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About jm0364ALT

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  1. What happened to the comics section?

    It's just...gone now. Is there some sort of maintenance going on or something that hasn't been announced yet?

    1. Shinomi-chan


      Apparently it got moved for a good reason. Though I heard it will be explained why it happened.

  2. Loved SU 83. 

    All we need now is to put it up on the Comics page :3

  3. Sonic Universe (Comic Series)

    Hey guys SU #83 is out.  Download links are also out for the site, but enough of that.   The issue is a pretty good setup for the arc. I won't spoil too much as I want everyone to read it for themselves to figure out what's going on. I'll just say that following the preview pages, I think that this is going to be a great Eggman arc for the new universe. ......... Okay I will share ONE panel from the issue. My favorite panel to be honest. :3
  4. General Trash

    So. Any idea when the recent FCBD special that explains the Genesis portals is supposed to show up on this site?
  5. Sonic Super Special/Digest Exclusives?

    Kinda wondering. Is it possible to put in the Sonic Dash/ Sonic Jump and/or any of the exclusive stuff available in the Magazines and Digest? I've only seen 3 issues of the magazine and the 3rd had the exclusive Sonic 4 story so why can't we have the other exclusives?
  6. General Trash

    KInda Curious. Where's SU 58 and when is It going to show up in the site. /:(
