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Lena Stan Account

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Status Replies posted by Lena Stan Account

  1. If you hit Robotnik enough times in S3&K where you cant beat him, he will transform into a single Flicky. It's absolutely hilarious.

  2. Anyone here hyped for Gintama's anime returning? (Probably no one here even knows what is it =_=")

  3. Anyone here hyped for Gintama's anime returning? (Probably no one here even knows what is it =_=")

  4. YES! I'm finally free of my mock tests!

  5. YES! I'm finally free of my mock tests!

  6. Anyone here hyped for Gintama's anime returning? (Probably no one here even knows what is it =_=")

  7. YES! I'm finally free of my mock tests!

  8. Xemnas's Mecha Dragon.... that is how they should have made NMS. Not giving him a pathetic fit in which even the players don't know what they are doing...

  9. Good thing: I can still watch anime Bad thing: I have to use my computer instead of watching anime from the BIG SCREEN ;_________; Because internet is lagging..

  10. Mock tests begin!

  11. Bah. Tomorrow's the school... -_-

  12. Hi there! In russian part me know half part of the forum. But here nobody knows me. I hope I will be here. And sorry for my bad English, I'm Russian :(

  13. Has anyone here listened Alice Of Human Sacrifice? Vocaloids singing? If so then... Am I a bad person if I actually love this song?

  14. Ok so.. Those who have seen my OC Nightmare... How many of you think it's a she? And those who haven't you can see the pic in Fan Characters Section.

  15. The Darn tests are over!! XD and for some reason I don't see the statues on the left...

  16. ...I should visit the forum more...

  17. It's annoying when Pokemon fans argue over how to pronounce Pokemon names... I say some of them differently, for instance I say Kai-rem instead of Kyu-rem, and Vi-rai-zeon instead of Vi-ri-zion. Seriously, does it matter how you pronounce them? XD

  18. One week until my mock exams start. I am pretty nervous about them

  19. One week until my mock exams start. I am pretty nervous about them

  20. One week until my mock exams start. I am pretty nervous about them

  21. so... I drew some "fanart" if you can call it that from Misao and Mad Father (some characters as Mobians) and I was thinking... should I post it here? I mean I'm not really good at taking pictures anyways so I wanted to know what do you guys think?

  22. It would be so much more nice if I could actually REMEMBER my own dreams when I wake up... I know some of them has a meaning or they show the future in a way...

  23. Aww,the smug Sonic at the top is gone now

  24. I turn my T.V on, and for some reason, it says the date is Tuesday January 1st 1980 XD

  25. Okay... once again ladies and gentlemen I managed to hurt myself! xD fail...
