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Red TF

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About Red TF

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  • Birthday 11/02/95

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  1. Ain't it great, how we met each other,
    On this wild and crazy carousel of life?

  2. Ken Penders Topic...

    http://www.tssznews.com/2015/11/06/ken-penders-i-think-im-heading-back-to-court/ So he is planning another lawsuit after all.
  3. The Happy Birthday Thread

    Oh, I'm late. Happy Birthday Eliza!
  4. Lost Hedgehog Tales

    It's pretty strange that no one created a topic for this. Welp. So, basicly the LHT tells us about what was going to happen in StH/SU if not some legal issues with Penders. There are 5 parts and only part 1 was released for now and it tells us about what was planned prior "Worlds Collide". So, you can read it here. P.S.: sorry for so small OP. Don't have too much idea what to write about without spoiling the whole part.
  5. I am a ghost that lives inside a DUMMY.

    1. Shinomi-chan


      o_o ohmigosh... ME TOO!!

    2. sweet_lil_Eliza


      Do I see a fellow Undertale fan? ;)

    3. sweet_lil_Eliza




  6. Archie's "Worlds Unites" is like Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). MAJOR SPOILERS.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      The bigger surprise would be if everyone HAD remembered it!

    3. Red TF

      Red TF

      Well, they remember. At least, Sonic, Mega Man, Sticks, Eggman, Wily and Mr. X (aka Xander Payne).

    4. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Sorta remember. Not the whole story. With the possible exception of Xander. But really, after all that crazy it needed a hard reset to work

  7. Sonic & Mega Man: WORLDS UNITE?!

    The preview of final issue is up. Main Cover Variant Cover "Epic Poster" Variant Cover 1 2 3 4 Let's try to guess who will save the day? Spoiler:
  8. How are you doing?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Did you have fun?

    3. Red TF

      Red TF

      Yeah, a lot. Actually the part of russuian staff (including me) travelled to Siberia for a week.

    4. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Sounds fun!

  9. Actually, there was one more reason. To put it simply it's just a reprint. In Mega Man's case it is a reprint of a few pages about Xander Payne from different issues. In Sonic's it is "Into the Unknown" story that was published in the StH #275 (for the third time) which is already available. So we decided not to waste server's hard drive space. I'm terribly sorry, but try to understand.
  10. Zero Escape 3 was announced, yay, I suppose?
