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Everything posted by Pearl98

  1. Wait... STH #258 isn't coming out until the 25th? :( B-but... then MM #35 isn't coming until next month... maybe they'll come out on the same day? :(

    1. Pearl98


      I seriously need to remember when each comics coming out, I only see the list when my comic shop puts it on their website, but yeah, STH #258's definitely delayed, only SU #61's out this week...

    2. Centaur Man

      Centaur Man

      Well on MM34 you say that they are delayed, too, but MM34 comes out at the right releasedate...

      Why are there such a timedifference between the relesaedate of the Archie App Comics and the "real Comics"?

    3. NegaMetallix


      Huh. I know that the pattern is usually (for me, amyway) STH at the beginning of the month, MM around the middle, and SU at the end. But it seems like the delays are messing that up...

    4. Show next comments  150 more
  2. Finally... were getting storms tomorrow! :D They just said we've only had 0.2mm in the last 100 days... o.0 And... it's going to be 37 tomorrow too!

  3. Non-Sonic Art Thread

    I might as well post my Mega man drawings here... their not in the best quality though... Anyway, Last year I drew the originals, some I drew from their official art, others I drew from the comics. I'd have to say I drew Elec man the worst... I'm actually nearly finished... and it looks a lot better since I erased the pencils. So, theres most of my Mega Man drawings, the rest are Sonic drawings.
  4. Is it just me, or are the next comic covers late? I can't remember if the sonic ones have come, but there aren't any Mega man ones yet... :(

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      They'll come out soon

    2. Centaur Man

      Centaur Man

      MM 35. is comming out on the 19.3.

  5. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    ha ha,no,I don't have the issue, I got the spoiler pics from Sonic Stadium Boards
  6. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Time for STH #258's spoiler pics! :D Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa... Ben Bates ALSO drew the variant?! Or am I thinking of the wrong variant? Still wondering when he'll do the normal pencils again...
  7. possibly my favourite remix of Wily Machine 9 :D I love how it has some mega man characters dancing. Wait, is Elec man doing Gangnam style?! XD
  8. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    104 Hey, I was watching that yesterday!Oh and yeah, I'm back for a little while
  9. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    78 throws another one, can you juggle 2?
  10. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    76 throws a pillow back I'm not that good at role playing, but I'll do my best...
  11. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    No your not... I'm a girl too! 73 Gah! Not again!
  12. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Well, I'm back again 32
  13. I...I did it! I defeated Elec Man and did his stage without loosing a life! AND I somehow defeated him without getting hit o.0 I only had 1 hit point left too...

    1. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      That is one of miracles that happened to me a lot of times in any megaman game....

    2. Spark Falls

      Spark Falls

      Congrats I only wish I could do that well then again I play the X series and I play as Zero cause he is the best except for Axl

    3. Fwiss


      Elecman is the reason I could never beat MM1. Or classic mode in Powered Up. That and Fireman's flames. Congratulations, that's amazing!

  14. I love how Bright Man level 24 and time man's level 4 but time man wins since Bright man's weapon has no effect on him, even though it's electricity XD

  15. Playing Mega man RPG prototype... I've defeated all the original robot masters except Elec man... Okay, NOT the best one to go after last... o.0 He just K.O'd mega man in 1 hit... I should've seen this coming XD

  16. Mega Man #34 and Sonic Super Digest #6 get! *insert Mega man 3 weapon get music* So... SU #61 has a 2 week delay... I think. Also, where the heck is the 2nd Worlds collide graphic novel?!

  17. Does anyone know if SU #61 and MM #34 are out today? I don't know why my comic shop didn't put the list of comics up on their website...

    1. Cinescense


      I think today Is when the "re-releas" of the world collides version with the double ending today.Also I'm glad to see that they're are comic shops that sell Sonic comics.There sadly aren't any In my area so I can't buy any

  18. I can't hold my excitment for Oz comic con, it's less than a month away! Wow, i just realized it's in Sydney the 2 days before my birthday...

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Its a sign of how amazing it will be. Good luck with waiting

    2. Cinescense


      I hope It goes well. I've sadly never even been to a single con In my life but I plan to visit them when I accomplish my dream of becoming a professional retiree

  19. Well, i had the craziest bus ride home... I nearly face planted when the bus driver put the brakes on too hard -_- Good thing I wasn't standing...
