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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: as in from my post? Dunno. Let's leave that till it's important, which won't be for a while.)

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(Ooc: probably. Now what is shadow doing? Maybe Glen and crowley could have a side adventure ! And we could get knucle and the others back!!!)

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(ooc: I see things are going well)

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(ooc: I think things has stalled as almost everyone has gone home or to bed. Erm IC I mean. All in favour of making it the next morning?)

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(ooc: Ok , I'm first then)

The next morning , Glen woke up, with great difficulty, With a sleeping , and drunk crowley near him. "dear whatever holy thing ... What happenned last night ? And how dis I got back to my bedroom in haven ? An why is crowley with me ? Make me wonder who carried who...."

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Crowley's eyes bolted open. "You were rather inebriated I'm afraid. I teleported you here, and slept on the floor. I must say I've had worse places to sleep."

Shadow was still fast asleep in his bed, clearly enjoying the comforts of home. Rouge stood by the bed for about 10 more seconds before walking over and calling his name. Eventually he awoke. and got up. "Finally we can go get some breakfast." she said. "Sounds good to me".

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"Man , you did realise the couch was right there ?" Glen pointed toward said empty couch.

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Skye yawned heavily, opened his eye's sleepy, closed them a gain, then a second later sat bolt upright at the unfamiliar surroundings. It took a few moments for him to pass through the sleep haze and recall that, now, Haven was indeed his home.

Now wide awake, he slipped out of bed and headed for the kitchen. For a moment he paused outside his sister's room, then thought better of disturbing her and continued his hunt for breakfast.

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"I didn't see that. Oh well. Care for some breakfast?"

Shadow and Rouge were now in a small restaurant, awaiting their food. "So what exactly did you have to leave for?" she asked. "It's long and complicated. I'll tell you later." At that moment their food arrived, and they began to eat.

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"The best killer aroud, and completely oblivious tibthe environment around him... Sure i could pal."


During the whole Night , Locke stznd by Dylan's side, hoping he would eventually wakes up. Red too standed close by, Sleeping on him.

They sure had comes through a lot together.... to say that just a few times ago they were both bitterly suspicious of one another .... they really did a long way. But now Dylan was downed and Locke was still moving . It was his turn to help him out on this one .

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Skye reached the kitchen, and quickly began dominating the space. Before long, the recognisable scent of cooked breakfast began wafting over Haven.

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(ooc: Aww, what a cute picture. Won't be for another few days though. Tuesday or Wednesday I'm hoping)

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"Hello Skye. You're up early." said Crowley with a grin.

Shadow and Rouge had finished their breakfast and were now back at the apartment, watching TV. "Is this what you've been doing all this time Rouge?" "Yep. This and buying that beauty over there." She pointed to a huge diamond sitting on the coffee table. "It certainly gets your attention. Well look on the bright side, nothing's tried to kill you these past few days" Rouge just smiled. "Well at least you're back here now. What exactly happened?" Shadow then recounted the past few days events.

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"I woke up, couldn't get back to sleep and was hungry. Help yourself. Hopefully I've cooked enough for everyone." Skye smiled at Crowley, still a little unnerved by the pointy teeth.

(ooc: Don't worry Dylan, I'm sure you won't miss anything important till you're back.

And Shadow, I can't wait to see what Rouge's reaction will be if Skye calls Shadow 'Uncle Shadow' on front of her!)

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Glen was eating with glee and hapinness . After a good orange juice he asked ."Has anyone seen our benefactor yet ?He could use a breakfast too."

(ooc: yes , that was a cute moment with locke an dylan, and rubbing Red)

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"Thank you Skye. One moment. I need to do something." Crowley teleported off and appeared 2 seconds later with Shadow and Rouge, who jumped out of their embrace. "What, who, where!?" asked Rouge with a confused look on her face. Shadow just glared at Crowley. "You really can't let me have a moment's peace, can you?" "Of course not Shadow. You're my source of amusement."

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(ooc: Well, I threatened to do it.)

"Hi Uncle Shadow," Skye exclaimed happily, "and you must be Rouge. Pleased to meet you. Help yourself to breakfast. I'm gonna take some to Mom and Dad before it gets cold. And..." Skye shuddered, "I might risk trying to wake Melody."

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"Uh... hi there. Yes I'm Rouge, isn't that right, Uncle Shadow?", she said with a smirk. "You must be Skye. Aren't you a cute one?" Rouge had a big smile on her face, while Shadow was just looking embaressed.

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(Ooc: that awkward moment when skye must be hugging an alternate younger version of his foster mom)

Locke was sleeping too at this point , With Red on his side . That was

cute .


"Shadow! I didn't know you had taste in women ! She sure is a fine girl. Shale I have to take my sight out her ...." Said Glen.

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Skye blushed slightly, partially at the remarks, and partially because he'd made Shadow embarrassed without meaning too.

"I.. uh, thank you. Yeah, it was rude of me not to introduce myself. I'll be right back once I've delivered breakfast." A mischievous smile appeared on Skye's face. "I'm sure Mom would love to meet you."

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Shadow gave Glen a stern look. "Oh don't mind him. He just worries about me.", said Rouge to Glen. "I didn't catch your name."

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"People Call me Glen . But , You can call me anyway you want shall we get closer ..." Glen answered . P*ssing of the ultimate lifeform? another feat to his book.


Eventually Locke woke up. Red was still in the glade of dreams, And locke decided to let her be . But since he was hungry , and so would she , he decided to piggy back ride her on his back to the kitchen . She could sleep on the couch there . (ooc: the kitchen is connected to a living room. Well, there is only the bar to separate both.)

He got skye on his way. "Hello there , did you slept well?"

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"Very well, thank's Dad. Breakfast's cooking in the kitchen. I'd just come to see if you or Mom wanted anything."

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