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Everything posted by crazyty237

  1. http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2015/01/sega-cuts-hundreds-of-jobs-in-pcmobile-focused-restructuring/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDZ_5eKTBzc   so Sega fired Alot of there workers and are now deciding to only Produce Sonic Games on the PC and Mobile Devices    what are your guys thoughts about this    Me personally, I am kind of dissappointed manly because i don't have my gaming PC no more and Sega should make games Multi-Platform mainly because you can appeal to a bigger audience and get more sells
  2. Sonic Games on the PC

    http://www.sonicstadium.org/2015/02/the-spin-sega-of-america-used-downsizing-its-effective/   some more info 
  3. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    well sonic and knuckles have been the strongest characters in the series so far so it makes sense
  4. what kind of ark would you like to see be created in the comics     I would like to see a Sonic and Knuckles type Arc in the future
  5. Sonic & Mega Man: WORLDS UNITE?!

    the only thing im thinking about is how archie knuckles would feel about his boom counterpart
  6. Sonic Boom (Comic Series)

    well even in the games they bash knuckles and still make him stupid(not to the extent of the comics though)
  7. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Well Maybe the Comics could have a deadly six back story which i would look forward to but if the comics aren't allowed to give game characters a back story then no i don't know how they can make the story better
  8. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    the thing i like about the pre reboot was it was more original( not saying that post reboot is not original in its own rights)
  9. Favorite One-Shot Character?

    Mephiles and neo metal sonic
  10. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    The Series got rebooted over Rights for Ken Penders Characters I personally didn't want the reboot to happen but so far the comic is pretty good
  11. Top overpowered characters

    the way Penders portrayed knuckles made him seem OP Chaos Knuckles Scourge E.V.E
  12. Sonic Runners (2015, Smartphone)

    hopefully in this game knuckles will have the personality he had in the dream cast era (if knuckles is in the game) and get shadow a new voice actor
  13. Shard's Fate?

    i dont think they will because ken penders also tried sue the makers of and the dark chronicles he lost but the court said if they use those characters again he could bring it to court again
  14. Another arc id like to see is a Sonic Lost World Arc that explains the Zetis Background and and why the Lost Hex is there and basically everything the game didn't go over
  15. Death Battle! Discussion

    shadow vs vegeta shadow should have won
  16. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    tbh is knuckles vs bark even a fair fight
  17. Top 3 best Sonic games by your opinion.

    1. Sonic 3 and Knuckles 2. Sonic Generations until planet Wisp 3. Sonic Adventure 2
  18. if its live action who is going to play eggman
  19. Sonic Boom (Comic Series)

    the sonic boom comics are canon to the sonic boom game
  20. Sonic Universe (Comic Series)

    yea i seen it its funny and bashes alot of characters
  21. Sonic Universe (Comic Series)

    from what i know technically knuckles only broke the emerald once and that was in the games (sonic adventure 2)
  22. Top Ten/Favourite Characters

    1. knuckles( childhood favorite) 2 .sonic 3. shadow 4. mighty 5. espio 6. vector 7. charmy 8. shard 9. lara sue 10. silver
