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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Alright then!" Said Seviper as he reached for a chip.

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"Sorry Spark!" smiled Anna.


Skye nodded a little before helping himself too,.

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"Are you sure?" Mark asked

Sarah said nothing


"Where me and Stacey found the old person who owned this place" Dominic said

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Its okay. (Spark said uncovering his face.)

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"Yes, they're for everyone," said Harmony.


Anna smiled at Spark.




"Ooh, cool!" said Zoe,

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"But I already had breakfast" Mark said quietly


"Yeah. Follow me" Dominic said leading the way

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Anna went back to finishing her breakfast.


"Oh, of course," smiled Harmony.  "Well you could just have one or two, or none if you prefer," she offered.




Zoe followed

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Mark looked again and picked one up


Dominic led the way to the room

"Here" he said

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"Careful, they are a little hot," said Harmony.




"Oooh!" Zoe was impressed as she looked around

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"Oh..." Mark said putting it down


"Yeah! Nice isn't it?" Dominic said

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"It;s okay, you can still eat it.  Just be ready," said Harmony.




"Really nice!" smiled Zoe.

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"Okay..." Mark said looking at it nervously


"Do you think it works?" Dominic asked

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"Try it, they're great!" said Hamrony eating another.




"Oh yes!  I do," said Zoe, bobbing her head up and down.

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"I started my Ninja training dad!" Said Fenn.

"Ninja training? How's that work with you being four legged?" Asked Seviper.

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Mark took a small bite out of the chip he picked up


Sarah watched




Dominic giggled


"Great!" he said

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"Surprising well," said Stacey to Seviper with a grin.


"Do you like it?" asked Harmony.




"Yeah... but how do we get all the stuff into here?" Zoe wondered.

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"That's good then. You set out to do this goal! And I'll be proud no matter what." Said Seviper with a smile.

Fenn kept from her chair to give Seviper a hug.

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Mark thought about it andnodded


Sarah now looked at them




"Maybe magic them in?" Dominic asked giggling

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Stacey smiled at the pair.


"Glad you do.  Go on Sarah, try one!" said Harmony.




"Maybe, if Skye will let us!"

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"I'm loosing my footing!" Said Seviper who was on the edge of his seat.

"But you don't have feet!" Said Fenn.

"Oh yeah..." Said Seviper as he fell from his seat but caught Fenn with his tail.

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Ready to go. (Spark asked as Anna was about done with here breakfast.)

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Mark finished the chip

Sarah shakily took one


"Stacey could do it. Maybe" Dominic said

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"Are you okay?" Skye asked Seviper as Stacey hurried over to help.


"Yeah, I'm ready!" smiled Anna as she finished.


Harmony watched.




"He doesn't use magic much!" pointed out Zoe.

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