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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: Cool. So are we going to get back to the beach now?)

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Skye took to the air, ready to recover Shadow's ball when the bombardment started.

"Skye, no flying," Melody called out, as she continued to build her sandcastle. Which, with the help of her speed and magic, was far larger and intricate than it had a right to be.

(ooc; there we go, back to the beach.)

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Shadow's beach ball bounced off of Glen's face and rolled towards the water before stopping at the edge.

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Landing, Skye sprinted over to the beachball and threw it back near to Shadow, yelling 'catch'.

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"Thanks Skye" he shouted, catching the ball. He then swam along the shore, searching for his next tsrget.

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*Takes off glasses and looks at Melody's sandcastle*

That's a really nice sandcastle, Melody. But perhaps you shouldn't build it so big or with help from your speed. We're trying not to get noticed

*Looks at Shadow in the water*

Don't even think about it!

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"Ah fine" Shadow then took careful aim at Zet and delicately skipped the ball across a row of sandcastles before it whacked him in the knee and rolled back.

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Melody crossed her arms and started to sulk. "Not allowed to run. Not allowed to make proper sandcastle. What AM I allowed to do?"

Zet gave a yell of surprise and his phone went flying into the air, burying itself in one of the sandcastles Shadow had used to aim his ball. Zet started searching frantically while Skye laughed and again thrown the ball back.

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You can make sandcastles, but don't make them so big or use your speed to make them

*Puts on sunglasses and lies back again*

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"Hey Melody why don't you dig a big hole? It's something to do. You could bury Glen in it or something."

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Good idea, he doesn't seem to be paying much attention so you could get away with it. Just don't do it to quickly

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Melody grabbed the spade.

"Once I'm underground I can go as fast as I like!"

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Shadow saw a man ogling at Rouge, and threw a curveball at him, hitting him in the left cheek and knocking him to the floor. The ball then rolled next to Rouge's foot. "Little help Rouge?" "Sure thing honey" she replied, kicking the ball to him. "Count yourself lucky it didn't hit me. Otherwise you'd be having a very lonely night." she added

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Skye walked over to the sandcastle where Zet's phone had fallen, picked it up and handed it to the almost frantic Zone Cop.

"Here you go."

Zet took it without a word, but with a slightly confused look.

Melody started digging, but the toy shovel wasn't really built for any real work, and snapped in two almost immediately. "Oh @*%£!£# &^!"%£"@ <%!()£"

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*Takes off sunglasses and looks up*

That's some colourful language you have there Melody, just be glad Locke wasn't around to hear that

*Put's sunglasses on and lies down again*

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Shadow walked out of the water and over to Melody. "Wait here, I might be able to help you out." he said as he teleported into town.

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"You should hear her when she get really mad." Skye said to Dylan then wandered over to the shoreline and jumped into the sea, paddling against the waves. He spluttered slightly as he swallowed a mouthful of salt water. Melody stood there, curiously watching the spot Shadow had just teleported from.

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Shadow appeared seconds later with 2 shovels, one half the size of the other, which he gave to Melody. "Mind if I help you out?"

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Melody grinned. "No problem. Lets get started."

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*Sits up*

Well I'm going off to get an ice cream, any of you want one?

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"Yeah, that'll be great," called out Melody. "Just shout when you get back so we don't accidentally cover you in flying sand as we dig."

Skye's ears pricked up at the suggestion of ice cream, and he spun round in the water to call out. Only for his waterlogged tails to sag as he turned and pull him slightly under, resulting in yet another mouthful of water.

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Right, what flavours do you want

*Notices Skye getting pulled under*

Is he okay? I hope he's not drowning

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"If you would get me a vanilla Dylan I'd appreciate it. Consider your discount increased." said Shadow as he began to dig into the more compacted layer of sand.

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"Don't mind the flavour, as long as it's colourful and has something crunchy in it," said Melody.

Skye managed to pull himself back up and paddled back to shore, and started wringing his tails out. "Yuch,I'm gonna need something strong to get that taste outta my mouth. Hey Dylan, could you get me the strongest lemon flavour they have?"

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Okay, one lemon flavour, one...um... colourful crunchy flavour, chocolate for me. Shadow, what do you want

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