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About Cinescense

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  • Birthday 06/14/99

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  • Gender Male
  • Location Earth
  • Interests Sonic the hedgehog (obviously),sweets,soda (rotting my teeth Is well worth the taste of soda In my opinion...that would explain why my dentist hates me but anyways),video games,sonic comics (duh),

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  • PSN Cinescense

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  1. This Is a really old question to ask,but why wasn't Michael Jackson credited In Sonic 3 again?I've heard stuff from how he didn't like the quality to SEGA didn't credit him because of molestation charges back In the day.I know It was confirmed he helped out but why wasn't he exactly credited again?

    1. The_Duck


      I don't know if there was an official word as to exactly why. I remember hearing all of those things that you said, but I also remember hearing that he liked doing weird side work and asking not to be credited for it. I'm not sure if I've ever heard an exact reason. It could be a combination of some or all of those things. Be nice to find out though!

    2. Shadow


      I heard it was for the quality of the music indeed. MJ didn't really like the sound coming out of the Genesis. But I'm not entirely sure if that's true.

    3. Cinescense


      I wonder If there will ever come a day where we will have an exact reason.Oh well,nice to see I'm not the only one confused
