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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"He's got an accomplice," whispered Miles to Zamy

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"You would think if he was behind the murder he'd be... more careful!"

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"Through there" Dominic said pointing


"E-everything I-is so different" Sarah said. "Everything I g-got told to th-think a-a-and d-do, n-no one w-wants me to th-think or do. I m-must be a d-disappointment to Z-Zoe"

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"Great." Stacey started jogging, but stumbled slightly.


"First, you definitely not a disappointment to Zoe, so you never need to worry about that," said Ziona. "But I know it must be hard. Everything about this world must seem so alien to you. And Zoe... she means well, but I think she's trying t push you into this world too fast. You'll need time to get used to it."

Ziona was quiet for a moment. "Would you rather be home?"

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"Careful" Dominic said noticing the stumble


Sarah didn't say anything for a moment then shook her head

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"I'm okay, I'm okay!"said Stacey quickly.


Ziona smiled. "That's good. I'll make sure that things are easier for you now, okay?"


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"Okay... but still be careful" Dominic said


"Th-thank y-y-you" Sarah said quietly

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"I will be Cuz, don't worry!" smiled Stacey.


"It's not a problem Sarah," Ziona said smiling. She was quiet for a minute, then a thought occurred to her. "Sarah... I'm... assuming the reason you feel so nervous with the idea of having Zoe as a friend is because she's of the Yagyu Clan. You... you do know that... if.. if I do adopt her, she won't be part of the Yagyu anymore?"

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"Good" Dominic said. "Here we are"


"I-it st-st-still feels st-strange" Sarah said after a moment

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"Okay, let's see, where's the switch?" asked Stacey.


"Even though the two of you will be of equal caste standing?" asked Ziona.

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"Over there" Dominic said pointing


"W-we can't be" Sarah said

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"Great," said Stacey, reaching over to switch it off


"Why not?" asked Zoina very gently.

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Dominic waited for Stacey to do so


"I d-don't know" Sarah said

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Stacey flicked the switch, but there was an ominous crunching noise. "That doesn't sound good."


"You don't?" asked Ziona. "Is it just because you think all bat's should be Yagyu?" she asked.

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Dominic looked in confusion

"Yeah... strange" he said


Sarah thought for a moment

"M-maybe" she said

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One of the supports for the trap began to crack.

"Uh oh..."


"What else could it be?" asked Ziona

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"Maybe we should go" Dominic said


"I d-d-don't kn-kn-know" Sarah said again

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"Yeah..." Stacey turned to run.


"Sorry Sarah, I didn't mean to push you," said Ziona.

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Dominic did the same


"Y-you're n-n-not" Sarah said shakily

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Stacey started running, but stumbled in his exhaustion as the trap mechanism began to collapse.


"Thats good. I want to help you Sarah," said Ziona.

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Dominic stopped and held his hand out to Stacey

"I'll help you!" He said


"I m-must be d-d-difficult" Sarah said sighing

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Stacey grabbed Dominic's hand and pulled himself up. "Thanks," he gasped.


"No you're not," said Ziona. "Trust me. This kinda thing is part of my job. You;re doing really well."


"We'll find out soon. There gonna follow the butler now!"

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