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Posts posted by NegaMetallix

  1. Kind of off topic, but I've always been confused on what the genesis wave arcs were. Are they basically "reboots" of the series? Because I hear that's when Sally got her new design in order to keep her in line with the game character designs. Which, by the way, I loved the SatAM design. From what I read, it seems like it's just a way for them to redo the past or something like that.

    Skye's pretty much summed it up, but this might help clear it up too:

    In-universe, the original Genesis Wave was a device used by Eggman in the old continuity to 'reboot' Mobius (but only Mobius Prime; the rest of the multiverse was unaffected), hoping that it would finally give him the victory he desired. This lead to the events of 'Genesis' in issues 226-229, set in an altered Mobius (but not related to the new continuity's Mobius). As usual, Sonic beat Eggman anyway, and used Chaos Control while Super to set the world back as it was (AKA around issue #225), but the Chaos Emerald that Eggman used for the original Genesis Wave somehow disappeared after that.

    It wasn't until the Emerald was found by Dr. Wily on Mega Man's world, and the two doctors teamed up, that another Genesis Wave was activated, this time affecting both Mobius Prime and Earth 20XX (maybe the Sol Zone too, but it's hard to tell). This pretty much turned Sonic's world into a pure 'games-only' version (i.e. no Freedom Fighters) and moved Mega Man's world into the future slightly, and kicked off the events of 'Worlds Collide'. The doctors' ultimate plan during this was to collect all 7 Chaos Emeralds and launch a Super Genesis Wave, which would affect the entire multiverse. Sonic and Mega Man beat them, but have to use another Super-powered Chaos Control to restore their worlds. Mega Man succeeds (sending him back before his world was affected) but Eggman prevented Sonic from successfully restoring Mobius to its original state.

    Because of this, Sonic's world is very different from before. Now the world is closer to the games in terms of events and continuity, but still has elements of the old world here-and-there, such as the Freedom Fighters and some other characters. But most (if not all) of them have been redesigned to fit better into the Sonic series. However, the rest of the multiverse (minus the Sol Zone) was completely transformed, with worlds like the Sonic Boom Zone now existing.

    Short version is, the Genesis Wave events ('Genesis' & 'Worlds Collide') are kinda just their own thing that happen to tie-in with later events.

  2. Just to help clear things up about the delays:

    Sonic #280 still has a while to get released, mostly because #279 still hasn't been physically released. Yes, that issue is already on the site, but that's because Archie did briefly release the digital version on time (November 2015).

    However, it (and Universe #82) were quickly removed for some reason, and both were delayed to January 2016. From what I've heard, though, this can be a common thing with comic books.

    Now, Universe #82 was released physically within the last few weeks, but Sonic #279 (and now, Universe #83) keeps getting delayed. As of now, these are the release dates:

    - Sonic #279: February 24th

    - Universe #83: Early March

    - Sonic #280: Late March

    Annoying? Oh, yes indeed! But I just thought I'd clear that up for everyone curious. Hopefully, things will get back on track by March/April.

  3. Okay, I think I need to go back to the drawing board.

    Seeing as I've made a lot of changes between the original post and now, I think it'll be easier for me to start up a new topic. That way, I can bring you all the actual story instead of just changing it all the time.

    As for this one, I'd prefer it to just be locked. It's nice to look back at the early ideas, but I don't plan to expand on it anymore.

    Either way, I'll be creating a new Worlds Align topic later on, in which I will FINALLY start the story. But for now... rest easy, heroes.

  4. Oh, he’s a new character... kinda. Him and the other Witchcarters (along with Wendy 'Witchcart' Naugus herself) were the villains of the game 'Tails Skypatrol' for the SEGA Game Gear. I don't believe they've appeared in anything since that game, though.

  5. *shrugs* Who knows. Probably doing work for other comics or companies.

    Anyway, I didn't actually realise that the main covers for "Panic in the Sky" are gonna be interconnected  (just like "Countdown to Chaos" was). In that case, the purple guy's probably just there as part of a 'villain ensemble' for the Shattered World Saga as a whole.

  6. This should be interesting, seeing as both this and the other Sonic story are pretty much ending the Shattered World Saga (at last!).

    And to think, it only took just over a year of world-building, along with a thrown-together crossover halfway, to reach this point.

