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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Well, you have banned pranking in the house, and we're not allowed outside alone, so I guess I can't really don't do anything," Melody mused, sounding upset. Then she turned and gave Locke a wide grin.

"Nah, don't worry I wasn't being serious at all. Just messing with you there, and me and Skye were only fooling around. But I will be very upset if it does disappear."


Back in the kitchen Skye's ears, now back to normal, perked up at Shadow's muttered remark.

"What do you mean Shadow. She can't get any worse, can she?"

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"You have no idea. Wild mood swings, total disregard for authority, general lunacy. Don't worry though, it only lasts a few years.... usually. It'll be Locke who gets the brunt of it.."

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"Well , you are still children . I can allow you to go outside , but within a certain range , and not at night, obviously ."

"But by all mean, hope spectre or sabre don't find put about the cake . They both have a sweet touth."

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"Thanks Dad. It'll be good to get back out in the fresh air with needing to worry about monsters or Zone Cops. And there really, better be some of that cake left, or I'll..."


"Oh boy. I think I might want to build myself a box to hide in for a few years. She's bad enough without adding all that on top.... Though I suppose she has been having the mood swings since she... um... since she was rescued."

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(Ooc: pray she is not having her period that soon in the month .. We wouldn't want an angry mood swinging fast moongoose running stray all around the place XD)

"...Have to ask Skye to make another pne ? That won't be a problem , don't worry . Now go get a shower , I'll wait in your room. Unless you don't want your story anymore ?"

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"Oh no, you're not getting out of telling me a story. I'll be right back!" Melody sped off to wash.

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With that done , Locke got to Melody's bedroom. Even though she was only there for a few day , she already took over her own part of haven in this bedroom. In a way, it was probably reflecting the Way looked of her: A bit messy, but always fast to answer the call, and this , almost no matter what .

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(ooc: Yikes, all she did was sleep there one night and already she's messed it up?)

A few minutes passed before Melody returned, looking like she hadn't slowed down to dry herself properly.

"Ok, what's the story about?"


"Hey Shadow?" asked Skye, "What causes all these things anyway? Is it some kind of mind control?"

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"Haha no. Chemical imbalances in the body coupled with being in limbo. Not a kid but not an adult. A difficult time... apparently. I've never experienced it myself."

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(ooc: No , I just meant to say that this room is now her , not that she messed it up XD)

"Well... what kind of story do you want ? get on your bed an tell me " Said Locke while smiling .


"Mind control ? No Skye , if only ...." Said glen while drinking tea...

"In fact , everytime or so in the month.... something happen . and it make women mood swinginf , not in a good way...."

red looked at Glen "But I have said more than enough...."

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(ooc: I know, I was just saying it happened fast.)

I really don't mind. There's all sorts of stories in this Zone that I'll never have heard before. Something nice, but exciting!"


"So Glen, you're saying it's this limbo time is worse for girls than boy's? Wait, Shadow... It never happened to you? Does that mean you've never been a kid?"

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"I was created as an adult and frozen for 50 years, and I'm immortal. I'll basically live my life as a 25 year old."

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"Well skye, unless you actually enjoy litterally losing blood on a dayly basis for at least a week, then yes, it's more awful for women. I guess that is why they get Mooder at this time , at that my uncle told me to go down the old pub instead ..." (ooc: Kudos if you get the song !!!)


"an exiting story , eh ? interesting ... Now let me concentrate for a moment until I can find a story ...."

And so locke told her the story.... of a young thief named garreth .

(ooc: do you want me to write it ? or should I do it offscreen ? I'm obviously ripping Thief on this one for starter)

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(ooc: nope, don;t get the song reference.)

"Yeah, it does should worse for them Glad I'm a boy, even if I have a bloody girls name. So Shadow, you've never been a kid, but you'll never grow older. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"


Melody listened to the story with intense concentration.

(ooc: you're call, I don't mind either way. You could just give the highlights if you have something in mind, or we could just gloss over it.)

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"Both. I don't have the degrading health associated with old age, but.I'll outlive everyone I know and care about. A grim reality indeed."

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"But you will keep meeting new people won't you? So there'll always be someone there you care about?"

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"But your best friends, your romances, nothing compares to them. Some people just aren't replaceable."

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(ooc: Down to the old pub instead. It's An irish song about womens period said in a rather.... oh well, Irish way.)

"Skye ? Well I think it adds to the cute factor, and it not that girly . Compare to me : Glen ! I'm supposed to be a dude !"


(oc: 5 second later , I was about to say screw this and give a link to whatever story some writeFlag wrote in for warhammer 40K , but I said , no. Way too grimmdark for a 11 or so little girl . Unless the story of that ork warboss that blew up a titan by jumping on it with a bike ON FIRE count as more awesome than scary)

"So begin the story of a young kid of the streets . His name was garreth , and was an overlander . He lived in a town and a time were technology followed yet another path than the one we did. As such , a very medieval athmosphere reign on this town."

"Yet life wasn't easy, an food was hard to come by for a lone kid in these old days....So one day , when he Could, Garreth did what he had to do to get by ; either by odd jobs , or sometimes ... pickpocketing"

"Eventually one day , hungry, and without any money , our young hero found a man . He did't seem to be phased bu the agitation of the town , nor him. Yet his purse was there, on his side , almost here for the taking ... almost ..."

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"I suppose so Shadow. I never really though about that. Though, I never really had many friends." Skye then looked confused at Glen.

"But, uh, Glen is a boy's name. Unless it's short for something?"


"And? Did he?" Melody asked, intrigued.

(ooc: no 40K for this kid. That would make her worse than she already is.)

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"That is not the point kid . You cute , you get a cute name . And when you'll ge older , it will morph into a more poetic name . And aboit my name... "

he didn't kept on.


(yeah... too bad , or goodie, since I had this story about an ogryn , and his friend , and their fight for the Imperium. Darn , this story alone gave me even more respect and admiration for the ogryns in general.... :,) )

"And when he put his hand to get the purse... the man in black caugh him red handed . the kid had no time to react , and it was a good thing, or else, he would want to know how that man did that"

"Eventually , Garreth pleaded not to be taken to the police , or worse , the hammerite (think amy rose , but as a religious order of cop, and with hammers instead of more usual weapons...). But the man only answered by this strange sentence 'It's quite hard to see a keeper , especially one that try to stay hidden..."

"Garreth was confused . 'i don't think you have any family , right ?' Garreth noded, still a bit scared.'Then come , you have much to learn, and little time to follow.'And on these words , they left .

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"Poetic? Huh, never thought of it like that."


"Oooh. What's a Keeper? Are they the good guys?"

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"It's not something I like to dwell on. As for your name, you can do a lot worse than Skye. Would you prefer to be a Snively?

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"Heh heh. Yeah, I guess you're right. And I'd never change my name, even if I had the chance. Oh hey, wasn't I gonna teach you some camping recipes?"

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"Ok, I'll go and find a camping stove. It'll be easier to teach you with the right equipment." Skye scampered out of the kitchen.

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