we can't be f-friends!"


"Leave them both alone!" called Stacey

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"You're all weak!" Sarah said turning away from them

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"We're not weak!" said Stacey hotly

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Sarah began walking away in a proud manner

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"Didn't being our friend mean nothing to you?" asked Stacey, walking after.

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Fenn rolled her eyes.


Seviper stuck his younger at Fenn.

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"A-are you going to leave me alone?" Sarah asked walking faster

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Ziona giggled more.  "C'mon Fenn, you know this age does sorta suit Vipey!"




"W-why.... why do you want to be alone.  We're friends!" said Stacey.

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"Yes it does. It suits his immaturity!" Said Fenn.


"H-Hey!" Said Seviper.

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"GO AWAY!" Sarah shouted turning around

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"Oh come on Vipey.  We all know you're a kid inside," said Ziona smiling.




"I... I want to help you," said Stacey

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"T-That's t-t-true." Said Seviper smiling.



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"And that's why I like you so much Vipey!" said Ziona hugging him.

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"Are y-you so stupid you can't even take a m-message?" Sarah asked

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"I... I..." Stacey looked down.

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Sarah began walking off again

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Seviper wrapped around Ziona.


"Awww!" Said Fenn.






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"Aww, a special Vipey hug!" said Ziona happily.




"Why can't you just be nice?" Stacey shouted after her.

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"SHUT UP!" Sarah shouted back still walking away

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"O-Only a -f-few g-get th-this hug!" Said Seviper.

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"Fine!  Be like that," shouted Skye.  "Go on trying to boast about how important you are and see where it gets you."

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(Is that Skye or Stacey?)

"Maybe I will!" Sarah called back

"Sorry cuz..." Dominic said walking over to Stacey

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