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Posts posted by Shinomi-chan

  1. Chapter 6: A Whole New World

    10300- years later after the second attack of Orgonax:

    An older gentleman is running through the city of Bonta, with a Dofus in hand. A Ruby Red Dofus, containing the wakfu of Shiroazaad and Aeri. The old man quickly hops into the shadows of an alleyway, eyeing the entrance suspiciously. He really doesn't have the time nor the patience for this. Not today. He had been through too much trouble to back down now. Footsteps became louder, as he hid in the shadows from his pursuers. The guard were crawling everywhere on high alert. It wouldn't be easy to get out. But thankfully, he never did step down from a challenge like that. 'Grougaloragran will not let these humans have their hands on his siblings Dofus. They must be protected at all costs.' He thought. Grougaloragran looked quite human, minus his dark markings, and overwhelming amount of wakfu, one would've thought he was just a regular human. His eyesight had gone bad, so no one expected an old man like that to steal, what was mistaken as Dragon Dofus, from highly guarded museum located in the heart of Bonta. He leapt in the air, dashing with the momentum given by near by buildings, to quickly get around like a nimble alley Bow-meow. The guards were confused and worried. How could they not find ONE, blind old man? They were supposed to be the elite group. Why would an old man want a Dofus anyway? Unless he was going to sell it to the highest bidder. Grougaloragran was not foolish enough for that, he needed to keep his family safe, until the egg would hatch. Then decide where it would be safe for them to grow. 

    He wasn't expecting Dofus Ruby to hatch on the way home. Now he had both an Eliatrope baby, and a dragon baby to take care of, and they were HUNGRY. 'This is why Grougaloragran doesn't take care of the newly born...' He thought to himself. Landing on the ground, then continuing fleeing by foot. To his unfortune, he attracted a lot of attention from the city's women, especially the older kind. They all wanted to see the cute baby, he had with him. Trying to hide Shiroazaad in the hood of his robes while he kept Aeri in his hands, he attempted to walk away, only to be surrounded by the curious onlookers. Everyone wanted to touch the small baby, see her rosey little cheecks, and small hands. Grougaloragran thought they were more trouble than what they were worth. He wasn't the most talkative type, but even he found it impossible to not answer some of the questions he was given: ;"What is her name?" Asked a thin and tall Osamodas. ;"Aeri." He simply stated. ;"How old is she?" Asked a Sacrier. ;"Just born." He said. The ladies laughed, staring how funny he was. Grougaloragran didn't understand, he had told them the truth, how was it funny? They asked if she was his, he told them she was his little sister, they laughed again, calling him a riot. He would never understand women.

    After answering for what seemed like a thousand questions, even though there were closer to twenty, he could finally Relax and exhale. FINALLY some peace and quiet. Until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He glanced behind him, a soldier. He had been found. ;"You." The guard said. "Have you seen an old man with a red Dofus around? It is important that he is captured immediately. Your assistance is greatly appreciated." Grougaloragran sighed. He simply shook his head as an answer. "Understood, thank you for your help citizen." The guard told him, jogging away. Grougal understood he would no longer look like a suspicious old man, but a new father. The Dofus was no more, so for once, he could take his time with getting home to Oma. It was going to be a long Journey.

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  2. Chapter 5: The End of Everything She Knew 

    Waiting for Nora's trials to start, Aeri assured Nora she'd do fine. She had been training vigoriously for this moment. Although she wondered why her trials were decided to be held so soon. She was still young, Aeri did hers when she was years older than her. Her thought escaped her as a familiar hand landed on her head. It was Qilby. ;"Sister- Aeri, may I borrow you for a moment?" He asked, she noticed a tone of urgency in his voice. ;"But Nora's trials.." she started. Qilby took a deep breath. ;"I'm aware, but this can not wait any longer I'm afraid. Please. Come with me." He said. Aeri looked back at her little sister. And back at him. She nodded her head. ;"Let me go tell her at least where I'm going-" She tried to say, but she was stopped. ;"There's no time." He told her, grabbing her hand gently but firmly enough to keep the hold. She was confused, but had never seen Qilby like this. She assumed this must have been EXTREMELY important. Whatever it was, it couldn't be good. She went with him, if only for the worry of what might be going on.

