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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Your welcome. (Spark said smiling back.) Alright almost done.

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Mark and Stacey looked nervously at everyone in the kitchen


"Zoe?" Dominic asked

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"Gues we have to," said Satcey.


"C'mon you two, they won;t bite," said Harmony,


"Great, I can't wait," smiled Anna.




"I was just thinking that's a shame," said Zoe

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Mark stepped in first

Sarah still waited


"Yeah... it is" Dominic said

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"We're cool!" Said Seviper.

"Dominic's parents are." Said Fenn.

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(Spark grabbed a plate and a cupe, the poured the milk and put the food on the plate.) Here you go. (Spark said putting the plate and glass of milk in front of Anna.)

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"C'mon in Sarah," called Harmony, while Stacey giggled.


"Wow!  Thanks so much Spark!  This is great!" said Anna.  "I've never been so pampered before."




"But we'll add to it"

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Sarah came in but sort of hid behind Harmony


"You got ideas?" Dominic asked

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Your welcome. (Spark said smiling.) If you think this is pampering then you'd be surprised.

Edited by Spark Falls

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Hamrony pulled out chairs for the kids, smiling at Sarah's actions.


"Really?" asked Anna a little teasingly.




"I migth!" grinned Zoe

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Mark sat down

Sarah waited


"Ooh! What?" Dominic asked

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"What do you want to eat," asked Hamrony as Stacey pour himself and FEnn some juice.




"Let's see the whole thing first," said Zoe.

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Yea, just not for sure how. (He said as quit as he could.)

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"A-anything is f-f-fine" Sarah said


"Okay!" Dominic said grinning

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"I'm sure you could," said Anna.


"Chips?  But it's not lunchtime yet," said Skye.


"Have you tried chips before?" asked Harmony to Sarah.




Zoe smiled and set off again

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Sarah shook her head


Dominic followed

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"Skye, summon up some chips!" said Harmony.




\"This place is great!" said Zoe.

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"A-are they nice?" Sarah asked


"Glad you like it" Dominic said

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"Very nice," smiled Harmony.




"I do.  We could have bedrooms, an' games, an' books, an' training rooms....an..."

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Well I guess breakfast in bead is pampering, or I could put on a light show.

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"Phew, you're not gonna crash now!" said Skye, as he closed his eyes and started concentrating. 


"We're a bit late for breakfast in bed!" grinned Anna

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