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Posts posted by ChaosKaiser

  1. Ah, ¿así que ahora la gente habla español por a--OH, YOU'RE JUST TAKING SPANISH NAMES... it was an illusion... a fake...

    Soon, Shinomi will conquer the world with her  high-quality hand-drawn avatars...

    avatars...huh... OHMYGOSH



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  2. "C'mon, Antoine, Sonic's jokes are not such a big deal. Besides, they use to be funny! Well, HE IS funny after all..." Amy said to Antoine, self-absorbed thinking about the Blue Blur.

     "Oh, and that's Peggy: the master mechanic I told you about." the pink hedgehog replied to Nicole. "Aaaaand that's the mini-bus she was repairing. I knew she would do it..." she claimed, poining at the vehicle.

  3. So, yeah... Frozen Chemical Plant? Looks cool, but the level design feels too linear, like previous gameplays. And I don't like that as much as I wished.


    Ermmm... So... Infinite, the mysterious and extremely powerful creature that is faster than Sonic, stronger than any other villain, as menacing as Mephiles and as edgy as Shadow...

    ...gets hurt by a lightning wispon.
    Honestly, I expected more from this guy. But then again, the place where the battle takes place looks great. And the idea of having multiple custom heroes is neat.

  4. I still have no idea how I could contribute to the channel, (epic music sounds in the background) BUT since the comics section fell, I promised to stand here and do everything in my hands to help this site grow.

    Also, what exactly do you mean with "starting something on their own"?

  5. "I wasn't even sure it was a boy... But definately sounded like one. He was in cyberspace aaaaall the time, so I haven't seen his body yet. He told me he had lost it, so maybe you could help him to retrieve it!" Amy happily replied to Nicole, walking next to her.

  6. Once thing is for sure: being a movie about a super-sonic hedgehog, the production seems to go too slow.

    Jokes aside, they're taking too much time, in my opinion. If I'm not mistaken, we have been hearing from this movie since 2014. And it's supposed to come out in 2019. I mean, they still have time, and I know this kind of massive budget films needs a lot of time to even start the creation process, but I can't be the only one slightly upset with this situation...

  7. There's no time for drama, Shinomi! We have to run for our lives!! Don't you see that Geoffrey has a Death Note, and knows our names and WAIT A SECOND...

    ...he doesn't know our names, does he? Neither he has seen our faces... right?


  8. No unlawful activities going on...this bag of chips are evidence...

    can I take a potato chip and.... EAT IT?! 

    Yes, Kira... DO IT, EAT THAT POTAooohh, sorry, wrong god-complexed guy...

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  9. Okay, so they are actually characters created by you, with no relation to any anime, videogame, comic or whatever... I was wondering because of this being a Fan Character section, and the only exisiting franchise I could relate your work to was Yo-kai Watch.

    But then again, as you've said, you have taken different kinds of, let's say, monsters, and made your own story with them. They are original. You shouldn't have any problem in making your own manga with them. So    J U S T    D O    I T !  MAKE THAT COMIC COME TRUE!

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  10. More students of the Yokai School... each one more adorable and strange than the last one...

    Now I think of it, you usually put these characters here, but are they even fan-characters to begin with? Because I thought they were fully original. Maybe I missed they are inspired by the Yo-kai Watch series? 
