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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Red was starting to slowly wake up , mumbling her way out of sleep . "No crowley, stop it ... not there , it tickle... "

"Huh ... Red?" Locke Asked .

"huh, wha..." she suddenly understood where she was, and how many people where there . "Oh my, how much have you heard? "

she was slighty panicking.

"Don't worry , Locke stooped you before any interesting part , much to my dismay ...." Glen said, Suffering from Locke angry look.

"I hope you sleep well anyway , right Red ?" Asked Locke.

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Rouge's gaze was transfixed on her counterpart, as if she were standing at the edge of an abyss looking straight down. For all his finger snapping Shadow couldn't break her astonished stare

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Red saw her ....counterpart.... "oh my , who put this mirror there ? It's a mirror Locke , Right ? Crowley ? anyone ? I'm scared....."

she was slighty affraid, to say the least....

"Huh red, I present you... Rouge . She is you, from this zone , and a diffrent timeline. Don't be affraid , ok?" explained Locke.

"Too late for that..."

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Eventually Shadow turned her head to face his and got her attention. Once Rouge came back to her senses she talked to Red. "Hi I'm Rouge. Don't worry, I won't bite."

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"As much as I know myself , I'm sure you won't . But i'm sure people aren't used to see alternate of them, Let alone , younger.I mostly hope we'll try to stay as friendly as we can ." Red said as she raised her hand toward Rouge .

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"Does that count as kissing yourself if you two make out ?" Glen was asking for trouble. But to Locke dismay, He had a point .

"Not really. Technically , they might be the same, But physically and morally, they can be extremly diferrent.So no, it doesn't count as kissing yourself. But Shadow and I might agree that it would be quite the turn on." Locke was blushing and looking away.

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Rouge gave Shadow a look and made a kicking motion. He got the message. "Nn-no. Don't know what you mean there guys." "Dodged a bullet with that one.", he muttered to himself.

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"Huh? That'd be gross? Why would you even think of something like that?" asked Skye, tongue hanging out in disgust.

Melody had just processed that someone had been talking to her, and finally got round to sleepily replying '..ello. Pleased... meet you...'.

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"Don't worry about that Skye , you'll get to understand, when you'll be older." Locke said .

Red as for her was already drinking some coffee , Giving her the final touch to stay awake . "So you and shadow are .... together ? "she asked to Rouge.

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"With everything you guys have been telling me about getting older, I really hope I stay a kid."

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"Well , it won't last forever, But we'll do our best to make sure you'll enjoy it As much as possible " Promise Locke.

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"Hmm, maybe I should look at that immortality plan again," Skye mused under his breath hoping no one heard him.

"More... sandwich... please? mumbled Melody from the table.

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"Don't . Being a kid forever ? What's the use ? Look no further , We have Mogul. This fat mammoth is immortal . And also very bitter."

and to melody , Locke said : " here you go ."

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Skye looked confused. "Whose Mogul? Anyway, kid forever is sounding better than growing up!"

Melody happily tucked into her next sandwich. "fanks Dad!"

(ooc: In Skye's Zone, if Mogul ever got an Anarchy Beryl, the moment he lost it it would be fatal, given the energy drain the AB causes. :P )

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(ooc:Well, It's Mogul, He would have been a nice guy anyway .)

"Mogul , said Mammoth, Is an immortal Being. He took down enerjak and he is the creator of Ixis Magic, controlling as much the emerald than us. he could have took ober centuries before , But even then, the

echidna stood up against him. It was one of those many forgotten war that almost no one knows about...Magic against technology."

"My pleasure Melody."

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(ooc: Not necessarily. Moebius isn't simply a good/evil swap. There are exceptions to that.)

"Huh. So this one guy managed all that. Why did no one take him down?"

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"Why do you think he didn't won? The echidna won that war and he had to go into hiding for a very long while. He tried again recently , but his lack or efficienty recently ,but now he'll wait until most of us will pass out to try again."

(ooc: who care anyways? not me)

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"I wasn't meaning stop him. I meant find a way to kill him so he won't come back again!"

"I'll do it." Melody sleepily put her hand in the air, while her head was resting on the table.

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"Yes. Me and Shadow are together. Behind that angry exterior he's actually pretty sweet when he puts his mind to it." "As for Rouge, what you see is what you get. And that's fine by me. Don't think I'd want to meet your angry side. And no Melody, you couldn't take down Mogul. I don't even think the Eclipse cannon could. He'd probably survive somehow." (OOC Sorry I'm late. Went to the shops).

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(Ooc: open shops, on a Sunday? thas crazy)

"I suppose Crowley and shadow actually are alike on this point . But he is more of a brother with benefit , than a real ... mate. And now , I'm with Locke . And i suppose we ended up doing what you almost did back when you were working with scourge."

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Melody sat bolt upright and Skye took a step back at the mention of Scourge.

"Oh...." Skye almost swore but caught himself. "One bad thing about the past, he's still at large."

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Shadow and Crowley laughed simultaneously. "Scourge can't do anything here. If he tried he'd get beaten to a pulp in no time. That fool's in way over his head. He'd need an entire army to even stand a chance."

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Skye and Melody looked at each other, and Skye shrugged.

"I guess Father might have been over-exaggerating his abilities."

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"Don't get me wrong the guy's good. But we're in a fairly peaceful zone with several fairly strong militaries. That kinda makes him less of a threat to us given all he commands is a fox, an ape and a frog."

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