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Geoffrey St John

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Everything posted by Geoffrey St John

  1. Sonic SCANF Youtube channel?

    If we include Sonic in the name it sounds like we are exclusive to Sonic stuff  but we won't be. I think maybe we should exclude Sonic from the channel name.
  2. Sonic SCANF Youtube channel?

    How about this acronym Skunk Cat Anime-nerd Nanohog Fox  It does spell out SCANF and it puts me on top where I belong! But I suggest we get a logo design then try to incorporate that into the channel name.
  3. Discussion about true heroes

    The title of this thread may be confusing but allow me to explain what it means. Let me make it clear that this will contain spoilers so read on at your own risk.   Recently I have been watching Naruto Shippuden and I came to my own views of who is the true hero of the show. Yes many people would say that the namesake is the true hero but I disagree. While the show does have several heroic characters such as the sacrificial Obito Uchiha and the bad##s Kakashi  Hatake. The true hero for me is the Prince of dark peace Itachi Uchiha . That is why Itachi Uchiha is the true hero of Naruto.   Now that I have made my case above I invite you all to say who you think is the true who of any anime or show. But let me be clear about one thing while you are free to disagree with others you can not personally attack anyone for their opinions and anyone who does will be dealt with swiftly. This thread is for friendly discussion and not for insulting or attacking others.   
  4. Christmas role-play?

    "Hey Myra can you fill Peggy and  Techno in on what happened. Sasha you and Ash come with me" said G as he lead the pair into a private spot. G took a deep breath and sighed. "After you two left something happened. That robot got damaged and crashed into the orphanage. It blew up and now there is nothing left of it" said G.  Sasha burst into tears and leaped into G's arms. G hugged her and tried his best to comfort her while Ash just remained silent. Ash then walked out of the hospital and as soon as he was out the door he ran as fast as he could back to the place where his home once stood.
  5. I started a new thread in the off topic section. While I know it could be asking too much but I would like a proper discussion or a debate with people with actual intellect on the subject at hand.

  6. Sonic SCANF Youtube channel?

    GHH? (Geoffrey's hypnotized henchmen) Haha well the name is a key factor we need to consider. I personally think that we should not use Scanf in the name since we no longer have any scans here causing that name to be slightly misleading and could cause some unnecessary drama.
  7. Sonic SCANF Youtube channel?

    As someone who has been to a convention I have to say it could be interesting to have a video of one. But the first step of this should be to name the channel.
  8. Sonic SCANF Youtube channel?

    If we are going to do this I would recommend that the first step should be a channel name. And maybe picking a project leader. Given that There has some experience in this maybe he should be the leader for the time being. I personally think the first project should be Sonic related so a new game would be ideal since both the player and the viewer will be having a new experience.
  9. Christmas role-play?

    "Let's go inside now" said G as he locked the van and walked into the hospital but as soon as he stepped inside he was greeted by a loud voice. "BIG BROTHER G!" Yelled Sasha as she ran into G' s arms.   "Oh haha there she is. Thank you for your help" said Ash as he walked back to Techno and pushed him near to G.
  10. Christmas role-play?

    G was shocked by what he just heard but quickly regained himself. "So it is my fault the orphanage was targeted. Guess that means I have another thing to make up for. Oh! We are here everyone" said G as he parked the minivan and got out.   Ash pushed Techno to the lobby and walked up to the receptionist. "Hi can you tell me how Sasha is doing?"Asked Ash.
  11. Christmas role-play?

    G realised what was happening and decided to help. "Hey kid. This gem of mine is important isn't it. I think Amy said it was an emerald. What do you know about It?" Asked G.   "Thank you for helping Techno Doc. I will take him back to the lobby now" said Ash as he started to help Techno into his feet then the wheelchair.
  12. Last to post wins v3.0

    *sets off an explosive under Shini* Looks like Team rocket is blasting off again.
  13. Last to post wins v3.0

    *infects Skye with a virus that turns him into a skunk* "Everything changes"
  14. Name a cartoon or anime character

    Lars Barringa from the universe of Steven. "Be cool Steven"
  15. Christmas role-play?

    "Just stop! There is no use dwelling on this. It is over now so let us just move on and find new paths to follow. What would you do if your server crashed?" Asked G with a serious look on his face.
  16. Christmas role-play?

    "We couldn't stop that pyrobot either. It destroyed the orphanage and hurt Techno. Don't let this get you down kid" said G as he continued driving.
  17. Ban the above poster

    Banned by being banned.
  18. Last to post wins v3.0

    Oh look it is a potion that turns you into a duck.
  19. Last to post wins v3.0

    Scrooge really should not have let Giro become a biologist.
  20. Last to post wins v3.0

    Inside Seviper's mind.
  21. Ban the above poster

    Banned because I have no trainee spys anymore. They all go insane when I assign then to spy on Seviper for a week.
  22. Last to post wins v3.0

    Oh look it is Launchpad McQuack!
  23. Christmas role-play?

    "Ash took Techno to the hospital after he was hurt in battle. We are going there to see how he is and for me to tell Ash what happened to the orphanage" said G as he began driving.
  24. I recently found a way to watch many different shows. So any suggestions to what I should watch? 

    1. Katmuffin


      Voltron: the legendary defender. (Not the 80's one) But that's on Netfilx, so, maybe not the best suggestion

    2. BlurryDawgo


      Wait, are talking about KissCartoon?

    3. Geoffrey St John

      Geoffrey St John

      Nope not that Blur.

  25. Fan Characters (Wanna see what ya made!)

    Looks like you saw Shego. That is the name of a villain from the show Kim possible. Your power seems like hers in that picture.
