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Everything posted by Pearl98

  1. Quick Man's remix in Smash bros wii u! What the...? What Heat Man's theme doing there too?! Wait... if this is the case, could we be seeing another theme in Cut Man's too,,,?
  2. Apparently Cartoon Network cut out some scenes in the new Pokemon Movie, like Riot proposing to Marrilyn, I guess I was lucky, because no scenes were cut out in the theatre version XD

  3. Listening to te Mega Man songs in SSB4, the retro medley of the first game has the songs in this order: Stage selected, Elec Man, Bomb Man, Cut Man, Guts Man, Fire Man and finally, Ice Man

    1. Pearl98


      Well, the ones exclusive to the wii u version

  4. Shadow Man's theme remixed in SSB4, exclusive to the Wii U version! My ears are going to melt from how amaxing it is!
  5. I'm back fom the theatres! Believe me, the wait towatch the new movie is worth it! I got goose bumps when the full version of the opening theme played, they didn't miss any lyrics! And as usual, there was one part that made me cry...

  6. Ugh... I knew I shouldn't have gone to bed early... Oh well, 6 more hours until the new Pokemon Movie! *holds up my ticket*

    1. Danny Felixe
    2. NegaMetallix


      I do hope it's at least good, but I'm also not getting my hopes up too high. After all, it is a modern Pokemon movie.

  7. Super Smash Bros!

    GameXplain posted a video showing all the default songs in the Wii U version, I'm not saying all of them as theres 323 Sonic songs: Windy Hill Zone 1 Green Hill Zone Angel Island Open you heart Live and Learn Escape from the City Sonic Heroes Wonder World His World (instrumental) Seven Rings in Hand Rooftop Run Reach For the Stars Mega Man songs: Mega Man 2 medley Cut Man Quick Man Air Man Spark Man Shadow Man Mega Man retro medley Mega Man 2 retro medley Mega Man 3 retro medley Mega Man 4-6 retro medley Thoughts on the lists? None of the Sonic Songs are remixed, all the Mega Man songs except for the retro medleys are remixed. It's also good to see Cut Man get some love, poor guy is the only original robot master to not have any type of appearance in the 3DS version!
  8. Hm... I don't know if I'll review the new Pokemon Move thats out tomorrow... If I end up doing it, i'll post it on my Deviant art. Just 18 more hours u til I see it in theatres! :D

    1. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      Time! Go faster for her!

    2. Device


      Hope you enjoy it!

  9. What the....? All my main Pokemon in X and Y have Pokerus! You know how rare that is? XD

    1. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account


      Your over lucky.

  10. So the Diancie special has been dubbed in English... Diancie sounds like she has Creams old voice, and I can't be sure but Millis (Don't known if thats her English name yet) sounds like she's voiced by Lisa Ortiz, I'm guessing Argus (again, don't know if thats his English name) will be voiced by Dan Green

  11. I feel really stupid... I've been playing Mega Man games for nearly 2 years now, but I died on the intro stage for Megw Man 7... XD

  12. I was hoping the eshop would update before it was too late... but I'm really tired, I don't think MM7 will download fast, so I'll probably have to wait unti after school tomorrow... Or maybe I'll wake up a bit later tonight to start downloading it

  13. Um... I can't find Mega Man 7 or X3 on the Eshop... has it updated for this week yet?

  14. Majora's Mask 3D has been revealed! :D

    1. BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!! I HAVE REASON TO GET A 3DS!!! :D Sorry for caps lock. It's just Majora's Mask is my favorite Zelda game and in my top 3 favorite games. So i'm excited!

    2. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Call me when Link Awakening gets an updated release!

    3. The Jest

      The Jest

      It took them long enough...Well, time to start thinking about getting a 3DS then.

  15. 3 more days until I see Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction, and only 1 more day until i'll finally have Mega Man 7! :D

  16. You've got to be kidding me! First the new 3ds and the Pokrmon remakes are coming on thw same day, now Sonic Boom and SSB4 are coming out on the same day just a week later! DX

    1. Device


      I'm right there with you all... Nintendo taking all my money lol

    2. Pkrockinomega


      That plus the inevitable Steam Christmas Sale.

      These next two months are going to be financial hell for everyone who likes video games.

    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      I think this must be the rare case that I'm pleased I don't have steam or recent consoles. My wallet will live

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  17. Um... I have my copies of Mega Man #42 Sonic Universe #69 and Sonic Boom #1 (MM and SU having the Smash bros variant covers of course!) But... they gave me Mega Man #41...? Um... I got that last week... great, another duplicate...

  18. YES!!!! THE WAIT IS OVER!!! MEGA MN 7 AND MEGA MN X3 IS COMING TO EUROPE WII U ESHOP THIS WEEK!!! Sorry for the caps lock, seriously, i've waited like forever to play Mega Man 7 XD

    1. Princess Blaze

      Princess Blaze

      *Starts dancing*

  19. So I've been thinking of changing my favourite Mega Man characters list... Now, my top 4 are 4. Pharaoh Man (gone down 1 spot) 3. Time Man (gone up 2 spots) 2. Elec Man (surprise? XD) and now, my former favourite has come back to top postion... Proto Man. Itcame down to voice acting to chose to swap Elec Man and Proto Man's postions.

  20. Sonic Generations came out 3 years ago today here... Man, I still remember yhe day as if it was yesterday! I still have my collectors edition in perfect condition! XD

  21. Oh great, they'v messed up the weaknesses again in the MM3 arc... Magnet Man and Needle Mqn are next, BUT it should be Spark Man and Needle Man... Magnet Man's weak to Spark Shock, not Shdow Blade....

    1. Pkrockinomega


      Rock ain't using no walkthrough.

  22. Wow, I'm only just finding out that the 4 Pokemon Diamond/Pearl movies are out on DVD TOMORROW -_- Well, I'm going to have no money left by early December, 3 big games coming out, a new Pokemon movie coming totheatres on Saturday, it then comes out on DVD Dec.3, then the first like, 20 episodes of the XY season comes out on DVD around the same date! DX

    1. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      Lemme give you money!

  23. It makes me laugh remembering that I used to call Yellow Devil Bumo XD If you've played Mega Man Powered Up you'll know where I got that from XD

    1. Device


      I had a rock golem in Perfect World named Bumo! He was a great tank pet... wish my PSP wasn't in storage so I could play some Powered Up...

  24. Happy Halloween! Oh, Mega Man #42's up too! Hooray! It's my first time not saying any spoilers for a comic! XD

  25. I don't know how Ididthis... I wasplaying classic boss rush in Mega Man Powered Up, I had one little health point left after Cut Man, of course, it was in weakness order, so Elec Man was next, I some how defeated him... But for the very first time, I was defeated by Ice Man... DX
