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Everything posted by Device

  1. Sonic Adventure 2 Scene recreated in SFM:

  2. Sonic Boom (The game)

    Honestly, SEGA is not afraid of DLC so anything could happen! Just look at the DLC for Sonic Lost World..
  3. New Mighty No.9 Gameplay!

    Anyone else excited for this game?
  4. Introduction Thread

    Welcome OrangeTail! Now I'm not the newest member, right? ;P And thanks! I just can't get over the concept of Mega Man's eyes in the new Smash... I just think it's so cool!
  5. Your Favorite Digimon?

    I've always liked Renamon. I can't help it, I like foxes.
  6. Websites you visit daily

    Let's see... -mail with yahoo, msn, and gmail -serebii.net -Wildstar's site -Mighty No. 9's site -Scanf -Reddit which covers just about everything else! (Like r/gaming, r/3ds, r/wiiu, r/sonicthehedgehog, r/megaman, etc etc) There's more that I check every now and then...
  7. Mario Kart 8

    Yeah, I figured it will just come in time as I race online. I've seen people talking about farming it by doing Time Trials over and over... but where's the fun in that?
  8. Mario Kart 8

    I believe they have hinted at a new Mario 3D game in the works. Though, Mario 3D World is pretty great. As for Mario Kart 8, this game is amazing! My NNID is Device if anyone wants to add me for some races or something!
  9. Introduction Thread

    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!
  10. Sonic Boom (The game)

    Have they truly confirmed this? I wonder if Amy will be unlockable in the 3DS version and Sticks in the Wii U one. They did say they would have some sort of link up feature between the games I believe. Maybe that will be part of it?
  11. Sonic Boom (The game)

    SEGA Sonic Blog posted this for Sonic's 23th Birthday. I thought it was cute and fitting for this thread...
  12. Introduction Thread

    Heya everyone! I've been around the site for a while, lurking the forums and filling in the gaps of my collection with the comics. I really appreciate how great this site is and want to finally join the community! I'm not a big fan of forums in general, but I'd like to have a nice place to discuss all things Sonic with fellow fans. Plus everyone here seems pretty awesome! As for an introduction, I've been a Sonic fan since the beginning. I grew up playing the games, watching the shows, and reading the comics. The Sonic series has always been my favorite with Mega Man and Mario close behind. I'm a big gamer and lean towards Nintendo games mainly but enjoy just about any game. I guess that's about it for now. Nice to meet you all!
