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Delicious echidna

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Everything posted by Delicious echidna

  1. Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

    http://the-forsakenlegionnaire.tumblr.com/post/102083452311/help-need-links-for-sonic-boom One of these 7 links ought to work for you .
  2. I found a streaming website !!! I FOUND ONE !!! 10 MINUTES LEFT

  3. Sonic boom is coming out today at 7 AM US time. Ok, this is quite cryptic, knowing the fact that they have close to SIX timezones, but this is still soooo exiting !

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      1 and a half hours from now if I'm not mistaken

    2. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna

      how long now ?

  4. Tikal is the strongest character of this series . And almost nobody knows it . Why ? Look at the way she smiles . Now look at her past. Let it sinks ....

  5. Sanic unleashed is quite good . I shall never understand the hate toward it . And the feralness of every fan created werehog . ESPECIALLY WHEN SONIC IS PRETTY MUCH FINE .

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      The fact he's completely fine is actually one of the few things that bothered me with it... <_<

  6. I fel bad for missing out the halloween event on the forum . Shame on me.

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Maybe next year

    2. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Yes. Cross your fingers for then!

  7. I like this forum. I like lynxes. And I love echidnas.

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      What this guy here has just said

    2. BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      What about them rare creatures that have a half humanoid half hedgehog head?

    3. Austin.J


      I assume lightning would be one of your favorites?

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  8. Yup , Foruming on ps3 is a thing. Thank you sony for that web browser I didn't know I needed.

  9. For shadow : my computer crashed. And now I have to eat. I'll be back soon .

  10. I haven't read the comic in months ... Ever since shadow saga actually...

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Wow... read them now!

    2. BlurryDawgo


      Yeah, they're really improving in quality!

  11. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Glen only ran faster, holding ziona tightly."We run.. And for a good reason. Something bad is happenning..."
  12. The weekend is here, and along with it, countless hour spent robbing banks as keanu reeves and it's kawaii masked companion.

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Makes sense

    2. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna

      Ask Shadow for more information.

  13. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Glen ran all of a sudden , taking zionna in his arms. Bu the look on his face, he was upset by something. Just what was a complete mistery... ----------- Locke had to make the most of his situation, which wasn't a really good one anyways. But like every problem in his life, he would deal with it. ------- And tikal ? She was style there, looking over skye like an angel of some sort.
  14. Let's all picture locke on that emerald . You can't ? It's alright son. He IS the emerald .

  15. Am I alive , Am I dead ? No, simply getting ready for the skeletton war.

  16. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Sorry to take you away, ziona. But in your state, I dout you might have even been able to act correctly had things went wrong."Saud glen once he was sure he was far enough. ------- Red finally made her appearence, kneeling next to skye, and silently watching over him.
  17. The new moderator seems nice.

    1. Lino Blythe

      Lino Blythe

      Yeah I can't vouch for myself and say I'm nice but if you think I am that's good~

    2. Show next comments  15 more
  18. Skye Prower's Comic Reviews

    Well, that's interesting. Are you actually planning in reviewing every stories ?
  19. Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

    "Laugh at all you since I'll be the first around here to see sonic boom " Why ? Because I'm french : D Worry not, I might put a resume of the episodes if I can. On the other hand, you get the games, so that's great. Ps: Sticks can be annoying real fast, so be careful .
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Glen took Ziona by the hand ."Come on, Girl... i think it's time we left, I have a few things to show you anyways." --- Slighty annoyed by the lack of attention, locke disappeared as swiftly as he appeared.
  21. "Look in connected section"... We got a new mod over here .... Why has nobody told me about it ?

    1. Lino Blythe
    2. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna

      Why the confused look ?

  22. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    289 more seconds...
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "No zionna. no one can fix this. there is too much things happening at once !!! I... i don't even know where to start...." Admitted the echidna "And all this because of this Darn pool..."
  24. Last to post wins v3.0

    I think someone has to reboot Neo.
  25. I made a plateforming folder on my ps3. Joke : there are only sonic games. From sonic 4 episodes to generation, passing by both adventures and unleashed. I pretty much own them all. Am I in the fandom yet ?

    1. BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      Depends, do you have the classics and the Fighters?

    2. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna

      I'm playing these on my psp.

      The fighters... It's basicaly fighting viper with a sonic mod on it sold full price.

    3. BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      Then yes, you're in the fandom.