    They made their way to Qilby's lab. Walking down the spiral staircase was making Aeri nervous. He hadn't said a word, yet he kept glancing at her from time to time. ;"Qilby, what is going on? What is so important that I can't say 'bye' to Nora or even tell anyone where we're going?" She asked. No answer. Only when they were safely on the basement floor, did he speak: ;"There's something I've been working on for years" He started. "Something I've wished to do for the longest time, and I hope you would agree on this one with me." He said rather ominously. Aeri gave a few nervous glances. ;"Um, not that I'm judging but all this secrecy... It isn't Something taboo or illegal is it?" She asked hesitantly, her fingers fidgeting. He turned to look at her with a smile. ;"No it's not. The others just.. They Do not seem to understand what I'm trying to do here. Not even the King.." the latter part, he said with notable malice in his tone. ;"The King...? Um. What about Shinonome? Why isn't she here?" Aeri questioned. Qilby laughed. ;"She will be, once everything is ready. I wanted YOU to be the first one to see it though." He said, holding her hands in his. She could feel her face heating up from the sudden gesture, and his intense stare, but decided not to comment on it further. 

    He walked forward away from her, spreading his arms. Blue light surrounding him, his form changing. His hair turning black, skin white with black markings all over. A wakfu energy scythe appearing in his hands, his eyes glowing blue. Aeri witnessed this transformation, staring in awe. She had never seen him like this. Wondering if this was part of what was going on. He turned to speak to her: ;"I wish to leave this planet. And travel through the Krosmoz. I hoped you would come with me. Of course, Shiroazaad is more than welcome to come!" He told her. ;"Travel Krosmoz? But wouldn't that require using Zinit? Where would you get such energy?" She questioned. He smiled. ;"with the power of the Eliacube and this planet, nothing is impossible my dear." He explained. She wasn't sure just what he meant, but the moment was soon ruined by a loud roar. "Orgonax... If you would Excuse me for a while and wait here, I have some THING to take care of." He told her creating a portal, disappearing. ;"H-hey wait Qilby what do you mean-?" But he was gone. The ground shook, and Aeri heard, FELT lots of different wakfu. Not Eliatrope, not Mechasm, something else.

    She wanted to wait, but her entire being spoke against it. She ran as fast as she could, outside where the voices came from. She heard screams. The sky was black and red, ships landing one after one, some odd dog like creatures came out attacking everyone. A giant metallic thing was in the middle of it all, Orgonax. She wanted to fight him but her body simply couldn't move. Only after Shiroazaad came to her, did she come to her senses. "Brother? What happened here? What are these creatures?! Why are they attacking?" She panicked. He shook his head. ;"Don't know, they suddenly appeared. Our siblings need us." She then remembered Nora's trials. ;"Oh no.. Nora/Efrim, Glip/Baltazar, Mina/Phaeris, Chibi/Grougaloragran... WHERE are they??" She asked him. He turned into his dragon form, a giant black and white being appearing in front of her, she jumped on it's back, and they took off. They were on lookout for any of their siblings, many Eliatrope elders and adult were fighting. "The children?" She asked. ;"Evacuated as soon as those things appeared." He answered. She sighed in relief. Soon enough they saw some familiar figures, only... They weren't moving. Aeri landed next to them. ;"No... Nonononononono!" She ran to them, holding Mina in her arms. "Please sister, you can't be- we NEED YOU." She listened for a heartbeat. Nothing. She did the same for everyone, hoping even one of them would be alive. Nothing. Their lifeless bodies laid on the ground of the battlefield, they gave their all, but it wasn't enough. She couldn't seem to fiind Phaeris, Nora and Efrim, nor Grougaloragran and Baltazar. She assumed King Yugo was in charge of evaluation. 

    "WHY is this all happening to us again? Goddess.. What did we do to deserve this?! They didn't do ANYTHING!" She yelled, hitting the ground with her fists. Her eyes had a red glow, her skin had markings with similar hue. She looked up, to the ships still incoming, she breathed heavily, fuming. "I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU." She said. Making five portals above her, she released a devastating energy attack, releasing it onto them. The ships hit each other, exploding on impact. She flew up, using her energy and portals. She landed on top of another ship still in the air. "You did THAT to THEM. So now. I'LL do the same." She spoke to herself. Raising her hands up. Readying to attack. However Shiro grabbed her coat, nudging it. That made her understand. "...Sorry Shiro, but I.. I can't let them live-" he smacked her cheek. ;"Yes you can. We do NOT kill." He said sternly. ;"I... I just.." she wanted to cry. She didn't know if Nora was alright, she didn't know why her other siblings were killed. She didn't know why These beings even attacked in the first place. ;"Aeri!" Someone yelled from above. It was Qilby. He landed opposite of her. "Are you alright? What are you doing HERE? I told you to stay in the laborator-" he lectured, until he noticed her tears. "What happened? Where are the others??" He asked her. She looked down shaking her head. He understood. "I'm sorry you had to..Are you hurt?" He questioned. She shook her head again. 