  7. Rule of thumb between Penders characters and Flynns characters. If it first appeared before issue 160, it's a Penders character. If after, it's a Flynn character. This doesn't count the other writers, it's just a general thing

    Thrash was a very late show in the comics

    Well, that's not entirely true. Don't forget about the other pre-Ian writers, like Mike Gallagher or Karl Bollers. But yeah, Thrash is usable either way.

    However, I don't think that's Thrash on the cover. Looks like one of the redesigned Witchcarters to me. (They're Wendy Naugus' henchmen, and they'll be against Eggman in the upcoming Universe arc, Eggman’s Dozen.) I don't remember his name, but he's on one of the "Eggman’s Dozen" covers.

    Though it's odd to see him here. Maybe something happens at the end of Eggman’s Dozen to explain why...

  8. ...Aaaand now I feel like a doofus. After some last-minute thinking, I've decided to go back on removing Sigma. Unfortunately, this will mean that Mr. X and Boom!Eggman are no longer part of the main villain ensemble. (They'll still have roles to play in the event, however.)

    That said, the next post of mine here WILL be the Prologue chapter, so here's what you need to know:

    - Sonic and the Freedom Fighters have saved the world, and defeated the Deadly Six.

    - Mega Man has met Bass, and almost killed Dr. Wily after beating him once again.

    - X and the Maverick Hunters haven't heard from Sigma in a while, and fear he's up to something big.

    - The Sonic Boom heroes (minus Sticks) have been captured by a mysterious foe, and taken to an unknown location.

    Apologies for any confusion caused by this; I'm kinda new to the whole fanfiction thing. The intro post will be updated soon.

  9. True, but I'm sure that, deep inside, every mad scientist wishes to conquer the world eventually. If someone came to Boom!Eggy and told him that they could help him not only control the village, but so much more too, would he not be even somewhat tempted?

    In any case, I can assure you that Boom!Eggy won't be taking things too seriously. He'll realise when he's about to cross his moral line. Otherwise, what would be the point of regular Eggman being in this? (...Well, aside from the obvious partnership with Wily again.) ☺

  10. One thing I wonder about Gold (and that makes me think that Gold's introduction was not really thought out) what was she doing during Worlds Unite? The Silver Age takes place before the event, so she definitely exists and is with Silver and von Schlemmer during the events of the story, but what is she doing? 

    It certainly is a mystery, though I already have a theory related to the end of 'The Silver Age', as to where they might be:

    Maybe, Silver and Co. get sent to the Nexus world teased at the end of Worlds Unite, and Silver's officially given his mission there: to help close ALL the Genesis Portals across the multiverse. (I mean, c'mon. There's gotta be more than just one psychic hedgehog trying to close these things, right?)

    Maybe Gold and the Professor stayed there or headed back to Silver's timeline around the time Sigma started his plan. Granted, it's a long shot (and also kind of a moot point now that Worlds Unite technically never happened) but not necessarily impossible...

  11. No worries. I will say that, with Boom!Eggman, he'll most likely be something of a middle-ground villain or anti-hero after a certain point in the story.

    As the description says, he’s mostly working with them on the promise of having total control of his world. But if anyone knows Dr. Nega well, it's gonna become pretty obvious that he's only using Boom!Eggman.

    That's not to say that Boom!Eggy will just be a laughing stock to both heroes and villains, though. I'm hoping to find a way of making him a decent threat, whichever side he's on, but not quite on the same level as Archie!Eggman or Eggman Nega.

  12. To put my thoughts very bluntly...

    No, no, no, no, and NO!

    Tails is a kid, and NICOLE's an AI. There is absolutely ZERO chance of this EVER becoming canon in the comic. Ian's already said that these kind of 'ships' won't happen, and Tails is prohibited from any non-SEGA relationships anyway.

    I know it seems like I'm shooting down nearly every single suggestion you've had so far (and, in fairness, I have noticed myself doing that a lot lately), but they just never seem... realistic. I might be harsh in my wording of it, but I just need to get it out.

    I apologise if this offends you, and I'll leave it at that.

  13. Actually Shard is a possibility for returning. While the power gem is from an old story it was originally from the metal Sonic that fought Knuckles and his chaotix on Angel island. And that story was actually adapted from the fame Knuckles Chaotix. Meanibg the power gem is from a game and possibly usable in the new continuity.

    But the power gems aren't in the Knuckles Chaotix game, just the comic adaptation. You might be thinking of the Chaos Rings.

