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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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A few minutes later Skye returned, dragging with him what appeared to be a fully packed rucksack of camping gear.

"Ok, we'll start with a few simple meals," Skye began, kneeling down and setting up the portable stove.

(ooc: and we better move to montage mode here, cause I know nothing about camping or cooking for camping.)

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"No problem. Any time. Maybe you should take your friend Rouge on a camping trip to practice a bit?"

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"Good idea. She always likes to visit quiet, remote places. Now I can take her there." (OOC Darn mobile links. My attempt to post montage music failed miserably).

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(ooc: Curse you mobile, spoiling it for everyone! :P )

"Well, if I remember correctly you were meant to stay with us until the were-hog problem is fixed, which it has been now. So you're back on vacation!" Skye gave a large yawn, and he head suddenly dropped and snapped back up as, for an instant, he dropped off to sleep.

"Uh, it's been a long day. I better hide some cake for Melody then head to bed. Goodnight Uncle Shadow."

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Shadow jumped at the name. "I guess you're right. I'll come back soon to visit. And just call me Shadow. Goodnight Skye. " With that he turned to Crowley. "Home James" he said with a smirk. *Your cultural references mean nothing to me, Shadow.* "And don't spare the horses." Crowley then teleported Shadow to his apartment door.*Goodnight Shadow, enjoy yourself.* "Good night Crowley, I will."he replied before walking in and locking the door.

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Skye wrapped up the remains of the cake and headed to his room. He paused briefly outside his sisters door, hearing Locke telling his story, and smiled to himself. Once in his room he hid the cake in a drawer, and sat down at his desk, writing out some complex arcane equations. However, moments later his head was on the desk as he drifted off to the land of nod, unaware his pen had been leaking and his cheek now lay in a pool of ink.

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(Ooc: too tored to write , Slept on my freaking desk for three hours !!!! anyways .... I'll keep on with the story after the next post of anyone after me)

Red was there when Skye was asleep and took care of everything . She took out the ink on Skye's face , cleaned up a bir his desk , And put the little fox in his bed , before finishing with a kiss on the forehead, the best way to say good night. And left without a noise.


"A keeper ? well , don't worry , they aren't bad , but not good either . More .... neutral."

"Eventually , Under the wing of his new Keeper Master , Garreth Learn a few more things about stealth in general , and o er the years , the already gifted child became a real shadow , as cunning as one might be, and with enough skill in infiltration to back it up without too much of a problem."

"The thing was , Leaving in the street as a child Left a mark that would probably never disappear... In the end, he found himself flnding way more .... lucrative uses of his skills :!He eventually left the Keeper, this order of arkane writer , to become a thief .

But not any thief my dear : A masterthief.And this began the real adventure of Garreth."

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Skye had actually woken up when Red entered, but had pretended to still be asleep. Partially because he was still a little suspicious about her. But after her actions, all of Skye’s doubts vanished. As she left, he mumbled a sleepy ‘Thanks Mom’.”


“Cool. What kind of adventures?” asked Melody enraptured. She tried to hide a sleepy yawn, not wanting Locke to stop.

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Crowley now wandered the lifeless streets, unsure of what to do next. His best friend preoccupied, his counterpart on leave, and no targets to deal with. He decided to go to a nearby bar, at least that way he could sit down and think about his next move.

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Red heard the little voice , turned back , and smiled . She closed the door behind her , got closer to skye bed and said "It's late little cub . Aren't you asleep by now ?"


"Tired already are we ? And I though my story wouldn't be that boring ." joked Locke.


Later that night , Glen found himself all alone .... With nothing better to do , he decided to follow Crowley, and get to know him more ....

"Yo crowley, where ya goung like that ! wait for me "

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"I was asleep," Skye smiled, "I just sleep lightly, unless I've been awake for days."


"No! I'm not tired at all," Melody frantically lied. "Please don't stop the story."

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*Glen? How did you get here? Shouldn't you be in Haven? No matter. I'm just getting a drink. Would you care to join me?*

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"I see . Then I better leave to let you close your eyes again then . Good night ."


"That would be great . I really need a drink after the whole story."


"Then why the heavy Eyes Melody ? Don't worry , on the contrary of our thief, His story won't try to run away. Sleep now , And have some dreams filled with adventure and hope . And tommorrow , I'll tell you the next part , Ok ?"

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"Ok, Goodnight Mom," Skye rubbed his cheek a little where the ink had been, "and thank's again."


"I'll hold you to that. Night Daddy." Melody lay down on the bed, and almost immediately was sound asleep.

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(ooc: What a bunch of adorable kids . They must be cute when they sleep )

"My pleasure Skye " And she got out of the room silently .


"Already sleeping . She must have been really tired by that day ." He then left the room , but not before petting her hair.

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"Anything is good As long as I don't pass out on the floor. and you ?"

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"Wait here." Crowley walked to the bar and came back a couple of minutes later with their drinks. "Here you go. Got you a beer. Doubt that'll knock you down."

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"Thank , really needed that." Glen took a sip " Thing is , time sure as hell changed right ?"

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"Surely. One can only hope . But it still has this bittesweet feel in my mouth, since I had to leave everything behind in order to move on .... Poor Tails, I hope he won't get to much trouble out of this."

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Back in Haven, the two Zone Cop were relaxing with a glass of wine. Well, trying to relax.

"Zet, will you please stop going on about those children. They're sleeping, we don't need to worry about them right now."

"But they... You're right, I'm sorry Ziona. I just don't like being stuck here that's all, especially with the war going on."

"You know, some people would consider a assignment in the Prime Zone a prestigious job." Something in Ziona's tone caught Zet's attention.

"You never wanted to be a Zone Cop, did you?" Ziona paused.

"No," she admitted.

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