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Posts posted by ChaosKaiser

  1. Oh... Seems I came here too late...

    Well, hey there, everybody, it's Mark CriLWAIT, NO, It's ChaosKaiser (weird name), but you can call me Kaiser (which is my name in German... or so) or Cesar or Chaos OR WHATEVER.

    I, errrrr... I think some of you already know me, so no point of introducing myself, I guess.

  2. @NMS Well... I could see Eggman and/or Metal Sonic behind this...

    @Shinomi-chan I agree, it feels like a sequel of Generations. And to be honest... I don't like that. 

    It's not that I don't like the idea itself, Modern and Classic Sonic teaming up again sounds way past cool, but I feel concerned about the fact that Sega doesn't seem to have new ideas for a storyline. Also, remaking classic levels AGAIN? I love Green Hill as much as anyone, but gosh, isn't this overexplotation of nostalgia?

    What I'm trying to say is that I want something new and fresh. All the special anniversary titles have expanded Sonic's universe:

    • Sonic Adventure 2 was the 10th Anniversary game, and the only hint to the past was the Green Hill remake that you could only unlock after getting All-A Ranks. They added Shadow and Rouge, two of the most popular characters of the franchise.
    • Sonic 2006... well... was ambitious. Maybe TOO AMBITIOUS and try-hard edgy and FinalFantasy-esque, but it tried to offer something new. Silver the Hedgehog made his debut, and the idea of a psychokinetic hero was groundbreaking in the franchise.
    • Generations was a blast for the past, sure, but it was a refreshing image seeing Modern and Classic Sonic together. 

    *Note I'm talking mostly about the STORY. Modern Sonic gameplay is f*ckin' awesome, IMO... but would it be too much to ask for adding different kinds of gameplay with other characters (that might not be Sonic)?


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  3. Fully agreed with @SeriouslyStupid (what were you thinkin' putting that name, bro? xD) I've always wanted to see an Adventure-ish game, kinda like what Sonic 06 should have been but with the Archie crew.

    But since Sega Japan seems to hate the comics because reasons, I'll stick only with the "cannonical" heroes, reclycling some game mechanics from previous installments and giving them to diferent playable characters, each one with its own story, but all of them connected in some point:

    • Sonic: basic speed platforming, mostly based on modern games.
    • Tails: keep the platforming, but more slowly-paced, focused on exploration. Kinda like the Chaotix in Sonic Heroes.
    • Knuckles: WEREHOGerrrrrr, I mean, beat'em up. I'm personally tired of Knuckles looking for Master Emerald shards AGAIN. I would rather show him in his most "seek and destroy" side.

    *The next characters would mix the previous styles or just make some minor changes.

    • Amy: similar to Tails, but faster gameplay (some time-limited levels?) and adding some beat'em up segments like Knuckles (PIKO-PIKO!)
    • Shadow: like Sonic, but harder and longer levels. Isn't he the Ultimate Life-form? Then let him prove so. 
    • Rouge: METAL GEARuuuhhhhh... Stealth and treasure hunting. More tactical oriented, but still challenging to play with. 
    • Silver: uh... this one's hard... platforming and making use of the telekinesis to fight and solve some puzzles BUT not making him slow as hell. This is a videogame, right? So let's make ALL THE CHARACTERS fun to play with.
    • Blaze: Sonic-styled, again. Seriously, I dunno what else to give to this kitty. She deserves some cool level redesign or something.

    Aaaaaand I would add even more characters, like Big, Cream or Omega... but don't want to oversize this.

    The story sould be something you want to know more about, but not as complex as a Final Fantasy game. Maybe Kingdom Hearts would be a more accurate example to get ideas from, but without the "Disney magic". Interesting and worth-seeing, dramatic when needed, but still lighthearted and with smart comedy. Also, I would make better use of the fabulous lore there is in the Sonic universe and Sega constantly tends to forget about...


    I think at this point Sega can come up with a really complete game with various gameplay mechanics and different playable chracters, but now they seem to be focusing only on Sonic... aaaaaaand Classic Sonic. Which is still Sonic, but in 2D. 

    But there is a lot more that Sonic. Yeah, he's the protagonist, the main character, the badass, the cool one, the Blue Blur... but he's not the center of the universe.

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  4. I've seen the Sonic Universe volumes are in Amazon.uk, but it is ridiculously cheaper than I thought. Besides, I'm not sure how things work now because of UK being out of the EU.

    Also, I have never bought anything by Amazon. Or by internet...

    Yes, I'm THAT kind of guy. Got stuck on 20th century.

  5. Even I thought of buying the Treasure Team Tango volume... and yes, that would mean IMPORTING IT INTO EUROPE. But it might worth it...

    @tiny260 Gotta say that I LOVE Nice Cute Butt-Kickin' Girls that have the story focus or are the main characters, so when you add Amy, Cream and Blaze as the new team Rose, you get ma bucks (nothing against Big, tho. I like him too). All the three-member team having different objetives with the Sol Emerald reminded me of Sonic Heroes. But funnier.

     And Omega... reading him made me laugh out loud. Ian Flynn truly deserves my respect for all what he's written in the Sonic series.

    And that Sailor-Moon-ish Super Special... ugh... the cover looked nice, but... you know... *sigh*

    @Skye Prower I just don't want to bore you to death. Besides, there's a lot I haven't read yet. 

    And I didn't know Treasure Team Tango was THAT popular.