    The other issue is that Shard, despite constantly switching between being called 'Metal' or 'Mecha', was still the original Metal Sonic. And with SEGA's "only one Metal Sonic" mandate, Shard can't be associated with his origins at all.

    Even if you were to use the alternative option ("Oh, just make him Mecha Sonic or an older Silver Sonic instead", for example) it wouldn't make Shard... well, Shard.

    Basically, without the things necessary for his origin (Metal Sonic) or his personality (the Power Gem), there's no real way to bring Shard back. The closest we can get would just be a robot hedgehog calling itself 'Shard'.

  14. I do like the story so far after the reboot, being a fan of the Unleashed game and all. I'm still hoping they'll bring in more characters from the old timeline, like Shard and the SFF. At least Shard, I miss him.

    Nother gonna happen, I'm afraid. Shard's connection to the old continuity (that being his power gem) wasn't created by Ian or SEGA, so Shard can't be used. (Unless there was some kind of workaround for it, but there isn't one right now.) The rest of the SFF (barring Silver, obviously) definitely ain't coming back.

  15. UPDATE 2: Okay, I've chosen to ditch Sigma as a villain in this one. I can't seem to find a way for him to work with Dr. Nega without quickly backstabbing the latter, similar to Worlds Unite with the Deadly Six. As such, his place will be taken by Mr. X (due to MM Issue 55 showing him fall through what looks like a Genesis Portal) and Boom!Eggman (which may seem an odd choice, but I have a way for it to work). Hopefully, I should have nearly everything covered for now. My next plan is to write down and release the prologue chapter to this event (kinda like the Free Comic Book Day issues).

  16. The Rogues have always been Riders-exclusive villains/rivals, probably because there isn't much to them outside of using Extreme Gear. I mean, they do make for a cool 'Anti-Team Sonic' of sorts, but at the same time, I just don't really see them having a noteworthy place in the main games.

    As for whether-or-not I'd like to see another Riders game in the future... eh, maybe. I never really had a big connection to the games before (though I do still enjoy Zero Gravity) and after the mess that was Free Riders, it's hard to say if SEGA really want to bring it back at all. I certainly won't lose sleep over it.

    In terms of characters I'd like to see if they did ever make a new one, though...

    - Obviously, nearly all of the characters that have been playable so far. (Perhaps replacing the uninteresting EggRobos with, oh I dunno, OMEGA?!)

    - I'd have no interest in seeing the SatAM cast (be it new or original) added considering that, outside the comics, they really don't represent the series now.

    - However, adding to the first point, bringing back the SEGA guest characters (NiGHTS, AiAi, Amigo etc.) and maybe even expanding it would be awesome.

  17. ...You're talking about that little 'Nexus' thing that Sticks was talking about, right? If anything, that world is probably there more as a hint towards something else, not necessarily another Sonic/Mega Man crossover. Maybe some kind of miniseries or new comic allowing small crossovers with other franchises. Though I do have one potential theory as to what it may be used for: (SPOILERS FOR THE LATEST SONIC UNIVERSE ARC!)

    At the end of the 'Silver Age' story arc in Sonic Universe (issues 79-82) Silver, Gold and Professor Von Schlemmer fell into a Genesis Portal, but we don't find out where they went. However, we at least know that Silver will eventually team up with Sonic twice (first to deal with the Ifrit on Sonic's World, then to stop Metal Sonic and get the Chaos Emerald in another world) and even meet the Maverick Hunters in 21XX (that part of Worlds Unite is still canon).

    So... maybe the world where Silver and Co. end up after 'The Silver Age' is, in fact, the Nexus world hinted at in Worlds Unite? It may be a stretch, but it could help to further explain why Silver is going to all these different worlds to stop the Genesis Portals, rather than just Sonic's world. Heck, if I were to make an even crazier guess, what if the Nexus world is actually Gold's HOMEWORLD?! (...Okay, that one might be pushing it...)

    Either way, I'm near-certain that we're not getting any more crossovers anytime soon. The Unleashed arc is priority one for the Sonic comics now.

