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Centaur Man

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Posts posted by Centaur Man

  1. So now I have the game....aaaand in Figure Skating Pairs I can only have a female and a male. Looks like SEGA formed the game after the russian homophobic rights! *dadum schh*

    The design and the stages are wesome. I really enjoy it, but the Legens Showdon and the adventure-boss-battles are a disaster. The last olymp. winter games were better, because the adventure was a whole story and not only a jump-from-stage-to-stage-to fight-a-shadow/ghost.

    It will be boring, if the Mario & Sonic crossover will be going on. They should get more characters from other games or end this.

  2. IMPORTANT : http://www.sonicstad...-every-episode/

    I'm kind of disappointed with this.

    Me too. So every episode have a complete different plot and doesn't built up (like in Sonic X the whole Season 1).

    We will see how this ends up.

    I like it, that the Chaos Emeralds will be not mentioned, because it's a new universe and the "collect-the-gems-and-be-Super-Sonic" is kinda boring, because in every game he is turning to Super Sonic (not in every, but in most of the games). Sonic can be a superhero without the Emeralds.

  3. I love the quotes from Mega Man Powered Up and also from Mega Man 7.

    But my favourite quote is from Skyrim (sorry I don't know the right translation x.x):

    "Ruhm in der Schlacht, Ehre im Leben. Geht Probleme direkt an und überlasst das Flüstern und Schleichen den Gossenratten, die nicht für sich selbst kämpfen können!"

  4. Well, well...

    In this issue I really realised: The Crossover changed everything.

    And I have to accustom the new universe, because it's kinda confusing me, that we have now a city with mobians and humans and everything is on a high-techno-level. Are we now have a crossover with marvel or Matrix?!

    THANKS to NICOLE, hat Sally isn't reacting like Bella in Twilight (sorry for twilightfans here) with her "I have the responsibility" and "I was Mecha Sally OMG can the Freedom Fighters forgive me?" -> Urgs...Sally will never be my favourite character, if she ends up like a overreacted fangirl or something.

    BEST of the issue: I live the new Eggmandesign, because his faceexpressions are shown more intensive and the backgrounds of the desaster are painted in more detail.

    Skye Prower: Yeah...bubbels of word balloons everywhere!

  5. I've always wondered this but, what was everyones reaction when the originals FINALLY appeared in WC? Mine? well.... I.... started crying... not in sadness, but happiness, not just becuase they finally appeared, but this was elec man's first appearance since #16! which came out nearly a year before this comic! And when I saw the next page, i nearly screamed since it was the first time my 2 favourite mega man characters appeared in the same panel, TWICE.

    Well, as we see the comicplot is close to the games and now we are at Mega Man V and 6 (Sunstar in issue 32 and Plant Man/Centaur Man ans helper robots in the Blackoutsaga).

    It could be a little longer to see the originals again.

    But now we have this Classic Mega Man/Mega Man X Crossover. It could be, that the Originals have a apperance again.

  6. The last picture of page 5 :D X face expression and the other Reploid ("OMG I can read!" O.O) XDD

    Well I think the Mega Man Comic will be more interesting than Sonic. Sorry blue racer.

    Is there a date, when the Free Comic Book will be published?

  7. UPDATE: Okay, I'm watching day of sigma again, and Chill Penguins voice sound too familiar... i can't put a finger on it though... I know Dr.light has the same voice from powered up though...

    The Day of Sigma...meh...it was a dissapointment, because it hadn't a ending and only a stupid cliffhanger :/

    Zeros Voice was OKAY...better than the voice in the games.

    UPDATE 2: I know! it's... Wily from Mega man Powered up?! :blink:

    Where is Wily? O.o

    The Interview hasn't any spoilers. There are only infos from Ian, what he is thinking of Mega Man X and the Classic series in the games. 12 Days to go and then MM 34 will published!

  8. Also, is it just me, or is Roll's fringe wrong on the cover?

    I don't know...or I did not realize Roll, because on the other side is Zero and he is awesomer than Roll :P

    The entrance of the Robot Masters in StH 250 was awesome. I wonder how Ian Flynn and Co. could top that. In the Interview with Ian Flynn he said that he would errase the dissaperance of Rock in the X Series, because in the games Capcom don't give a reference about the classic Mega Man and all other Robot Masters from the past.

