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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Rouge looked at Shadow and smiled. "I'm fine thanks. I'd feel bad if Shaddy did something over the top to you." Shadow was relieved at this and let out a tired yawn. "Wonder where Locke and Red are?" he asked.

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"Well, we were heading this way. Good luck with your sister ."

And off he went . he eventually got to the kitchen .... to end up right in front of Rouge . And with Red on his back, that would lead to a rather strange situation. "well, look at that. Rouge , fancy seeing you there . Try to get my attention out of the way again ?" (ooc: Shadow, Locke already knows Rouge from the comic canon. She helped scourge to get the master emerald , before she worked for tje GUN.)

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Before going to wake Melody, Skye sneaked back to just outside a kitchen, camera ready to capture the reaction when Rouge met Red.

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"Locke. It's been a while, hasn't it. I hear you've been busy. Who's your friend?"

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"Someone a lot more closer than you might think ." As he carefully layed the sleeping Red on the couch. "Have a look for yourself "

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Rouge shuddered and grabbed Shadow. "I'm not growing old! You must be able to help with that Shadow? Blood tranfusions or something. I'm not ending up like my mother!" "But I like having my blood inside me." Rouge's grip tightened "Would you prefer I drink it? I might not be a vampire bat but if that's what it takes to keep my looks..." "Ok, I'll help. Just don't sink your fangs into me." Shadow looked at Locke. "Thanks for setting her off. Now I won't hear the end of it."

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"Hey! she is not that bad ! Sure time got the best of her face, but she still look Plain beautiful.I don't know many women that would that good after everything she went through.So have some respect , Rouge . Especially when it's yourself . From another Zone ."

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"Sorry... it's just, I care a lot about my youthful looks. Probably more than I should."

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"You have nothing to worry about in that case, You won't to go through what she did . Beside , Shadow should take of uou at least a goodly as Crowley."

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Chuckling slightly at the photo he'd taken of Rouge's panic attack, Skye entered the kitchen and started fixing up a bacon sandwich.

"Ok, time to try and wake Melody," he mumbled, taking the sandwich on a plate with him.

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"Hum , I'm pretty sure she is not going to enjoy it. But then again, I'm not the one having to wake her up...." Said Glen.

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"There are two ways to wake her. The first is to shake her awake, then dodge her super-fast strikes until she's awake enough to realise she isn't being attacked. The second is to lure her out of bed with the sent of food. And there's nothing Melody likes better than a bacon sandwich!"

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"My dad used to do something else : cold ice cubes , on any part of your body." Said Glen.

"He did that too ? Some father really are crazy..." Said Locke.

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"You know, with everything I hear about your and Dylan's Zone, I'm beginning to wonder if that is actually the 'evil' zone, rather than mine."

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"Depend of the point of view Skye .the point of view..."

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"Huh. Well, wish me luck." And with that Skye left the kitchen.

(ooc: and with that i'm off to a wedding. catch you all later)

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"We all do Skye, We all do."

(ooc: have fun there )

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"Locke I must admit I'm surprised you're up. You took one hell of a beating from your more evil counterpart."

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"I slept Like everyone else . But , Unlike everyone else , I can recover ."

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A few minutes after he left, Skye returned, with a shut eyed Melody following. Skye was holding the plate outstretched while walking backward, and Melody seemed to be homing in on the sandwich, despite he closed eyes.

Maneuvering the plate onto the table, Skye slid a chair behind Melody and she sat down, taking a bite out of the sandwich, her eye's opening ever so slightly.

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(Ooc: I habe this feeling you started to post a

few minutes after I went to sleep :) )

"Well, Looks mike we got two big sleeper . How do you feel about that locke ?" Said Glen.

"'Not only I do have at least someone , But if I can have some more sleeping time thanks to them, It's all good for me ."Answered Locke.

(ooc: Hope is the best torture ever made, Said a philosopher. It push people to keep on suffering all their lives on the basis of a better future, rather than ending it all .Think about it)

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"Don't you have duty stuff that'll get in the way of sleeping?" Skye asked.

Melody was munching on the sandwich, slowly taking in where she was and what was going on.

"Mmph, ..orning," she mumbled, her voice obscured by sleep and sandwich. "Hy ar er oo ov mom?"

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