  18. On the Worlds Unite thing, it should also be noted that a lot of the problems could very well be traced back to Paul Kaminski (the former editor for Archie Sonic & Mega Man) demanding that certain things be done in the crossover, before he left and was replaced by the new editor, Vincent Lovallo, just before the crossover started. (I believe Paul's now working at either Marvel or DC...) Anyway, the things he wanted included the multiple SEGA/Capcom franchises (but were only allowed to appear in the final act, barring Street Fighter, possibly due to licensing costs), make Xander Payne pretty much THE main character of the arc (this was heavily trimmed down, thankfully) and have someone notable killed off to "up the stakes" for the main characters.

    This post from Ian Flynn himself, back when Worlds Unite was happening, should clear some things up in regards to Team Dark's (temporary) demise:

    Paul Kaminski felt the stakes were not personal enough for the heroes. I felt like losing your entire planet was personal enough, and I didn't want the crossovers to be required reading to enjoy the regular books. When it was made clear I had to kill someone off, we had a long debate over who, and Paul made it clear it had to be someone important. So I went with Shadow and Team Dark. You know SEGA wouldn't let us kill them off, so I felt it would take some sting out of the inevitable death-cheat. If I have to insert that kind of drama, I'm going to try to lampshade it so fans know I'm aware of it.

    So yeah, Ian didn't want someone to die (at least, not permanently) in a crossover event, which makes sense to me. I mean, what if your only a fan of one series, decide to skip the crossover, then learn that someone important died during that "just for fun" event? Hence, Ian chose someone(s) who knowledgeable readers would know are gonna survive anyway. Cop-out? I guess, but to me it still makes sense in the grand scheme of things.

  19. While I'm not really sold on the whole 'Copy Flash Villains' idea personally, there are some things I wanna say:

    - I would really like to see an ice-based villain (with ice/freezing abilities) appear at some point. I think the closest we have so far is Egg Boss Tundra, but he hasn't actually shown any sign of having these abilities. Then again, 'Eggman's Dozen' is soon to be released, so... who knows?

    - As for the 'Reverse-Flash/Scourge' idea, well... there's already Metal Sonic (and Shadow, to an extent). Granted, the only times he's appeared so far is when he's outnumbered, leading him to be defeated and/or tricked out of a battle. Despite that, he's definitely still more of a threat now than he was pre-reboot (probably why Scourge still had some relevance). No matter how many times Sonic beat's Metal, he just keeps coming back, sometimes even stronger than before. Heck, even when facing both Sonic AND Silver in a burning wasteland, Metal was only beaten after they sealed him away in another dimension, and managed to function long enough for Eggman to bring him home. Anyway... I think I've made my point clear. Besides, I really don't see SEGA allowing another super-speedy hedgehog (or equivalent) being allowed to exist unless they make anotherone themselves.

  20. Well, back in Issue 252 (when the reboot started) Tails noted that they hadn't seen Silver since they "rescued the Wisps" back in Sonic Colours (the DS version). And with the Ifrit in that Genesis Portal story confirming Rivals 2 as canon also, then Silver's had to have travelled back to Sonic's time a few times before (for the events of Rivals, Colours... maybe 06). So I very highly doubt that Gold's involved with Silver's previous escapades. (Though I also don't think there's ever been just one way for him to travel, either.)

  21. true, and i don't get why we can't at least see the other characters (non panders) return, but that's a whole diffrent conversation.

    Because Archie don't want to deal with any potential lawsuits on the off-chance those other writers also want their characters back. I'm surprised that people still don't get this...

    Anyway, I'd imagine that Conquering Storm will simply be continuing her Egg Boss duties after Eggman's Dozen, until she's needed for something again.

  22. The shipping answer is easy: Gold and Silver will never be officially "shipped" in the comic because Silver is a SEGA character, simple as. (Also because Ian Flynn doesn't want to deal with any arguments from others, like the "Silver x Blaze" people.)

    The rest is bound to be answered in the future, so I can wait until then.

  23. Looking at Crystal Sonic myself, I'm all but certain that it's just Metal Sonic being 'crystallised' by Naugus, much like what he did with Titan Metal Sonic pre-reboot.

    As for Shard, the difficulty of bringing him back is due to a couple of reasons:

    1) His former identity. Seeing as he was the original Metal Sonic (despite being called Mecha Sonic back then) it means that Sega’s 'one Metal only' rule comes into play. That's why, when Shard fought Metal in Issue 50, he was renamed as 'the Mecha Sonic' again.

    2) His Power Gem. Since power gems were created solely for the comic before Flynn's era, they had to go anyway. And since the gem was a key factor of Shard's personality, it once again causes some issues for a revival.

