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Skye Prower

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Everything posted by Skye Prower

  1. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I wonder what you lifted then...." said Miles looking around. "Okay, no focus on this... cockawhoop form and I'll create it, then transfer you mind inside it," said Skye. --------- "I'm nwot weak," echoed Stacey, balling his fists. ---------- Ziona smiled, then carefully kissed his tail.
  2. Christmas role-play?

    There was a burst of static from Myra's phone before Skye's voice reasserted itself, but he sounded angry.  "I c-comprehend that y-you feel c-concerned f-for your f-friend, but y-you are not t-the only one w-with w-worries here.  M-myra.... t-things could be even w-worse for her, SO D-DO NOT PUSH H-HER AROUND!" "Besides, there is m-more at s-stake here that y-your f-friend, this Emerald, or even all o-our lives...." he added quietly.
  3. Archie Sonic Online

    *blushes* Heh, thanks Chaos.
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Uh.... did you choose a target?" asked Miles. ------------ Stacey whimpered slightly.
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Alright MAX, if you could step into the middle of the circle," said Skye. ----------- Stacey got caught in the shake and cried out a little. ------------ "Oh really?" winked Ziona. ----------- "I guess he is a little..." said Zoe.
  6. Christmas role-play?

    "I.... I g-guessed.   W-we'll just have to m-make the most of it, for n-now," said Skye, trying to keep his voice steady.
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Go on then," said Miles. "You might not need to worry about repairing anymore," said Skye as he started preparing the ritual circle. ----------- "We'ww gwet you a towew Sawah," said Stacey as they headed inside. ---------- "You've got that right," smiled Ziona following Seviper.
  8. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Ready to try it?" Miles asked Dominic. "Let's..... not get into the extended family tree," said Skye.  "It involves time travel, other dimensions, and warped reality.  You'll blow your circuits trying to process it." ------------ Stacey followed. ---------- "I did, I'm just wondering why," said Ziona.  
  9. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Yes, I'm going to teach my, er, nephew..." Miles blushed a little, "some magic."  Skye tried to hide a giggle. ---------- Stacey waded out as well. ----------- "The table?" asked Ziona amused and curious.
  10. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "So getting some magic training in after all?" asked Skye. --------- "Mawybwe we shouwd hwead bwack now," suggested Stacey. ---------- "Why don't you choose," teased Ziona.
  11. Archie Sonic Online

    Cheers Kat!  I just hope I can do a good job.
  12. Off-Topic Thread

    Rest up Shinomi!  Sounds like you had a fun weekend!
  13. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Stacey looked over to Ally. ----------- "Don't worry Lucas, it's completely safe," assured Miles. "What is?" asked Skye as he came in with MAX.
  14. Archie Sonic Online

    Thanks Dylan!
  15. Archie Sonic Online

    Holy Hellfire.  I manged to make the writing team!   http://archiesoniconline.com/board/index.php?topic=1320.0
  16. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "You're bwoth fwine?" asked Stacey. -------- "But I'm going to stay and keep an eye on things," said Lucas. "I have no idea what that is," said Skye as he and MAX walked into the lab, "But ti should be doable."  -------- "Maybe move to somewhere with a bit more privacy?" suggested Ziona. ---------- "It's okay.  MAX is a nice robot," said Zoe.
  17. Christmas role-play?

    Skye's face appeared on the screen, looking upset that he couldn't comfort Myra in person.  "It'll be okay Myra.  I'm sure they'll be fine. They'll have dealt with things like this before."
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I'm nwot swad.  I jwust.. wan you two bwe hwappy!" said Stacey. ----------- "I hope so Son," said Lucas hugging Dominic.  Miles looked away a little. ----------- "Now.... it looks like we're alone," said Ziona. --------- "I wonder what that would be?" said Skye.
  19. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Stacey looked down. ------------ "And I thought Skye and I counted as adults, as we have the most magical experience," said Miles. Lucas sighed.  "Alright.  But if anything goes wrong...."
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Awwwww," said Stacey. ------- "Thanks Vipey," said Ziona, putting her arm around and kissing his forehead. ----------- "Any idea what sort of bird?" asked Skye. ---------- "Hi to you too Son.  But what are you doing?  I thought we said no magic," said Lucas.
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Er... I dwon't ewither..." said Stacey. ---------- "I know, I know..." said Ziona a little worried. ----------- "Hmm.... Bat, bird, flying squirrel, bee...." began Skye.
  22. Fan Characters (Wanna see what ya made!)

    Heh, don;t worry about it!  We've all done stuff like that!
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Yeah!" grinned Stacey. ------------ "Sorry, it just slipped out," apologized Ziona. ------------ "Anything in mind?" asked Skye.
  24. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Here you go, try this," said Miles, handing the slip of paper to Dominic. "What's going on here?" came Lucas' voice from the door. ----------- "Oh... owkway...." said Skye. ----------- "With all the magic flying around this place, I doubt that!" laughed Ziona. ------------ "Somehow I doubt you'll care much about logic soon," smiled Skye.  "Do you want to be a fox like your sister, or something different?"
  25. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I think it went..." muttered Miles as he wrote something on a piece of paper.  "There!" ------------ "Whwy?" asked Stacey. ------------ "You don;t need feet to impress me," grinned Ziona. ------------ "Alright then, let's go to the lab," said Skye, offering his hand to MAX.  "You'll have to be younger than Ally though.  She is your 'older sister'," winked Skye.
