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About Thire

  • Rank
    A Shard Of Creativity
  • Birthday 11/07/98

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  • Gender Male
  • Location Wisconsin, US of A
  • Interests Sonic (obviously), swords, Gunblades, Final Fantasy, Soul Calibur, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Star Wars, Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Smash Bros, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, World History, and Cobalt Blue because it's a really nice color.

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  • Steam Thire
  • PSN Thirethewarrior

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  1. A bit of a rant... So my sister is taking an online course and for some reason it never remembers her progress. One week since she started and she’s done the first part at least several times, yet she cannot progress unless she has done the preceding lesson (106 minutes is the estimated time for the lesson). Now my predicament: because it does not remember, my mom decided that NO ONE touches the computer and even to leave it on overnight until she has completed all of it.

    Main issue for me is my mom also decided that my sister do it on my computer even though my mom has her own which she never uses. 

    Long story short: I’ve effectively been kicked off my own computer and cannot use it for at least a day or two. Rant done, I’m tired, and this sucks. :( 

    1. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Damn!  That's sounds like a major pain.  Sorry to hear.

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Wow. That sounds pretty unfair

    3. Thire


      I’m sorry. I usually try to keep my cool and refrain from sounding like a 10 yr old, but I needed to vent.
