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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I'm not forming a duet with Rouge." "I'm not totally opposed to the idea." (OOC Well Skye makes me think of Macauley Culkin from Home Alone. Rouge probably sounds like Ada Wong from Resident Evil. Glen makes me think of Will Smith for some reason. I'm unsure about the rest at the moment :P ).

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You two would make a fine duet in my opinion. You could do it between the times you are doing GUN operations and when you are managing that restaurant you mentioned earlier

(ooc: Don't ask me on that subject. I wouldn't know. But it's an interesting choice of actors)

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"I'm sure you can get lessons from someone. Maybe the Zone's version of Mother?"

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"I'm not asking a child for singing lessons. I don't sing. That's that." Rouge smiled and poked him in the ribs. "I'm sure I can bring you around."

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"What about just playing an instrument?"

"After all, you'll need a backing band."

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"Well I can play the guitar and piano for what it's worth." Rouge gave him a funny look. "I was on a stakeout. Had to do somerhing to pass the time."

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Don't we all. Perhaps you can play a little for us

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"That's a great idea." Skye put his glass down, made a few motions and muttered some words, and a guitar appeared in his hands.

"Here you go," he said handing it to Shadow.

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I wasn't meaning now, but I guess now seems as good a time as any

(ooc: So Skye's handing it to Skye. Interesting)

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"Ok. Here goes nothing. I'm a little rusty" Shadow picked up the guitar and began to play Hotel California. (OOC First song that popped into my head).

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(ooc: Gah... I blame work, not thinking straight!)

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Both kids burst into applause.

"Hey, that was great, especially if you haven't played in a while."

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That was great Shadow. Much better than anything I could play

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"Can you play another please?"

"And Rouge could sing along!"

Both children had pleading looks in their eyes.

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"Ok. Just this once." Shadow played I Don't Want To Talk About It and Rouge sang to it.

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"Sorry we're going for a little break. We'll be back soon." Shadow then picked up Rouge and went back to their room. (OOC Night guys).

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"Thanks Uncle Shadow. Thanks Auntie Rouge," Skye called after them.

"You call them Uncle and Auntie?" Melody asked in slight disbelief.

(ooc: Okay. Goodnight Shadow)

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(ooc: I finally woke up. Somehow. And I see I missed most of the fun.)

"Guys ? sthap it , My head is ringing... Oh ... last time I take all these free drinks. I feel like that time where Ingot in a DEL coumpound half nak.... " Glen saw all the people around him . " Don't . Ever. Bring . That. Up." Poir Glen . That's what he get flr sleeping during the best moment of the Day.

"Anyway , Isn't it dusk ? We should go outside see the sunset. Must be nice from up there.who is coming with me ?"

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Uncle... Shadow...?

*Thinks for a moment then shrugs*

And what were you saying, Glen? You were half something? Should I try and hack the DEL system to find some pictures or some videos?

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