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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"That's adorable." They then moved toward the contest.

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"I'd rather not talk about it. Let's just say I should've left Glen to the werehogs." replied Shadow as he pulled a PDA from Rouge's bag, tapping away at the buttons.

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"I wonder want this contest is? I'm gonna do my best to win."

"No cheating Melody."

"You think I'd cheat?"


"Hmph. Well, you're probably right."

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"Shadow, Don't say that . Nobody would deserve such a fate . " Red lean toward shadow . "Care to tell a more experienced woman about it ?"

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If you cheat, Melody, I will find those pictures and put them on Christmas cards to everyone. So no cheating

(ooc: Off to bed, see you later)

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"There isn't much to tell. The guy's an overreactive fool. That and I just don't trust him. There's something about him I don't like. I think he knew more than he was letting on back at the compound."

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"Ok I might just recast that spell again. You never could disenchant my magic," Skye half-joked, half-threatened.

"Alright, alright. I'll behave, promise!"

(ooc: Ok. Goodnight Dylan.)

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(ooc: bye dylan)

"Shadow, thinks about it: Your home is lost , your former friends want to kill you, and you are litteraly alone ina whole new

world.That gets on people, some more than you might think. And the fact are there : He is trying to fit in. Also, in a way, you are a lot like him.And maybe that's why you don't like it." Said red.

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"I'm the ultimate lifeform. I am not comparable to some low grade DEL mercenary. I sympathise with his plight, but there's still something not right about him."

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"Shadow. Huh, You really are an arrogant one ..."Red sighed . "Try... You should take him alone , and talk to him, confront him.There you will find what's really on his mind. You might not know it , but you two seems way more close than you might think..." Red said.

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"Hey Skye, any idea what this competition is?"

"Not from here. And I don't think flying closer would be a good idea."

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"Then how about getting walked there ? Wanna get on my back ? " Proposed Glen.

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"That'll do. We'll hide behind the big guy as he pushed through the crowd." Skye and Melody started following Glen.

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"Huh, I meant, You get on the top on my back , so you can have a vantage Point..." Said Glen.

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"Ok, that works as well," said Skye, hopping onto Glen's back.

(ooc: and off to bed now, catch you later)

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"Yeah. See ? Way better ." Said glen .

(ooc: Goodnight then.)

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"Yeah, it is. Thank's Glen."

(ooc: Do you have something planned for this contest Locke?)

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Can you see what kind of contest it is?

(ooc: I bet he does since he's the one who spotted it)

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Shadow let out a loud hmph before going back to the screen. After reading it over he teleported away as Rouge walked up behind him. Now alone, she just sat down and sighed.

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"I suppose our shadows aren't so different , right ? " Said Red.

"well skye, can you see something, you are higher than me for once." Said glen.

(ooc: Nope, nothing . what would you want ? )

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"He's doing the right thing I guess. Whoever got him like this is lucky. He's only left to calm down. Don't want him killing anyone in such a crowded location. If I ever find out who did it Shadow'll be the least of their worries. One of the few days we go out together to the beach, and they have to set him off. It takes a lot to make him do this. I just wonder where he is now."

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"It's Glen . Shadow is ... conflicted , to say the least , about what to do about him. I think they are like a broken mirror of some sort; They are both soldiers and they must have seen their share of violence . And in both case, I can see two genuinely caring people , that just don't know how to let it out ." Said Red.

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"There's nithing I can do now as Glen's with the kids. Guess I'll wait for Shadow to come back and tell me what exactly's going on. Failing that, I'll deal with Glen when the kid's are busy. If he's got nothing to hide he should have no problem talking. That should get us to the bottom of this mess."

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"Dealing ? oh no .... It's About Shadow and Glen . One will habe to confront the other . Not with fost and violence , but with words. They'll have to express their problems to each others, or else, nothing will change. Trust me on this one .Just don't get in ."

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(ooc: Darn it. I'm no good at coming up with competitions. Hmm, something on a beach. And it can't be physical so Melody can't cheat. I think back to one of my previous ideas.)

"I can fly Glen, I'm often higher than you. But it looks like a sandcastle building competition."

"Great. Bet I can win that."

"No magic Melody."

"Aww. That's not fair." But then she smiled. "But how would they know?"

"Glen, back in the car in my shirt pocket there a small device with a red light and a needle on it. It flashes if someone happens to be using magic nearby."

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