    So yeah, it's a difficult issue. I like to imagine that there can/will be a way around these problems, but Shard returning doesn't have to be a priority for the time being. (Besides, I know a much better candidate for a potential New Shard...)

  24. They Collided. They United. Now Their Worlds Must Align Once More…

    Yep, you read that title correctly. This is a little something I've been working on since about the middle of 2015. I loved Worlds Collide when it was released; it got me reading the Mega Man comic books, and while it did end with the Sonic reboot, it still kept me curious of what could come next. Add to that the Wily Egg still hanging around (or rather, below) in Blaze's world, and the thought of a possible second crossover got me intrigued.

    Then Worlds Unite happened and, while it had some cool moments, the overall pacing, character roster and last-minute additions from the SEGA/Capcom multiverse prevented it from being a worthwhile read for me. Since then, I started theorising on what a potential third crossover could be like. But with Sonic still busy fixing the shattered world, and Mega Man's continuing comic adventures in a state of uncertainty, I decided to start writing my own crossover ideas down.

    Now, before I give the synopsis, I should note that this is a four-franchise crossover between Archie Sonic and Archie Mega Man (or at least close to it), with certain characters and elements of Mega Man X and Sonic Boom. There won't be any other SEGA or Capcom franchises in this one, mostly to prevent having too many characters again (and also because I'm not too familiar with the ones that appeared before). Maybe if this ever becomes an RP, but not right now...

    With all that out of the way, here's what I have so far. (Currently just the backstory, settings and a list of characters):


    After the events of Worlds Collide and Worlds Unite, Sonic and Mega Man continued their own individual adventures. For Sonic and the Freedom Fighters, this included saving and fixing their shattered world, and discovering the Lost Hex, leading to their first TRUE fight with the Deadly Six. Mega Man also had many adventures, taking on the supposedly-evil Dr. Cossack, learning that Dr. Wily still lived, preventing him from altering time along with a Mega Man-like robot called Quint, facing the other-worldly Stardroids, and meeting a new rivalling threat in the form of Bass.
    But they weren’t the only ones having adventures. Silver the Hedgehog still had his mission to close the Genesis Portals, meeting X and the Maverick Hunters in the process. Blaze the Cat was defeating the remaining pirates on her world, hoping to finally get rid of them once and for all. And the heroes of Sonic Boom… well, they’re not in any real danger. However, some threats remain hidden in the shadows, secretly plotting a devious plan to destroy all these heroes and their respective worlds too!

    Setting For Each World:

    Sonic’s World & the Sol Zone – After the events of ‘Sonic Lost World’
    By the time this crossover starts, Sonic and the Freedom Fighters have already fixed the shattered world and defeated Dark Gaia. They have also met, battled and defeated the Deadly Six on Lost Hex too, as well as prevented Dr. Eggman from taking the world’s energy for his own uses. They may be currently tackling some of Eggman’s forces around the world, but nothing too serious is happening.

    Earth 20XX – Between the events of ‘Mega Man 7’ & ‘Mega Man 8’
    Mega Man has once again prevented Dr. Wily from taking over the world, but at a cost. When he confronted Wily, Mega Man was all but willing to kill the doctor after beating him so many times. Had it not been for him having to follow the Three Laws of Robotics, or Bass taking Wily away, Mega Man may have actually done so. He is currently helping to fix Light Labs (again) after Bass’ attack.

    Earth 22XX – Just before (or after) the events of ‘X: Command Mission’
    After preventing at least two more attacks by Sigma and other foes, the Maverick Hunters have begun to notice that Sigma’s attacks are becoming less prominent recently. It isn’t until a familiar face from another dimension appears that they realise Sigma may be up to no good elsewhere.

    Sonic Boom Zone – After the event of ‘Fire and Ice’… I guess?
    It’s just your average egg-beating day on Bygone Island, until a mysterious foe appears. They manage to kidnap Sonic, Tails, Amy and Knuckles (rather easily, I might add) and soon set their eyes on Sticks. However, before this enemy can capture her, she winds up falling though a Genesis Portal.

    Main Heroes:

    Sonic the Hedgehog – Sonic’s World
    The world’s fastest hedgehog, Sonic is considered the co-leader of the Freedom Fighters, and is easily one of the strongest on the team. He’s dealt with Eggman so many times, that it’s become something of a joke to him. However, he’s only had a handful of encounters with Dr. Nega (sometimes not even knowing it was him at all). Even with his friends by his side, Sonic might have to think first and act later if he wants to have a chance against the latest threat to the multiverse.