    Another figure approached. Yugo. ;"QILBY!" He called. The scientist quickly turned to look at him ;"Oh great.. Just what I needed." He said sarcastically. Adamai and Yugo flew next to the ship. ;"Aeri's here? You need to get out of here it's dangerous!" The dragon told her. ;"Oh Don't worry Qilby and Shiroazaad are with me!" He told him. The dragon shook his head. ;"No you Don't understand QILBY IS the danger!" Adamai yelled. She was confused, as she turned to look at him. ;"Qilby what is he saying?" She asked. He refused to make eye contact. He reached his hand for her to take. ;"Please. Aeri, come with me. You do not Need to worry. You know I would never hurt YOU." He said. Shiro was growling, getting in between the two of them. ;"Qilby I.." Aeri started.

    A beam came towards the ship. She didn't react quickly enough. A warm sensation rushed over her. "What..?" She looked down, to her bleeding chest. It pierced through the left side. "Bro..ther..?" She fell. She heard vague sounds around her, but couldn't make up any of the words. She was sure her family called for her name. Her eyesight was getting blurry. She saw a dragon approaching. Shiro, he caught her. The last thing She saw, was Qilby, panicked look on his face. ;"Qil..by?.." And then her world became completely enveloped in darkness.

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  3. Chapter 4: The Sister's Test

    Aeri woke up, this time, not in her own room. Familiar, dimmer glow surrounded her. Once the figure became brighter, clearer, she recognized the room to be Qilby's lab. She was carefully placed on a table with a coat over her as blanket. She attempted to get back up, but a gently placed hand stopped her. ;"Please do not try to move sister. You just had a fall, and I would like to know the reason why." Qilby asked her, with a gentle yet stern voice. Aeri laid back down, taking a deep breath. She then told him what she had seen exactly. From the good times, to the War. She remembered most of it, but some details were still hazy. He took notes of everything she said, nodding along as she explained. Whenever she got too emotional, he would calmly give a light squeeze to her hand, to calm her down. Surprisingly it worked. In minutes, she calmed down, taking deep breaths. She promised herself she wouldn't cry, but it was becoming quite impossible. 

    She wasn't sure how long she spent sniffling and tearing up, but in the end, she stopped. Falling asleep on the table she had been formerly been carried to. Assumingly by Qilby, since he wouldn't let anyone else in his laboratory. Shiroazaad must've been furious leaving her alone, but knowing their brother, he'd know what to do.

    The next morning, she quickly hopped off of the table, noticing Qilby sleeping on a chair next to it. He must have been watching over her the entire night. Aeri gave a small smile, placing the coat on him, exiting quietly to allow him to sleep. In her opinion, he never got enough of it anyway. To her surprise, Shiro was sleeping against the door she came out of, making a small PLOP when he fell. Curiously he was STILL asleep. She attempted to gently nudge him awake. It didn't do much. She then, tried to carry him to their room, but it turned out to be harder than it looks. ;'How can a dragon this small, weigh THIS much?' She wondered, when he wouldn't move for even an inch. Her workload was solve for her, when he suddenly woke up, looking around confused, until his eyes laid on her. He quickly got up, embracing his twin tightly. ;"I was worried." He said. ;"I know." She answered. ;"I was here all night thinking up impossible scenarios, worrying for nothing." He continued. ;"I'm sorry." Is all she said. ;"It's okay." He told her, burying his head to her shoulder, not wanting to show the tears of relief falling from his cheeks.

    When a second pair of hands appeared around him, he jolted. ;"what're you crying for Shiro?" Nora asked, looking at him innocently. He covered his face with the high collar of his over coat. ;"I was not." He answered shyly. ;"Were to." She said, smiling slyly. Their arguing went on for a while, Aeri looking at the familiar scene. Considering Shiro hardly talked to anyone, this was a good and needed experience. ;"So Nora, why are you here? Worried about me?" Aeri asked. Nora shook her head. ;"Nope. Well kind of, I was worried you've overworked yourself like your teacher does. But mostly because, it is THE DAY." She said excitedly. Aeri looked at her little sister confused. ;"The day of my trials, so I can become a full Council member, like you two?" She said as if it was a wildly known fact. Her eyes widened. ;"Ohmy Goddess! Of course! Oh, Shiro we NEED TO BE THERE when Nora leaves for the trials!" Aeri gushed. Shiroazaad nodded. Nora looked happy. She took both of their hands, leading them to the training grounds to see her teacher, Glip.

