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Everything posted by teamrandom21

  1. If the Archie Sonic series ends

    This question is probably going to get under the skin of mods and others on here, but I have to ask it. If Archie basically loses the license to do Sonic comics, do you believe that it will go on unofficially like with sonic the comic?   For me, I think the answer is obvious. Archie's Sonic series has just as big, if not bigger following as Sonic The Comic, and I can see if not Ian Flynn, fans doing what there doing now with lost hedgehog tales, banding together to make it happen or go on. I wouldn't mind this either cause as you know, and as mods have pointed out I'm one of those people who doesn't really let go of the old world, but if the comic goes on unofficially, whoever is in charge can do whatever they want, bringing back certain characters included.  Sorry if this seems negative but I had to ask, and to be fair this seems very possible if the series were ever to die, given the small but still large fan base for it. What are your thoughts guys? Would this seem very likely to happen if the comics go? Comment below your thoughts.
  2. so guess what just got delayed to march now...

    just guess...

    tosses a chair, smashes my head threw a window, and basically destroys everything in rage

    1. teamrandom21


      come on shinomi not you too! bad enough nobody responded to my think asking for help to make a sonic gmod comic and stuff.

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      What thing? I never saw it. Nor would I be able to help anyway. I've only used GMod a little and not for that sort of thing

    3. Shinomi-chan


      And I know nothing about GMod. So sorry... :( but what I mean is... even though I know it means a LOT to you... there are more things to do than just counting days for the next comic... please. You're only hurting yourself if you concentrate on nothing else than waiting for the next issue.

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  3. Not gonna lie these last couple of days have been rough. sunday my grandpa was taken to the hospital, monday a bullying incident occured, and that leaked over to today where a lot of things went down (well not really but it felt like it). i JUST WANT THIS TO ALL GO AWAY!

    1. teamrandom21


      thanks for you're support guys. I really need it

    2. Scintillant-H


      wow, it's been a thing the last few days with everyone I know. One friend is dying from an incurable disease, another friend's niece had a stabbing at her school (she was fine, but her friend got hurt), and a few other things... :( sorry you have to go through this. Seems like 2016 just isn't a very good year so far.

    3. teamrandom21


      tell me about it

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  4. Delays

    all right, i know you guys have asked me to be patient, and to a degree I have, but I still want to ask you guys this. Why do you think the comics are begin delayed. Before anyone says it, yes I know that they said it was due to printing, but I feel it's something bigger. also on one of the comic sites the next issues to come have been removed, so yeah, that's not 100% a good sign. Mod note: I'm really getting sick of these constant "why the delays?" Can we please stop with them? There are other things to do to occupy time instead of repeatedly ask about the delays Explanations were given here
  5. hate to say it but this form is becoming dead. Activity is going down big time.

    1. teamrandom21


      oh right. to be honest without any new comics I've felt like activity has slowed down, then again i only post in mostly the comic section and stuff

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Nope. Hasn't really made too big a difference

    3. ShadowKid15


      cool...What are your favorite comics...

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  6. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    well, true, and i know the fans don't want the comic to go into anther legal debate 10 times worser then penders, even though somebody said archie hates sega.
  7. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    i'm really getting worried about the comics. The delays, the lawsuits, and Archie battling themselves. And people wonder why i want IBW to get their hands on the series. In other words: Archie comics is suffering from sega syndrome. They were good, but now their sucking.
  8. thank god for my skills usa trip. the lack of new sonic comics is making me go crazy

  9. guys, i really hope you can keep me calm, because the next issues have now been delayed till March, mid march...






    1. teamrandom21


      well, i really want IBW to pick up the comics. even if we don't get our pre-genesis friends at least they'll be more prepared and not delay us constantly

    2. Shinomi-chan


      I know I know...  but you should be able to do something else than just think about the comics. Relax, watch a movie, read, play videogames.

    3. teamrandom21


      You're right, I want to be mad, but there's more that i could be doing, and other things to do...

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  10. anther snow day may be coming my way and my a key really needs to start working...

  11. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    it wouldn't kill if they at least came out and said "hey, this comic is gonna be delayed for this reason."
  12. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    i will admit i am pretty annoyed. sorry archie but as many of the mods probably are getting hinted on here patents isn't something i have 100% all the time. This is also one of those moments where i wish the company would speak up instead of keep quiet and let all questions about the delay be nothing but radio silence.
  13. Two different animals breed, anybody finds that weird?

    yeah. speaking of which a bit of topic but do you think the green fox (i forget her name) might possibly be tails new love interest if ian flynn decides to go that angle? sorry again for going off topic but i don't want to make a whole anther thing about it
  14. Two different animals breed, anybody finds that weird?

    well, as long as their not too freaky or wired, like something out of a horror movie or mad scientist movie.
  15. Two different animals breed, anybody finds that weird?

    my friend metro was talking about this on devanart. I don't really find it that bad, until some writer decides to say "hey, maybe we should combine the animals..."
  16. when the activity on here slows down, i suffer

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Does it ever speed up?

    2. teamrandom21
    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Its just not an active forum

  17. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    things seem to be heating up
  18. got myself a half day tomorrow, now all's i need is chapter 2 of lost hedgehog tales and this week will be awesome (not that it isn't already but you know what i mean)

  19. alright mods, prepare to kill me for this:

    i don't know what i've been waiting for longer, Lost hedgehog tales chapter 2, or the next STH comics and SU

    1. NegaMetallix


      Exactly. There should be a lot of things you can do to keep your mind busy.

    2. teamrandom21


      well i have been binge reading sonic the comic lately...

    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      You can read them then

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  20. so archie comics and the people who are currently making the ninja turtle comics may be forming some sort of alliance. This could get interesting, especially if sonic the hedgehog gets involved.

    1. NegaMetallix


      I know that Ian has been writing a couple backup stories for IDW's Ninja Turtles series in recent months, but I think that's all there is right now. Unless I've missed some news this week...?

    2. teamrandom21


      yeah, archie comics appearing on IDW's website

    3. NegaMetallix


      Just checked the website. All I could find was a Twitter feed from Archie Comics, showcasing Archie-based variant covers for IDW's upcoming comic releases.

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  21. leave it to test to make life suck again

  22. Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

    same, anyone know when season 2 starts?
  23. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    oh yeah the writers. i think...
  24. just saw the mandates to the sonic comics. i'd be lying if i said I want to super-man punch whoever made them.


    and on one of the dots it says ken penders characters cannot be used. there's some closure...

    1. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      I doubt there ever was order in the fanbase

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Maybe during the first couple of games there were ;P

    3. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Maybe for Sonic 1. But the Moment Tails arrive and got in the way of getting the chaos emeralds that was the start!

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  25. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    we were talking about who or what the purple guy could be.
