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About Chapmic

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  • Birthday 04/30/90

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  1. So, we know that Classic Sonic learned how to boost from his future self. I guess we can qualify it as a bootstrap paradox now. So, how do you think Sonic originally got the idea of that move ? Who really composed Beethoven's fifth ?

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    2. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Actually, I think it's a moot point. Due to time travel weirdness, classic Sonic and Tails don't remember Generations, otherwise their modern incarnations would know what was going on.

    3. Chapmic


      Different eras ? Admit it, you came up with that because you couldn't think of an answer. And it doesn't even relate to my question. XD

      I don't need an explanation on the paradox, I know how those things work. I just want to know what you think would be the origin of the boost before the loop started.


    4. Chapmic


      Thanks for the movie by the way. Let's see if Doctor Who really made time travel too easy for me.

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