    Mega Man – Earth 20XX
    The blue bomber has certainly had his share of crazy adventures lately; it’s not every day you have to fight old friends, new foes, prevent time-travel shenanigans, face alien robots in battle, and witness the power of an all-new rival. Though a little shaken up by his most recent encounter with Dr. Wily, Rock is still willing to protect his family, friends and the whole world when it’s under attack.

    X – Earth 22XX
    X and the Maverick Hunters have been slowly pushing back Sigma’s forces, but not enough. However, after receiving some new upgrades, X is suddenly visited by a group of strange creatures, one of which being Silver the Hedgehog. The two had previously met briefly when Silver was trying to prevent the Genesis Portals from getting out of control. But when Silver mentions that he needs their help, X is ready to assist the hedgehog, along with his fellow Maverick Hunters Zero and Axl.

    Main Villains:

    Dr. Eggman Nega – Sonic’s World
    Doctor Nega is a devious, clever mastermind, who happens to look very similar to Doctor Eggman. This is because, in reality, he’s a descendant of the mad scientist, though he hasn’t exactly been truthful to that statement with his foes (usually referring to himself as alternate Eggman from the Sol Zone). Compared to Eggman, Doctor Nega is far more sinister, with his plans often resulting in attempted mass-genocide if/when they backfire. After hiding out in the Sol Zone for a long time, he has finally re-emerged and joined forces with the mysterious Mr. X to conquer the multiverse!

    Mr. X (formerly Xander Payne) – Earth 20XX
    Once the leader of a terrorist group known as the Emerald Spears, Xander Payne was accidentally transported 30 years into his past after altering history to prevent a previous conquest of the Multiverse, and remains one of the very few who still remembers these events. Stuck in the past, he used his knowledge of the future to create the X Foundation, donning the title of Mr. X in the process. After failing to keep Dr. Wily in check, he was launched into a Genesis Portal and ended up… in the Sol Zone! There, he met Dr. Nega and learnt of the Egg O’ War. After Nega promises Mr. X that he’ll help him destroy the robots of Earth 20XX, they form a deadly (if rather unstable) alliance.

    Dr. Eggman – Sonic Boom World
    Another version of Dr. Eggman from a different world (for real, unlike Dr. Nega), this Eggman isn’t really seen as much of a threat compared to his counterpart, but chooses to partner up with both Nega and Mr. X in the hopes of finally conquering Bygone Island, and maybe even his whole world.

    Other Characters:

    The Freedom Fighters & friends (Sonic’s World):
    - Miles ‘Tails’ Prower
    - Amy Rose
    - Knuckles the Echidna
    - Blaze the Cat
    - Princess Sally Acorn
    - Rotor the Walrus
    - Antoine D’Collette
    - Bunnie Rabbot/D’Collette
    - NICOLE the Holo-Lynx
    - Sticks the Badger (Sonic Boom)

    The Robot Masters & Light family (Earth 20XX):
    - Dr. Thomas Light
    - Blues/Proto Man
    - Roll Light
    - Auto
    - Guts Man (MM1)
    - Time Man (MM:PU)
    - Quick Man (MM2)
    - Snake Man (MM3)
    - Pharaoh Man (MM4)
    - Plant Man (MM6)
    - Quake Woman

    Other Villains (Various Worlds):
    - Dr. Eggman & Metal Sonic (Sonic’s World)
    - Dr. Wily, Bass & Treble (Earth 20XX)
    - Shadow the Hedgehog (Boom)
    - Captain Metal (Sol Zone)
    - Vile ‘NX’ (Earth 22XX)

    Heroes of the Future (Earth 22XX & Sonic’s World):
    - Silver the Hedgehog
    - Mega Man X
    - Zero
    - Axl

    The New Roboticized Masters:
    - N’egga Man (former Copy Robot)
    - Sonic Man (AKA Boom Sonic)
    - Tails Man (AKA Boom Tails)
    - Knux Man (AKA Boom Knuckles)
    - Rose Woman (AKA Boom Amy)

    If all goes well, then I should be able to update this if/when necessary. So, any thoughts so far? Any adjusments/improvements that can be made?
