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Everything posted by ViciousPhantom

  1. For anyone who's interested, my review of Sonic the Hedgehog #269 is up!

  2. For those that are interested, I just uploaded my review of Sonic the Hedgehog #268!

  3. Games that you recently got

    Trust me, you got lucky with Other M not being read. 
  4. Just realized I didn't say anything about my review of Sonic the Hedgehog #266-267 when I uploaded it. If you care about it, here it is!

    1. HyperMetal50


      Pretty similar to how I thought of it. Though I think I'd be more critical in saying how poorly Sally handled that trap.

  5. I've had so little to do today that I'm actually being sort of productive.

    1. Shinomi-chan


      huh o_o That's great?

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      You can do that? O_O

    3. Shinomi-chan


      yes you can :D

  6. The Archie Sonic Artist Thread

    Yeah, Penders also had some pretty poor art, though he usually did a good job on colors and inks.
  7. Wow, site update. Gonna take some getting used to, but I kind of like it.

  8. I just finished reading The Curse of Ra Moon. It was all right. Ra Moon's plan still makes no sense.

  9. It's 2015 here, so Happy New Year!

  10. Five nights at Freddy's

    I hate to rain on you guys' parade, but nothing has confirmed about FNAF 3. In fact, Scott Cawthon stated himself that he hasn't even started working on the game. 
  11. I finally got around to watching Teen Titans Go. It's silly, kind of stupid, and not really anything like the 2003 series. And you know what? I actually kind of like it.

  12. Games that you recently finished

    I just finished my first playthrough of the Wii U version of Shantae and the Pirate's Curse. It was an amazing game on the 3DS and it's even better on Wii U.
  13. I'm a bit late on this, but Merry Christmas everyone!

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Merry Christmas!

  14. I'm trying to write a review for Sonic the Hedgehog #266-267, but I have no clue what to do for an introduction.

  15. Only a few more days until Christmas Break officially starts, though I don't really have any more lessons for the rest of the week, so you could say that I'm technically on Christmas Break right now.

    1. Shinomi-chan


      good for you ViciousPhantom :D my Christmas break starts today! xD

    2. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Enjoy the bonus days then! ;-p

  16. My review of Sonic Universe #5-8 is up!

    1. The Jest

      The Jest

      *Watches the Video. Watches two other videos...Subs instantly*

    2. BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      Cool review as usual, Vicious! Oh, before I forget... Thank you for reviewing my favorite SU arc! I've always really enjoyed Mobius X Years Later!

  17. It's only while editing this review that I notice how many people were knocked out in Sonic Universe #6.

  18. Sonic & Mega Man: WORLDS UNITE?!

    Yeah, though I wonder what they'll be doing in the main books while Worlds Collide is going on.
  19. Sonic & Mega Man: WORLDS UNITE?!

    Yeah, with those characters showing up too, I'm now a bit worried that Worlds Unite might end up feeling a bit cluttered, impacting the overall quality of the story.
  20. And now the editing phase begins on my review of Sonic Universe #5-8. Hopefully I can get it uploaded tomorrow!

  21. Games that you recently finished

    After a few years I finally got around to finishing the original Assassin's Creed. It was not a fun experience.
  22. Games that you are currently playing

    I just started my like, 4th playthrough of Assassin's Creed II. I love this game.
  23. Introduction Thread

    Welcome to Sonic SCANF!
  24. Games that had an impact on you

    EarthBound definitely had an impact on me. The characters and the world were so well developed that when the game ended with Smiles and Tears playing in the background, I actually teared up a bit. And the humor always makes me feel better when I'm feeling down.
  25. What kind of sonic the hedgehog comic ark would you like to see

    If I recall correctly, the upcoming Spark of Life arc in Sonic Universe centered mainly around Nicole. We might get some backstory from that.
