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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Sorry Daddy, and don't worry. We can do the mountains next time. But I haven't been to a beach in aaagggggeeessss!"

"I don't know what you are insinuating Glen," replied Ziona with a small smile, and a singificant glance towards the kids.

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"What if you two decided to play dart the whole night in your room, he ? As long as zet didn't miss any shot , I'm sure things must have been fine. Then again , He sound like the kind that talk a lot but don't pack the punch that come with the bark.Tell me I'm wrong." Answered Glen , smiling too.

"Don't worry , I'm was ok with both . Now let's get ourselve ready. Also, I'm glad nobody asked me how I could take some free time like that." Said Locke.

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"Ok. Shadow and I will go grab our stuff. We won't be long" Shadow took hold of Rouge and chaos controlled to their apartment. They appeared again a few minutes later, with Rouge having a bag slung over her shoulder.

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"Wonderful ! Now let's get on the move ! I don't know How long we'll have before Sabre understand I'm gone far enough."

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"I'm not saying anything Glen," Ziona replied with a smirk, "but I better wake him and tell him to pack shorts." At the mention of packing, Melody's smile faded slightly.

"Uhhhh, just remembered, I've got nothing to wear, aside from these." Melody tugged at what she was wearing, "And there doesn't seem to be anything in my size in Haven. Is there some way I can get some new clothes first?"

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"Well, eventually , we could get a car , stop by a clothe shop in echidnapolis and then be on our way. What you say about that Melody? Beside , I'm sure you wouldn't be the only one in need."

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Melody leapt across the kitchen and tackled Locke in a hug.

"Thank's Daddy. You're the best!"

Skye just shook his head. "Girls," he muttered.

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"Hug, thank, My ribs.... Too cute, stop it." Locke was confused between being hurt and this feeling of affection from Melody. Both were fine so He didn't said anything.

"Well then, should we go?"

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(Ooc: Wonderful.)

"And so, our "heroes" were about to move.... well, at least as much as they could since Zet was still sleeping. What a lazy a..." Glen was stopped right on his track By Red "And If you don't stop right now, This car will be powered by your LIVERS."

"Yes ma'am." Said Glen, Not sure if she was joking or serious.

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"Zet can go to hell for All I care. What I do not accept Is the use Of profanities in front of Children!"

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"Hahaha oh the irony. You want to protect them from all things aggressive yet you say you want someone to go to hell."

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"I suppose Your liver aren't needed on your body anymore then..." Said Red with a smirk.

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Rouge had had enough. "Will the both of you GROW UP!? Shadow, don't provoke her. Red, if you're going to lecture us all on language protocols, be sure to follow them yourself. Is that clear to the both of you!?" Shadow gave a nod to Rouge.

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"Are you lecturing Me ?I'm way older than you my dear, But thanks for keeping it acceptable ."

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The two kid's were giggling at the childish antics of the adults, which was probably the only thing keeping them from whining about being held up. Finaly, the two zone cops made an appearance. While Ziona was wearing causal cloths, Zet was still in his uniform.

"Ok, we're good to go."

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"Wow Zet. Totally inconspicuous outfit you have on there. You'll blend right in" said Shadow sarcastically.

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Ziona poked Zet in the ribs. "See. I told you it was a bad idea."

"But I'm on..."

"Undercover duty Zet, so come on. Into your civvies"

Zet sighed. "Alright. I'll be right back."

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"I'd Rather wait some more , than having an expy of this human comic book...how did they call him? Ah yes, Judge dredd."Said Locke

(Ooc: Seriously, Read that comic book, if you aren't already. It's the punisher, but as a cop.)

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(ooc: Still better than Nothing. I miss "The normal way.")

"Anyway, Don't Tell Ziona, But she Looks Kinda cute in Her "Civvies" , As she says." Said glen.

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After a short minute Zet returned wearing shorts, boots and gloves, and loking a mix of uncomfortable and slightly embarrised.

"I think we can go now," smiled Ziona. Whether or not she heard Glen's comment was unclear.

(ooc: and I'm gonna be catching up with friends who are back from Rio tonight, so doubt I'll be around. Catch you guy's later)

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