  6. I can only think of good issues, because I tend to forget about the bad ones.

    Gotta say I HATE some weird artwork, but storylines...I just remember some elements. For example, I didn't get the Titan-Tails thing. I just find it ridiculous and nonsensical (also, if I had to design a overpowered Tails, he wouldn'l look like Crunch Bandicoot...).

    • About "ma greatest hits", I would include the Treasure Team Tango arc (An all-girl Team Rose facing Team Dark, the Babylon Rogues and the Hooligans from Sonic the Fighters! What else could I get?), which could be my favourite story in the whole series.
    • Also, the Spark of Life is in a high place for me. A deeper story involving the creator of Nicole (Nicole is probably my favourite comic-exclusive character, in toe-to-toe with Bunnie)
    • "Hedgehog Havoc" was the first arc I read entirely, so it also has a special place in my "corazon latino"
    • And the most recent could be the Champions arc: Just goofyness and fighting. And also the first (official) appearance of the forgotten and almost non-existant Honey the Cat! (maybe I'm a little obsesed with girls in the Sonic world...)

    I have also some honorable mentions, like the whole Shattered World saga, which gives a nice spin to the Unleashed storyline.

    But I think I'm talking too much...so I'll shut up. Like now.

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  7. Of course they aren't bad... THEY'RE HORRIBLE! (Sarcasm) Of course not, they're pretty cool, and they fit on the idea of truly ORIGINAL I was exposing.

    What I mean is that with nine characters, you're adding a lot to the universe, and it's a pity they don't interact with each other because of being in different realities. 

    If you are interested in manga, you should try drawing humans too! I bet you'll do it great


    Everyone: Meet E! (I'm possibly trying to make a comic of this character... If you want to know the story more you can always PM me.)






    This one, for example, is more like a chibi manga character (and it's sooooo cute >w<)

    (Mod note: Try not to double post)

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  8. Well, I discovered Sonic when I was 8 years old. Now I'm 19 and haven't even think that way about the Sonic universe.

    But I get it. It's basically that stupid thought of "the grittier and edgier, the more mature and adult" all over again, right?. Jeez... Disney movies take on some mature themes but don't get edgy or violent, for example.

  9. Wait... Original Characters that truly deserve to be called ORIGINAL? THIS IS MADNESS!

    @Shiromi-chan I guess you could make a completely new Sonic universe, putting together all your OCs

    I have just a pair of Fan-characters, and I'm still remaking them so that they can fully fit in the cannon with no changes (which is surprisingly easier and more fun than you might think!).

    Also, I took some cannonical characters I drawn loooong ago and look nothing like the real ones, and tried to remake them so as they look like new ones. That's pretty fun too.

  10. Now you've mentioned the fan-characters, does anyone know why are there so many over-the-top gritty and emo Shadow rip-offs?

    I have always seen the Sonic franchise as a superhero/manga-ish story with cartoony/cute? characters and some deep mythos, but never as a dark, depressing and gory remake of Dragon Ball with animals (though I fully understand the comparisons between Sonic and Dragon Ball. There are too many common elements to ignore)

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  11. Yes, I do know how Chaos Control works. But thanks for the time spent writing that long explanation.

    unless you brought your infant self into the present, but the potential for paradoxes there is astoundingly... um...

    And that's exactly what I wanted to say, but I didn't know how to say it. Language limitations. I'm not the best English speaker...

    Besides, who cares about time paradoxes, huh?

  12. I have commented in the News section, but still, I'll say it here, once again:

    Where I live there's no way of getting Sonic comics. Neither Archie, nor Fleetway. When I was a child I dreamed of reading these comics (and someday even drawing them, but that's another story...) and thanks to you, I finally could do so. As silly and cheesy this might sound, you made me fulfill one of my childhood's dreams: to read Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog comic series.

    I enjoyed every single visit, every read, I waited every month patiently to the uploads, even though I had never wrote a comment until today. 

    For this, all I want to do is express my grattitude. Thank you for all this years of effort and risk, thanks to the admins, the moderators, the scanners... You made this naive Spaniard really happy. And for that, I'll stick to this friggin' awesome site as long as I can.

    Thank you so much. 

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  13. @Skye Prower That's what I'm talking about. We aren't monsters or creeps. We just like games, shows or comics about colorful animals with superpowers wearing gloves and shoes. Said like that doesn't sound bad at all.

    @tiny260 So, we are overlooked, while the lastest (and creepiest) ShadowXShrek fan-art is what people keeps in their minds.

    I know how this works, but I feel like our image hasn't changed over the years, like there are only cringy (I don't like that word) fans.

    Do we even exist?

  14. I think you have already said most of what I don't like about the most twisted part of our fandom: the excessive (and agressive) shipping comunities, the (not)Original Characters, the Mary-Sue Characters, the nitpicking with the games...

    So I'll say something different. Aside from all of that, I don't like the image that the Sonic Fan has on the internet (and sometimes out of it). Most of the fans are not weirdos, or nitpicking, or non-creative.

    I love drawing and writing, and when I make Sonic stuff, I don't go insane or anything. Yes, I have a few fan-characters, but they are neither re-colors nor Mary-Sues. I love the games, I even enjoyed Shadow The Hedgehog (don't kill me, plz). I enjoy most of the media the Blue Blur appears in (excluding Sonic Boom). Yet, despite all of this, I have faced situations where people wondered if I was okay being a Sonic fan and if I met someone crazy.

    What have we done wrong, people?


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