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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Zoe shrugged. "Maybe, but you can't argue it!" she pointed out.


"I... dunno... the pool fixed us.." said Stacey uncertainly.

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"I... guess... not" Mark said looking down


"I wouldn't say they fixed us Stacey. It just gave us life" Dominic said

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"But... I'm sorry Mark. I guess you still care about your clan."


"I... yeah, you're right," said Stacey

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"To a certain extent."


"I think he just tolerates it because if Anna were angry she might become a nuisance to him."

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Mark sighed

"Not really... but it still doesn't feel right hearing things like that from... you know" he began


"I can't see the pool 'fixing' Sarah either" Dominic admitted

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"Don't worry, I won't do anything to hurt it!"


"Huh, good point. I could see Anna turning stalker if she got desperate enough!" said Melody.


"From another clan?"


"Yeah, you;re right," sighed Stacey

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Mark nodded

"Yeah..." he said


"Sorry, cuz" Dominic said

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"Thank you."


"Mayve, but at any rate we shouldn't have to find out so long as he's pleasant enough to her."

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"I'm sorry. But I do know the Yagyu aren't perfect either," said Zoe.


"It's not your fault Dominic," said Stacey. "I guess... we'll... just see what happens."


"You're welcome," smiled Miles as one of the girls was dragged off scream. "You owe me an iced lolly!"


"Yeah, I guess. Unless it goes nowhere and she tries to force the pace!"

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"Very well, a deal's a deal. It doesn't sound like she's going to die quietly or quickly."


"Yeah. She might regret that."

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"No one is" Mark said


"Yeah... I guess so" Dominic said

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"No... not very nice. Poor girl," said Miles.


"Very much so. Hopefully it won't happen!"

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"Well it serves them right." Zamy got up and went to the freezer in the kitchen, returning with a lolly.

"As promised."



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Miles eyes lit up. "Thanks Zamy," he said happily, taking the iced lolly.


"Hopefully it won't come to that!"


"You're right," said Zoe nodding.


"I think... I don't think Miles will let Sarah stay the way she is though..."

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Mark smiled


"No. I agree" Dominic said

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Zoe smiled back.


"Yeah. He wouldn't let you stay like that when you were... you know..."

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"Yeah... I know. Even though he wanted to" Dominic said

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"He did?" asked Stacey a little surprised.

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"Well... he knows me better like this" Dominic said

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"I... guess he does... And.. you did seem to help make him nice," said Stacey.

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Miles nodded and happily enjoyed the lolly.


"Equal to yours!" said Melody

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"Nuh uh! He was nice on his own!" Dominic said

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"But you helped him!" said Stacey

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