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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Ridiculous? How so?" asked Skye as he walked over to the competitors area.

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"I don't know anymore...." said Glen.

(ooc : goodnight for now ) ^^

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"Uh, ok then," Skye responded, shaking his head slightly confused as he entered the roped off area. He waves to Melody who was in a different section, who waved enthusiastically back, and then to Zet, who gave a nod of acknowledgement.

(ooc: Ok, goodnight then!)

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*Looks around*

I wonder where Locke and Red are. I'm sure they'd love to see the contest. Guess I'll have to take loads of pictures for them

*Takes a picture*

(ooc: Goodnight Locke)

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Even without magic Melody was doing well. She was approaching the sandcastle more like a sculpture, and was showing some previously untapped artistic talents.

Skye meanwhile was doing alright. Sure, the kid was an experting at building stuff. But then, sand wasn't exactly the best building material.

Zet... well, he was definitely enthusiastic...

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*Takes another picture then goes up to Ziona*

How often does Zet seem this happy?

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"Once he's finished a job and relaxing with his buddies," Zonia replied, "or when he's with Zave. He's just uptight when he's on duty, and as this jobs on duty all the time...."

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Fair enough. Better get pictures of him in his happy state while it lasts

*Takes another picture*

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"If I could have a few copies? I'm sure his little mechanic back home will love to see them."

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Sure, I enjoy sharing my pics and vids. What size do you want? Small, medium or giant sized?

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Shadow interrupted them by appearing nearby, a bandage on his left forearm, a syringe in his hand, and what appeared to be Hope standing next to him. "Any reason your hologram has a bikini? "How else am I going to blend in? Now listen carefully. Inject yourself as soon as you hear the alarm on my watch go off. Take too long and you'll need a stronger dose, which means you'll have to come back here." "Ok I can do that. Thanks for helping me out Hope. Just wish I didn't get bitten in the first place." "It wasn't your fault Shadow. You had no idea what was down there..... hey is that grown man in a kid's sandcastle competition over there?" asked Holo Hope, pointing to Zet.

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"Small I think. I doubt I'll be able to send them in person, and the bandwidth between Zones is absolutely terrible."

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You want them digital or printed out? I have a printer for this sort of thing back at my house

*Turns to Shadow and Hope*

Where did you just come from? I thought you were going to miss watching the contest

*Looks at Hope*

Who is this?

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"I was called for an urgent mission. It was a complete success apart from the fact someone tried to eat me. Dylan, this is Hope Kintobor, or rather a hologram of her. She works at GUN. Such a shame you couldn't come down here Hope." "I couldn't get the time off so this is the closest thing. Nice to meet you Dylan."

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"Digital please Dylan, it will save me having to scan them. And Zet isn't in a kid's competition. More there's only a few adults taking part in his group. I think he's assured 3rd place, despite his disaster of a castle. Pleased to meet you by the way, even if not in person."

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Yes, nice to meet you as well, Hope. And Shadow, I guess you can give details of your mission later

Digital it is. When I get back to my house, I'll use my computer to send it over

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(Ooc: So , is the competition over ? What has bitten Shadow? Why a twelve year old kid is wearing a bikini ? And above all: What is Locke planning ?and Yes , I read everything .oh, And who is Zave ?)

"Well Rouge, Looks like your charming black knight is back, you should go to see him with ...." When Red saw Hope , she got from happy to literally scared .... She started breathing heavily , and had more and more difficulties to keep herself together....


at the same time , Glen was still poking around and not on melody , to make sure she would not cheat. It was obviously a bluff, but so far it was working well ....

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(ooc: I'm guessing the counterpart for Wave, and I'll admit this did take me a minute to figure out because for a while I was thinking of Dave)

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Ziona saw Red start to panic, and went over to comfort her. "Red, are you alright?"

Meanwhile those in the competition continued their endeavours. So far, it looked like Melody was either not tempted to cheat, or didn't realise the bluff.

(ooc: at this stage the competition is over whenever people want it to be. And yeah, Zave is Wave... hmm, would Zwave have been better? Stupid Z names....)

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(Ooc: I finally got it once I took the time to think about it ... like 20 minutes after I woke up....Isn't anybody scared by the fact that Red is being scared by hope ?)

"Actually , no... no I'm not... I know it's not her ... I know it's not her ... But I can't help but seeing her in this child!" Red said.

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(ooc: Well three of my characters are distracted, and the fourth is guessing it's something to do with Moebius Hope. And as a Zone Cop she might even know what... oh wait, future Moebius Hope, she won't know yet!)

"It's Okay Red, it's okay. I understand. Come on, lets take a walk for you to catch your breath, alraight?"

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Don't go for away for too long. It looks like the competition is almost over. I think that's the judge over there

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"yes thank you , Zionna .." Red moved with her . "It's just... to see her again ... It's like a nightmare coming back to aunt me ...."

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Rouge ran towards Shadow before being blocked by Hope. "Hi Rouge. Please don't get near him before he's injected himself. Wouldn't want anything to happen to you. Once it's done he's fine. "Hey Hope it feels like my my insides are on fire!" Hope breathed a sigh of relief. "Believe it or not that means it's working. If it didn't you'd instantly succumb to the virus and try to devour everyone here. Just a little longer..." shortly after a loud beeping was heard and Hope checked her watch. "Do it!" Shadow put the needle into his neck and pressed down on the plunger, a cooling sensation sweeping his body. "That feels nice." Hope stepped aside and let Rouge barrel into Shadow. "What happened to you down there?" she asked.

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It appeared that the contest was finzlly over . Skye being 5th, While melody solehow ended up... first , to nobody's surprise .

"Well, Melody that was a fine castle you build there . I'm impressed . Now go get your prize ." Said glen.

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