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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Me? No one at the moment. I just don't want to be tied down this early in life. There's so much more to do... If I could leave No-Zone permanently."

Melody wandered over to Locke, her mountain of clothes seemingly twice the size it was earlier. "Okay Dad, I think these are all I want. I also got a hat so people would she me and think I was Mother. Though, there is this one creepy guy following me who doesn't believe I'm not her. I'm guessing I'm not allowed to threaten to stab him?"

Meanwhile Skye, wearing a new suit and a fez, walked over to Shadow and Rouge.

"Uh, Rouge. Can I talk to you alone for a minute?" he asked.

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"Sure thing, sweetie." she said in an upbeat tone. "Won't be long Shadow. Don't run off without me."

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"Thank you very much Rouge." said Rouge as the two left Shadow. Skye had a quick look round to see if they were alone.

"Umm, uh, ok. Two things. First. Sorta about your reaction to Mom... er, Red at breakfast. I was thinking, erm, well, there must be some records at GUN somewhere about Project Shadow, and if, uh, you were able to find them I might, might you understand, be able to help with that 'youthful looks forever' thing."

Skye took a deep breath and then continued.

"And, well," Skye shuffled his feet a bit, "as you are kinda, depending on how you look at it, like a sister to Red, is it ok if I call you 'Auntie Rouge'?"

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"Of course you can." she said, while giving Skye a hug. "And I'd be forever in your debt for that Skye, though I'd have to talk to Shadow. He has all the documents. I'm sure I can persuade him to give you access. Apparently it's a very interesting read."

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"Thank's Auntie Rouge. I hope he says yes," said Skye with a smile.

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"Me too." Rouge then walked back over to Shadow and put her arms on his shoulders. "Oh boy what is it now?" "Well handsome, Skye says if you give him your info on Project Shadow, he might be able to make me keep this body forever. I'm sure you can guess the benefits for yourself?". Shadow stood there pondering the proposition. "If you're sure Rouge, then I'll give him them. Just don't do anything stupid. Wouldn't want you becoming a lizard. All those "benefits" you're talking about would quickly become non existant."

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Skye grinned and tried to hug both of them at once.

"Thanks Uncle and Auntie. I'll try to keep it as safe as possible!"

(ooc: I wonder what would happen if Sonic saw this scene right here! :P )

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Rouge hugged Skye back and Shadow had a twitch upon hearing the word "Uncle".(OOC I'd imagine he'd run around screaming "the end is nigh!". Can't ecactly blame him, Shadow being familial? This is madness).

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Hmm... maybe. Despite not telling me where he was, I still don't want him getting himself killed.

Anyway, I think I'll need to get some clothes. Most of my clothes are still in my house in my zone

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"Ha dylan ! you back! And who are talking about Meldoy , this is creepy lndeed ." Said Locke

"How is your body? better I hope ? Also, you can get some clothes here and there if you want."


"Leaving permanently ? Like leaving the zone cops " Asked Red.

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"That guy there. Hiding behind the rack of jeans." Melody pointed him out.


"Yeah. Not an option. You can't leave No-Zone unless you're on Zone Cop business."

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"Oh well , just leave him . My presence should shut him up . and if he follow us ...."


"That's not really that appreciable . And there is no way to stop the job ?" Ask Red.

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Um, I'm not sure what you mean, but if I can get some clothes here, I better go look

*Goes and starts looking for clothes*

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"I hope so. He's really creeping me out." Melody was fighting hard to keep her hand as far away from her knife as possible. At least she was wearing it inconspicuously, which was a change from normal.


"We should probably see how the others are getting on." Skye said, still grinning.


"Well, yes. I could leave the Cops. But then I'd be stuck in No-Zone in the middle of a war."

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"Don't worry Meldoy , Now let's gather the others, we have many things to do...."


"Not a rather Charming idea indeed ." Said Red.

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"Ok, I hope there's enough space in the car for everything."


"At least I've got an assignment here. And if we're going to be taking lots of trips like this I'm going to see a lot of this Zone."

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"Wonderful. Now just a Moment ... Everyone ! 5 minute before gathering near the car! Yes, even Dylan and the creepy guy if he has a good explenation about stalking a 12 years old kid." Said Locke.


"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll have plenty of time for that ." Said Red.

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"Actually I think he's younger than me."

"Very true. And by the sound of things the beach is calling."

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"younger than you ? Ok, you have to explain me now Melody; because solething sound fishy in the whole story...."


"You are right Zionna, Now time for some Well deserved fanservice !!!" Said Red .

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"I think he thinks I'm actually my mother and is wanting an autograph, and isn't taking 'I just look a bit like her' as an answer."

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"Oh. Then I'm worrying for nothing. After all, you do are her daughter ." Said Locke , smiling .

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"Well, yes. But I thought we wanted to keep that secret!"

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"It is . Nobody should know appart from us. But if you can get a picture of her , I suppose you'll understand ." Said Locke , pointing toward a poster of the "Forget-me-Knot" (Really?)..

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"Ok Skye, let's go." Shadow led them back over to Locke. "Anything interesting happen here?"

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