    Once they arrived, Aeri took a step back. Glip and her, had always had a rocky relationship to say to least. She thought he hated her, because of her powers, and he didn't know how to help her. He would've taught her had he known how to handle the power of the Stasis, but it was too different from his expertise. Neither would really talk about the subject further, to avoid conflict. As a result they had both been staying far away from each other. The Councils gatherings were always sore at best. She took her brothers hand with quite a grip, but he didn't mind, he squeezed her hand in return. Nora knew of the problem, but didn't quite understand it. They were all different in their own way weren't they? So WHY were her big brother/teacher and big sister so awkward around each other? She decided not to ask though, they'd tell her when they were ready. Nora excitedly jumped around, her dragon brother Efrim, very much sharing that enthusiasm. Aeri always thought he looked like a beautiful fae-like being. Seethrough wings, big shiny eyes, and such Grace when flying. Sometimes she felt a bit jealous, watching Nora and him play. She wanted to feel that freedom. Yet she felt trapped because of her... DIFFERENCE. But at the very least, she could make sure no one else would have to feel like her. Nora was fidgeting from excitement, even though she'd have preparing training before her actual trials started. They would have to wait for everyone to gather around. Including the King. Aeri quickly sneaked towards Baltazar to have a talk with the wise old dragon. Him and her got along smoothly, he would give her advice. She would stay and read with him and for him, as his eyesight wasn't what it used to be.

    She snuck behind Shiro, making a small portal while Glip was talking to Nora, going through the rules of the said trials. Reappearing in front of the slightly snoring dragon. She tapped his front leg lightly. Baltazar opened his big white eyes sleepily, staring at the small figure in front of him curiously. ;"Aeri? Is that you?" The big red dragon groggily asked. She nodded. ;"How long do you think your brother over there, can go on with the rules?" She asked him jokingly. Baltazar took a look at his Eliatrope twin, currently lecturing the younger set of siblings. ;"Knowing Glip, this might take quite awhile" He answered seriously. She giggled at that, knowing full well he was right. She pet his head in Caring, loving manner. Something poked her side, she soon realized it was Glip's cane. ;"You too could learn a thing or two about the rules." He stated. She looked to the side, avoiding eye contact. ;"I uh- Yes brother. Sorry. I just thought I'd let you and Nora finish your talk." She answered, walking away in shame. 

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  4. Chapter 3: Memories, Like Dreams

    Aeri was standing on a tall cliffside, looking at the view, way down below. The water was so clear, you could easily see the very bottom of the ocean, all the different creatures swimming around, peacefully, harmoniously. She streched her limbs, sitting down to wait. A dragon flew high in the blue sky. Had he not had his black markings all over his body, one could've easily mistaken him for a cloud. His big wings made huge gusts of wind, as he landed near the Eliatrope. Lowering his head, bending his tall neck down toward her, the dragon opened his eyes, gazing at his sibling. Deep Blue eyes staring into Shamrock Green ones. Aeri gently stroke the snout of the big dragon, getting a satisfied huff in response. The Sun would soon be setting, sky turning in hue, to a lovely shade of red.

    Taking in the fresh air, before she'd have to return home. Suddenly, an odd sound echoed through the air, becoming louder every passing second. The sky seemed to darken in an instant. Ominous black clouds creating a vortex like shape in the sky. Thick smoke began spreading rapidly. Screams filled the air. Sounds of heavy machinery became louder and louder, as a giant dark shadow appeared above. Roaring metallic monsters landed, shaking the planet. Aeri quickly jumped on her dragon brothers back, the two taking off in a flash. The closer they got, the heavier the air got. The smoke was filling their vision, burning sensation hurting their eyes. Trying not to breath it in too much, they scanned the area of any Eliatropes and Dragons.

