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  1. the Sonic Archie Online Forum sure doesn't like THIS place very much..

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Eh... not really surprised we aren't liked. People have different viewpoints on these things and of course it's not going to look good on them if they're sharing a place that gives the comics for free when the place that makes the comics is trying to sell them. Like a few of those who've already commented, I can't get the comics where I am unless I travel into say... London and search around there which is too far away for me

      With regards to them being strict about speaking about here... it doesn't really come down to stealing itself but encouraging it to others. And so bringing up "hey... this site gives the comics for free" means others will see it and there's a chance some will stop buying the comics and read them for free too, which of course is bad for Archie and ends up looking bad on those who allowed it to be shared around. So of course they're not going to want it brought up on their site

    3. teamrandom21


      true, I really hope nothing happens to this site. Hey I don't mean to sound cheap but I kind of need money to save up for a car...so buying comics is out of the question.

    4. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      You don't want this site to go down?  Best plan is not talk about it.  

      First rule of SCANF, don't talk about SCANF! ;-p

      But more seriously, I can see exactly where ASO is coming from, so the best plan is just don't rile them up at all.

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