Geoffrey St John replied to Shadow's topic in Party Games
*Kills Shinomi with Hyperion before she can steal it*
(If I had a real Hyperion I would never let anyone touch it. It is my absolute favorite Final fantasy weapon of all)
Granted but your parents burn you as a witch.
I wish that Penders was declared bankrupt.
Geoffrey St John replied to Shadow's topic in Party Games
Granted but it makes you its toilet
(Sephiroth's sword is called the Masamune and Cloud's is the bustersword)
I wish I had the Leonhart and Hyperion gunblades (Squall's final gunblade and Seifer's)
Geoffrey St John replied to Shinomi-chan's topic in Light Role-Plays
"Sticks, Kit shall we head off now?" Asked Hershey just as he phone rang. She answered and after a minute hung up.
"That was Geoffrey, he said that since Zelian has been naughty they are not able to play today" said Hershey.
Geoffrey St John replied to Shinomi-chan's topic in Light Role-Plays
Geoffrey quickly lifted up his son and held tightly. "Seviper sorry for Zelian's outburst I will be sure to punish him for it. Butvyou should teach your son not to insult his friends like that. Hersh I am taking Zelian home youbenjoy your shopping trip" said Geoffrey before he left taking Zelian home.
"Sticks you still ok with coming on this trip or do you need to go to Bitey?" Asked Hershey.
Geoffrey St John replied to Shinomi-chan's topic in Light Role-Plays
Zelian heard Bitey and kicked his ball towards Bitey's face as hard as he could. "NEVER INSULT MY IXIS HERITAGE!" Yelled an enraged Zelian causing Geoffrey to have to restrain his son.
Geoffrey St John replied to Shinomi-chan's topic in Light Role-Plays
"We are friends so a little shopping can't be a badvthing" said Hershey.
"Lets play footbal! Dads vs Sons!" Yelled Zelian excitedly.
Geoffrey just smirked at the idea and walked towards Zelian.
Geoffrey St John replied to MetalSkulkBane_PL's topic in Party Games
Professor Layton and the Ixis Skunk
Persona Chaos: A Shadowed Existance
Geoffrey St John: Duty of Darkness
Geoffrey St John: Road of the spy
Geoffrey St John: Path of Mystic intent
Geoffrey St John replied to Shinomi-chan's topic in Light Role-Plays
"Hmm why am I the chef?" Said Geoffrey as a lollipop appeared in his left hand and a chillidog in his right. He fave the lollipop to Darkness and the chillidog to Shini.