    While it seemed like most of them had gotten out of the worst war zone, some were still in the thick of it. Fleeing for their lives, or trying to fight the monstrous invaders, it all ended the same. A beam of light came down from the sky, a huge explosion following soon after. Once the dust settled, there was nothing left, but burnt pieces of cloth. The siblings couldn't find their family from the eye of the storm, assuming they were already aboard the ship. A few Eliatropes tried their hardest to destroy, or at the very least slow down their attackers. Shiroazaad breath fire at the closest enemies, blocking their pathway, while his sister lead the remaining citizens to Zinit

    When she was sure everyone was on-board, Aeri gave Shiro a signal to retreat. All she could see was their now destroyed home, and a giant being in the middle of it. It's red eyes and glowing energy core instilled fear. Just before their ship took off, she heard something. A voice. It was sudden, but she was sure of it. It was child's cry. While Aeri couldn't tell exactly where the noise came from, before she even realized it, she was already running back. 

    Creating portals at a fast pace, Aeri flew through the air, avoiding the dangerous beams of light, which were falling like raindrops. Using the front of her poncho she managed to somehow, not faint because of the smoke. Thundering booming noises were all around her, she could hardly focus on trying to hear the near silent cries of a child, lost in the chaos. When she found the Eliatrope in question, Aeri quickly saw another problem. Not only was the child too young to be able to control his wakfu, but he seemed to have hurt his arm. Portaling through the smoke was already difficult, but with a small kid who was wounded... There was no error for mistakes, or they would both end up dead. Sure she could reincarnate after some time, but the child with her was different. Not only that, the chances of his parents both being on-board Zinit were 50-50. Depending on where they had been during the attack. 

    She couldn't stop second guessing, but picked up the small kid anyway. Attempting to create a portal, while holding smaller Eliatrope, proved to be harder than she initially thought. So the other option had to be used. She ran as fast as she could, jumping past, over and sliding under the beams the best she could. Covering the child's face with the fabric of her coat, while trying to predict the movements of the enemy was incredibly hard, she had no idea if she was running the right way, and trying to focus in the middle of it all was impossible. She could only silently pray, that her family would be able to sense her distress. 

    It seemed like her prayers were answered, a dragon's roar made it's way to her ears. Aeri squinted her eyes, seeing the figure of her brother changing from Dragon, to more human looking. When she reached him, she gave the child to him. ;"Please take him to Zinit. I'll distract the metal giant." She told him. Shiro had no time to even attempt to talk his sister out of it, when she already created a red portal, hopping through it. Making another near the being, she landed directly behind it, giving her the element of surprise. Soon, above the metallic monster, were three similar red portals, which she then used, to send an energy blast right in it's face. That seemed to get it's attention, but now it was REALLY mad. Dashing toward Aeri, she barely avoided it's claws. It rip through some of the fabric, but not deep enough to cut the skin, not just yet. Quickly trying to make another portal to go into, she waved her hand in a circular motion, but her other one was grabbed by a giant hand. She felt herself being lift off of the ground, grabbed by her collar, and her body colliding with the hard ground, in the blink of an eye.

    Everything around her was spinning, the back of her head hurt like hell, and her limbs were heavy as lead. She got up, wobbling, trying to locate the beast, only to be hit to the chest, and sent flying into the air. Dusty, cold ground broke her fall. She tried to turn to her side. Cold liquid fell down from the side of her head, falling on the ground when she stood up. Red was covering her body, cuts all over her. Aeri knew she couldn't win against the being on her own, not in that condition, and not here. Gritting her teeth, ignoring most of the pain, she ran. She tried to call for her sibling. There was no answer. Sounds of the metallic being chasing her echoed in her ears. She attempted to yell for Shiroazaad, anyone. All she could hear coming from her mouth, was a tired wheeze. Her legs were already giving up on her. She could barely see the blue light coming from Zinit. She was close. With the last of her power, she panicking trying to force a portal. Energy came from her hand, but half way forming the portal it disappeared. 

    She gave out frustrated tears, hitting the ground. Attempting to stand straight, ended up in her falling back on her knees. She had no energy left. A shadow loomed over her, turning to see the giant metal being raising it's claw, Aeri could do nothing but close her eyes, waiting for it to be over. And then, there was pain, burning sensation spread through her entire being, but she had no more energy left to even let out a scream. Then, it became so cold, and finally, there was nothing but endless darkness.