  9. OMG! *fan screaming* B) /*o*/

    So its official...a crossover. Okay, we will se.

    For me Terra in Mega Man V was the difficultest (gah bad english >.<) boss and at first I don't know his weakness.

    And Bass.ExE in Mega Man Battle Network...since today I haven't finished the bossbattle.

  10. My 5 are (without a ranking, I like them all):

    1. Blood Elves (World of Warcraft)

    2. Sheva (Resident Evil 5)

    3. Morrigan (Darkstalkers/Marvel Vs. Capcom)

    4. I-on (Guity Gear XX)

    5. Juliet Starling (Lollipop Chainsaw - I really love this game!)

    Sorry Lara Croft...

  11. 1. Metal Sonic (well he is a robot and he is a complete badass without a voice. To bad, that Sonic had to smash him all the time...) aaand Shard of course too.

    2. Dr. Eggman (...he is like me in the morning, when I had no coffee and I like his design of a bad genius)

    3. Geoffrey St. John (It´s a character with no side. Every damm time I don´t know: Is he on the side of the Freedom Fighters or for Ixis Naugus.)

    4. Grand Chief Lupe Wolf (she has a really good design and she is a verry good leader, but she makes mistakes, but she is strong but also protective)

    5. Lien-Da (Dr. Eggmans right hand of the dark Egg Legion. She is loyal to Eggman, but for Dimitri she only wants the power and the leadership of the Dark Legion and with this straight way of thinking, she is my favourite character. Also she has a sexy outfit and a whip as a weapon :P)

    1 person likes this

  12. Well what do you know, a few pics of #34 have come! Spoiled to be safe

    So thats what Dr Cain looks like... (I thought he was Wily for a second there XD) Also who are they making? I know hardly anything about the X series...

    Are there the first four comic pages online?

    First picture: I thought it was Plant man, because hes on the cover too, but nah...these symbols look verry strange to me...

    And I am so exitung about the Mega Man X pages! :blink: Want them now! Dx

  13. Sally Acorn is the brain of the Knothole Freedom Fighters, why she should do something for fighting? (When I understand your critic)

    Most of the time she has no weapon and handle Trouble and problems with logic (like in this scene). Bean is funny! He isn't thinking of his actions or some traps from others.

  14. Jeah Pokemon is a really good exaple for horrible voiceacting in some languages.

    In Oban Star Racers its the same, but in the american version i think the Introsong is to violent with his hardrockversion.

  15. Also, since theres a thread for favourite Sonic one-shot characters, I'll say my favourite mega man one-shot character definitely goes to Buddy in #14. I feel bad for the poor guy for getting electrocuted (I love Elec Mans expression in that panel XD BEST EXPRESSION EVER! XD) and when i saw him on #28's cover I literally yelled NO! BUDDY! D: I do wish he could appear again

    Elec Man is like Shadow. He is a guy who want, that everything is correct and is always seriously, so when Elec Man shows SOME of his emotions, his faceexpressions are hilarous!

    I love the face expression from Quick Man, when they are in Ra Moon ruins:


    Like: What da F- ?! xDD

  16. Well when the anime is in german, I prefer german, because to understand it better, but when there would be the choise of english and japanese: I would hear it in english.

    I think the voices in japanese are a little bit to high and when I hear the voices in english or in german, they are more darker and clearer (don´t know how to explain it in english x/). And so I can take them more seriously.

  17. Is it from the anime To Aru Kagaku no Railgun?

    Nothing to do and I've still got 2 weeks of Summer holidays left... I wish school could start again since I can't wait for the classes I chose for year 10...

    What? :D No way! can we change or...something?

    You do my homeworks and my lessions in the university aaand my exam and I have 2 weeks for free x) Sounds like a deal!

  18. Oh well there are a lot of songs I hear all the time, because I use my IPod 24 hours and at seven days in a week. I like hard rock like Metallica or Iron Maiden, but I also like german Punkrock (Rammstein, Blutengel and Snüffel), filmsoundtracks (Pirates of the Carribean, Wreck it Ralph, Sucker Punch) and Rap (ICP 4-ever!). Now I a listening to Herzdieb - Eisbrecher.
