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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Well , follow me then. " And so they moved . After a while , they eventually got to the two connected room Locke talked about.

"Here you go . this is the two bedrooms."

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"Thank you," mumbled Zet as he walked into one of the rooms.

"You know, I think that's the politest I've ever seen him. Oh, and if possible can you wake us before the kids. Officially we are meant to watch them all the time." Ziona sighed at the though, then entered the other bedroom.

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"well you are still peoples. You have to sleep too, and with all the wine you drank, it's a miracle the both of us did't passed out."

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"We didn't drink that much did we? Better sleep it off then. Goodnight." Ziona gave Locke a wave then closed the door.

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"Goodnight then " And locke left to his own duty...

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(ooc: hmm, I seem to have written myself out of the game for a bit! :P )

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(ooc: Not really :) you can still do things in third personn, or write some stuff here and there , like skye or melody who can't sleep and go to other's bed, or simply the two cops discussing)

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"Your call on this one. I'm not sure wether I'm right or wrong , because in any ways, A lot of nice peoples

will still have to pay the price ... and that's what awful in our world


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(ooc: an idea did just pop into my head......... buuuuuuuuutttttttttttttttttttttttttt, it would mean adding an overarching plot, and another one focusing on my charries, so I'm very reluctant to do it.)

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(OOC Might as well tell us. Not like we're doing anything particularly important at the moment).

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(ooc: I was think of having a scene between the kid's biological parents! )

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(Poc: We already lost the Dad, Are you willing to kill the mother too ? if you want , but first let's habe a kind little story to breath)

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(ooc: We didn't lose the dad. We lost the copy that he implanted in Skye. And it wouldn't be a right now thing. It's like in a tv serise when they show a scene that won't pay off till many episodes later.)

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(ooc: willing to do a stinger , eh ?as you wisc I suppose )

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(ooc: If you really want me to do it I will, though don't let this interrupt the bar scene.)

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(Ooc: unless Crowley get us in trouble . Again. I could not wait for better from Glen and crowley XD)

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(ooc: Don't say I didn't warn you. This is what happens when I watch the new trailer for Thor and then ponder the insanity of this game.)

In another time and place

It had become a ritual for the Queen of Moebius. Once a month, since the prisoner had been taken, Mina paid him a visit. But this one was to be slightly different. She entered the cell, mostly obscured in darkness, but she could hear the prisoner breathing.

“The guards tell me you’re magic has started returning. Interesting…” Mina’s hand lit up with arcane energy, “since I still retain the power that was syphoned from you. Maybe I should repeat the process, and increase my power even more. Would you like that?” The figure chained to the wall gowned, and Mina moved closer, the light from her hand revealing the badly weakened form of Miles, her former husband.

“Mina please,” begged Miles, “I..” He didn’t finish his sentence, but Mina understood. She took another step forward, drawing a knife.

“Really? After all this time? After everything I’ve done to you?” She placed the tip of the blade against Miles’ chest.

“I will admit,” Mina continued, “I have missed your adorable, scheming mind. As for you, you would do anything to be back with me. Wouldn’t you?”

“Yes,” Miles replied, knowing that even if he lied, Mina still knew the truth. Mina smiled, then kissed Miles, before stepping back. She snapped her fingers, and Miles’ chains disappeared, sending him painfully to the floor.

Mina regarded the crumpled figure on the floor, then began speaking.

“Melody misses her little brother. If you can find the poor lost boy, and bring him back to his home, I’ll take you back.”

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(Ooc: Thor huh? That ought to bring more trouble . The real question is : How ? if you know what I mean)

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(ooc: How what, specifically? If you're meaning what from the trailer made me think of this: the Loki prison scene.)

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(Ooc: I don't care about this trailer , just don't go around ripping off movie , or it'll be worse than pender with star trek, and flynn withstar wars; that explain their rivalry though. In RP, there is "role", Who is going to play who ?)

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(ooc: uh, If I ripped off that scene, I also ripped off any film/trailer/tv show/book/comic/song/etc that has a 'guy in a dungeon' scene.)

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