    Aeri gave out a gasp when she woke up. Her heart racing like crazy. Cold sweat covering her body. She looked around. She was safe. In her room. With his brother. Just like usual. She hugged her knees, taking a few deep breaths. "Alright Aeri. You're fine. You're home. It was only a dream. Well a... vision of past? A vision dream?" She said to herself, turning to take a look at her silently snoring twin brother, who had somehow managed to poke holes in his blanket with his horns. "We have to find you a hat brother.." she quietly said, poking the small black horns, growing from his head. She laid back down on her bed, staring at the ceiling. 'How many times have I seen that dream now? Why is it always about THAT day?' She thought. 

    She was soon brought back from her trance, when there was a Knock on the door. Jumping out from the bed, and checking her hat was still on, she opened the door. It was her little sister Nora. ;"Aeri! Aeri! Aeri!" She beamed. ;"What is it? Isn't it too early for you to get out of the class? Did you sneak out again?" Aeri questioned. Nora shook her head ;"Nononono! Nothing like that! Actually this is HUUUUGE news!" She practically jumped in place. Aeri gave a questioning look as an answer to that, raising her eyebrow. "I'm going to have my trials to become part of the Council soon!" Nora smiled. ;"And you woke ME up because...?" Aeri asked, rubbing her tired eyes. Nora grabbed her hand: ;"Obviously, because I want YOU to be there, to see me off!" She said excitedly. This woke Shiro up, as the young dragon attempted to stand up, his hair a total mess, and one of his horns stuck in a pillow. Nora gave a look at him. "Of course, Shiroazaad should be there too!" She continued. He gave her a tired wave as a response, before walking to the dresser. 

    Aeri's mind was still jumbled because of the nightmare. But despite all of it, she wanted to be there, for her little sisters special day. Her head was pounding, she tried to gather her thoughts. All she saw were flashes of light. Like a film, everything that had happened, came in like a tidal wave. Flashes of previous lives. The planets they had visited, seen, and lived on. So, so many years of travelling, all in order to get away from the threat, that once nearly killed their civilization. So many years of knowledge, suddenly hitting her head all at once. She felt sick. The world was spinning. She barely heard what Nora tried to say to her. All she saw, was the form of her brother, barely catching her in time. And then She lost consciousness. 

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  5. Austin Keys, director of production services at SEGA of America, recently updated his employment information on Linkedln. There was an item " Port popular Sonic titles to new-to-SEGA PC platforms, expanding availability of Sonic Titles to a wider digital audience".


    Will Sonic Unleashed or Sonic Colors become a reality on PC? Or even Shadow The Hedgehog?

    God. If Black Knight, Secret of The Rings, Colors, Lost World ever comes on playstation, I would be over the frigging Moon. I never had the chance to play those due to not owning Wii. I would love to. For the story. Even if the gameplay would be garbage I wish I could play those.

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  6. @Shinomi-chan blast some Crush 40 and take off on some extreme gear! Why cause it's your Birthday. Happy Birthday and Cheers To Many More.

    (as always i'm fashionably late) =)

    better late than never my friend! 

    Happy birthday and best wishes Shinomi!

    Merry Birthmas Shinomi!

    Thank you everyone! (Merry Birthmas to you tooThire pretty sure I've missed some Birthday wishes)

  7. I think this relates to the topic. Classic Sonic is finally dying (sorry classic gamers) CLASSIC SONIC IS OFFICIALLY DEAD-PREMYDAREMY

    I wanted it to be off the Idw series but Ian Flynn confirmed he has nothing to do with it.

    I hope it isn't Sonic Boom season 3 because that just bringing more hate to the franchise 

    A continuation of Sat-Am would be cool but i dunno if Jaleel White is up to it.

    A continuation of Sonic Underground would bring Deviant Art fans joy

    A continuation of Sonic X would bring me joy ( and of course others!)

    If they base it off past games i'll give it somewhat of a chance 

    It all depends what direction Wild Brain is going in


    Yeah a series based off of IDW would be too soon, since we don't have enough material to go with. It could have like the first two arcs, but I assume this was announced way earlier than when the earlier arcs were completed.

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  8. Ya know I think Dr.Eggman and Donald Trump would be great pals, they both like to boost their own ego, Walk around like they're important, boast about their great accomplishments and what great plans they have, and then run away when their plan SURPRISE SURPRISE didn't work.

  9. Granted but it's somehow even more boring than Man of Steel, (and let's not even TALK about the ending) but let's just say that it makes Batman vs. Superman look like a Cinema MASTERPIECE.

    I wish that they would sell Sonic IDW (or anything Sonic really) in my country 

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