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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Well, Back in his zone , He easily won because no one had what it take nor the charisma to stand against what was basically sonic but evil. And I do know that He never take well any kind of backstabbing , Something your father and his "friends " dis to him more than once. From what I have understood , your father had very good reason to be afraid."

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"I think Father just went a little paranoid, thinking everyone was scheming against him. (Well, except Mother). At least half his plans were to take down Scourge, despite the fact he hadn't been seen in over a decade."

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"I can. I know what it's like... OW!" Melody had just slapped Skye on the back of the head. "What was that for?"

"To stop you before you start moping and whining again."

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"Now Melody there's nothing wrong with a bit of contemplation. Your brother's been through a lot, to say the least. You can't expect him to forget that."

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"I know. But it's best if he doesn't dwell on it, right?"

Skye was still rubbing the back of his head.

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"I know from personal experience dwelling can be a dangerous thing. But he still needs to come to terms with his past to truly move on. In the past week he's made massive leaps towards that goal."

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"I.. Ok, I see. Sorry Skye."

"It's alright Melody, really."

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"And it's still a long way to come to term with such a past . At least , we got you out of there Melody. Yet, It's a shale for Miles ; This kind of life isn't sething I'd want for nobody."

(ooc: I'm back :D)

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"I don't care what happens to Father. He deserves it," spat Skye bitterly.

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"I suppose , But there is one thing you should know , And has to learn as a kid: Nothing is either Black or white. See it a an inceredible amount of shade . Shades of grey ."

"No one is truly good , nor evil. But unfortunaly, in both case , somes are doing their best to. "

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"I know. If things were Black and White you wouldn't have tried to save me, would you?"

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"See things as if we were in a war . If things were truly black or white , I would have shot any ennemi . Why? because they would be in front of me. I hope such a thing will never happen to any of you here . No way of thinking is scarier than that."

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"While people might not always be wholly black or white, with regards to your father, he's evil enough that what little good left in him, if there is any, is inconsequential. There's only one fate he deserves now."

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"You're... you're both right. You can't just act without thinking, but in Father's case..."

Melody had been fidgeting during the exchange and now interrupted.

"Can we change the subject? It's too early in the day to be talking about heavy stuff. And I wanna do something FUN!"

(ooc: Note, Melody's feelings are not my own! :P )

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"Don't be to hasty shadow . beside .... " He heard Melody."I think we should concentrate on people that are here rightow, don't you think? It's true that we did't got the occasion to spent some quality time together ... How about some vacation ? "

(Ooc: Yes , I dared skye , happy :) ?)

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"Vacation? You guys have fun. Me and Rouge'll be on our way." Shadow took Rouge by the arm, but she wouldn't budge. "We were brought here to talk and we're gonna talk to them!" she said.

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"Talk about what ? And no shadow , just because you can use chaos control to go anywhere doesn't mean you can avoid anything . Beside , I owe you that ."

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The two children started dancing around the Kitchen chanting "Vacation, Vacation, Vacation." Skye heard Shadow's attempts to excuse himself and Rouge.

"Aww, come on Uncle Shadow, you and Rouge have to come too."

"You're calling him Uncle Shadow now?"

"Yeah. Of course," Skye replied matter-of-factly.

"You only just got here and you're wanting a holiday already?" Ziona was standing in the doorway, watching the proceedings with amusement. Zet was nowhere to be seen.

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"After everything they have been through , I think taking their mind of heavy things will seriousl help everyone ." Said Locke.

"I'm not good with emotion an socialisation , Bur I always care about the orher's wellfare . And that's important for a guardian i


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Shadow accepted defeat and sat down. Rouge attempted to cheer him up. "Don't worry, you'll still have me with you.", she said softly before giving him a smile. This solicited no response, so she embraced him. Reflexively he returned it, realising he couldn't win. Eventually he piped up. "Fine Skye we'll come."

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Skye cheered. "Thanks a lot. It wouldn't be the same without you there."

"So where will we be going?" asked Melody.

Meanwhile, Ziona walked over to Rouge.

"I dn't think we've been introduced. Unless..." Ziona looked around and spotted Red. "No, we haven't met. I'm Ziona. My partner Zet, well he's currently asleep on duty."

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"Where ?Wel , you have the choice . It's either the beach or the montain .And as for Zet, As long as one of you is awake, everything should be fine." Said Locke.

"Man, what have you two done to make him sleep like that ? Drank yourself to death or something ?" said Glen.

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"Beach! Beach! Definitely the beach!" Melody yelled, causing Skye to wince as he was standing right on front of her.

"Oh, no big deal. Zet just gets a little sleepy after a drink, that's all."

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"Melody, Don't yell that much , your brither is next to you ." Said Locke "I would have prefered the montain , But I suppose the beach will have some nice view to show u-.... Urg." Right on the ribs. Red never miss when it come to that kind of thing. " I mean, we'll have a lot of fun right ?"

"With a girlfriend lile that there aren't any need for ennemies . " said Glen . "And just sleepy ? That has to be seen. But as long as nothing unholy happen behind your wall...."

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