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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(Ooc: I wondered about something; what would happen if we someone who could draw ? That would be a quite interesting experience )

"I don't know, But if what this Locke is saying is true, then it must have been a fight to remember . That or he just passee out on the floor like the other. Meh , Lien-Da seems to like him, so he'll be safe."


With the night going on , Locke decided to take a shower .... A quick one later , he decided to relax a bit after all the hardship of this weeklong day... only to find the two zone cops discussing . Rather joining the conversation right now , he sat down a chair , and waited , out of their line of sight.

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"You signed up before the war started, so that wasn't the reason. Why did you?" Zet asked. Ziona just shrugged in reply.

"Family tradition. Though normally it was the males in the family who signed up. I just happened to be an only child. Besides, I liked the opportunity to travel!"

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That was interesting. The more he could learn about the zone cops , and eventually these two , The more smoothly things would go for Locke and them.

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"Ah yes Lien Da. I trust she's more capable than my zone'a one. Poor girl had the worst luck. Last I heard of her she fell into a river and went down 4 waterfalls consecutively before getting into a lake used for industrial waste disposal. She really should jump zones. Not like she could have worse luck."

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“And the cops were you’re only method of doing so,” Zet agreed, “There isn’t much to see in our Zone.”

“Everything’s wrapped up with the force. You’re either a Zone Cop, or you’re supporting them. And you can’t travel outside the Zone unless you are a Darn Cop.” Ziona sounded bitter, possibly the wine making her less guarded. Zet didn’t reply.

(ooc: heh. Poor moebius Lien Da)

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"No way? That sure got to hurt .... But did she survive ? I mean , most of the time she act like a mean child , but she mostly meant well."

(ooc: yes, glen is an echidna)


Locke had heard enough . "Goodnight people . enjoying your stay ? If I can be of any assistance ..."

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"Oh yes she survived. Was in dire need of a wash and some new clothes but other than that she was fine. I had to go with her to get them for fear of her getting robbed. Her bad luck only affected her which was a relief. Can't say I'd be thrilled to share in it. I really should see how she's getting on. I'm the closest thing to a father figure she'll get there."

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"What about you? Why did you sign up?"

"Like you said, there wasn't many options. I just chose the only exciting one."

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Were they not paying attention to him? fine then.

"Wonderful night isn't it ? I hope you are enjoying this place . If i can be of any assistance zone cops ..."


"When one see what happen to the real one ... Seriously , kragok saw it coming . Who would get your sister to do such a job and litteraly throw her away like that ?But what always got me thinking is that they never found the body... almost as if he got sent to another place... or zone."

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"It's possible. I never knew of her family. If they were anything like this reality's she's better off without them."

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"You mean, you found her alone ? no brother , no sister, no nothing ? she would at least have half sister alive right ? As for the father , he was a good leader , but he lacked a lot in parental skill, which wasn't helped by the loss of his wife ... poor guy had it hard, but he loved all his children..."

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"If she had siblings I never met them. Maybe she left to forge her own existance. Not the wisest of choices if true, but I admire her spirit. Takes courage to do something like that. It's a rare sight on Moebius."

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(ooc: Sorry Locke. Read your post before you edited it.)

"I'm not sure enjoying is the right word.." Zet began, but was cut off abruptly by Ziona elbowing him in the ribs.

"What Zet means to say is, thank you very much. You've been more than accommodating for us, considering the reason when we're here. I doubt many parents would be as welcoming to officers watching their child's every move."

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"Well assuming what he did before , I do know that it's important to choose the lesser evil, and in my book, you are indeed less than evil; especialy compared to one of your zone prison....beside , being kept in check at home allow for more smoothness from every party. here to the hope that your friend zet will lighten up a bit".


"Well, your Lien-da doesn't seem a tad evil or manipulative....that is quite a rare sight indeed."

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"Well being evil would not be a good choice for someone with such rotten luck. If she tried to build a super weapon for example, it'd either blow up in her face or just fall on top of her during construction thanks to a rusty nut. Evil schemes always need an element of luck, like most things in life."

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"You do realise that you are implying that being good kinda suck to an extent, right ?"

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"Oh, I'm sure he will. Once he get's his breath back. And you're right, this is a much better choice than prison."

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"It does. Being 'good' often involves more hard work, more sacrifices, less indulgence. We choose to be good because of our own moral code and the pleasure gained from knowing we have done the right thing. The path of evil involves far more natural pleasures, not least power."

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"Yeah. But you are alone .and that suck."


"Indeed . But please , try to stay as kind as possible with them. They are just children...."

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"Very true. While the evil may group together, sooner or later there'll be a scramble for the top and either they'll all fall or one will be left standing."

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"If they're nice to us, we'll be nice to them."

"Zet, please..." pleaded Ziona, sounding exasperated.

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"Some things might never change then...."


"They are children. They are bound to do thigs from time to times. All I want from you is a bit of patience zet, that's all."

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"Hmph, I'll try."

"You need to be less grumpy Zet. I think we'll call it a night here, and you'll be in a better mood in the morning. Or else."

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"Please , you only just got together , and you are already making a scene ? Must be the wine. How about we get you to your rooms then?"

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"We're... Never mind, that sounds like a good idea Locke," replied Ziona.

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