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Posts posted by teamrandom21

  1. true, and i don't get why we can't at least see the other characters (non panders) return, but that's a whole diffrent conversation.

    Because Archie don't want to deal with any potential lawsuits on the off-chance those other writers also want their characters back. I'm surprised that people still don't get this...

    At this point do the other writers really care. I think they have other big project to worry about than any Sonic characters.

    and i really want to ask or email archie why can't they just ask for permission, then again, what's the chances of them responding to me? -100 in 1

  2. It looks like the Freedom Fighters are ready to end the Shattered World Crisis once and for all. And there is a hint that a "certain young rabbit will finally have a chance to shine.

    Hidden Content

    Hidden Content

    Script: Ian Flynn
    Art: Jamal Peppers, Jennifer Hernandez, Terry Austin, John Workman & Gabriel Cassata
    Sonic the Hedgehog #283 CVR A Reg: Diana Skelly
    Sonic the Hedgehog #283 CVR B Variant: Adam Bryce Thomas, Gary Martin & Gabriel Cassata

    SONIC and the FREEDOM FIGHTERS are GO in “The Mission”: Sonic and Sally put out the call to the world! They have the Chaos Emeralds, they have the Gaia Keys, and now they have a plan! And the central hero to it all is… Cream?! Then, in “Zero Hour,” Dr. Eggman finally tracks down Phage! And when Tails Doll gives the mad doctor some crucial info, will Sonic’s plans for saving the world fall apart? Featuring cover art by the delightful Diana Skelly and a “GUARDIANS” variant cover by the amazing Adam Bryce Thomas!
    On Sale Date: 4/13
    32-page, full color comic
    $3.99 U.S.


    well glad to see lupe is still gonna be around.

  3. Plenty of people have said I should write Sonic stories for Archie
    after reading some short fanfiction pieces that I have posted on numerous sites.

    SOME even want me to have "rights" to Ken Penders characters, if you can believe that.

    well, i'm definatly one of those people who says you should.

  4. true, and i don't get why we can't at least see the other characters (non panders) return, but that's a whole diffrent conversation.

    Because Archie don't want to deal with any potential lawsuits on the off-chance those other writers also want their characters back. I'm surprised that people still don't get this...

    Anyway, I'd imagine that Conquering Storm will simply be continuing her Egg Boss duties after Eggman's Dozen, until she's needed for something again.

    I don't mean to not get what's going on neo, i haven't understood this situation for a while now. I'm glad you cleared it up for me,

  5. Penders didn't make the clans though. At least I don't think he did


    Only thing that strikes me as being a no is Espio having a mother. But that was only very hinted so could be changed

    true, and i don't get why we can't at least see the other characters (non panders) return, but that's a whole diffrent conversation. like i said, i hope flynn uses storm, other then the fact that i like her character, i see no reason why we can't get to know her more, and maybe see a bit less of a cold side to her like how metro showed in his fan fic the betrayal.

  6. To be honest... I don't expect much change with her since there isnt much that would need change I think. Though I guess that depends on whether the clans are still around

    sadly i don't think that will be so unless flynn has permission or made all 4 clans. rules now a days are you have to be a part of the writing team to have your character in the comics, and i don't think we want panders back and whoever made mina is probably MIA

  7. so as we all know, conquoring storm is coming back to the comics (praise the lord). After the eggman arch, what would do you think she'll be doing or when do you think we'll see her again? i personally hope it's soon, and she's turned into a bit of an anti-hero. what do you guys think?

  8. Oh, hell no. Penders is doing it again about that he should get money just from appearance of his characters. I agreed with him on the money from reprints and his approval for use of his characters, but that ? He couldn't stay nice all the way, "Nek Srednep" has taken over once again. Bye Ken, it was nice to see you back for a time.

    Edit: Guys, I think I put my finger on something big. Penders said he never signed any contract with Archie. That means he was never officially affiliated with them. And that also means he was never affiliated with the licence fee. Logically, shouldn't this make his copyrights of stories containing Sega content illegal ?

    i may ask him. as for the money he should get for character apparances i don't/haven't heard him say anything like that, and he's said that he wants archie to use his characters after they get stuck out of this mess their in in the series.

    Here it is.



    And he's doing it again, saying the comic exists thanks to him, despite the fact that Michael Gallagher is the real first writer.

    I also already asked him about his copyrights being legal. Here's his reply.

    He wasn't even surprised by my question. He knew it all along, and is even proud of it because he feels secure. What a... I couldn't continue this post without being insulting.

    all right you're gonna hate me for this but i don't get it. he's a free lancer so...wouldn't he own everything unless he sold it to them? 

    A freelance without a contract, in case you forgot. Only a contract or a direct agreement with Sega could legaly grant him such copyrighs on their content, and his replies to my questions proved he has none. That Darn douche made us lose the old Archieverse with forged copyright, and he had the help of the Darn (in)justice. And now, he's acting nice to fool us. But his weakness is that he confesses too much to people who end up trusting him.

    sorry about that, i'm just really confussed still and you are right about that. panders is like that old man in the neighborhood who's quite but when he talks he's seriouse and has a lot to tell. one time he went on out of no where about a sonic movie that was supposed to be made. on a side note i don't really get his quote unless it's proving his other quote that archie has bad lawyers. yet he wants the characters to be used (his characters) and theres not contract to transfer his rights over. my god panders why you so confusing

  9. Oh, hell no. Penders is doing it again about that he should get money just from appearance of his characters. I agreed with him on the money from reprints and his approval for use of his characters, but that ? He couldn't stay nice all the way, "Nek Srednep" has taken over once again. Bye Ken, it was nice to see you back for a time.

    Edit: Guys, I think I put my finger on something big. Penders said he never signed any contract with Archie. That means he was never officially affiliated with them. And that also means he was never affiliated with the licence fee. Logically, shouldn't this make his copyrights of stories containing Sega content illegal ?

    i may ask him. as for the money he should get for character apparances i don't/haven't heard him say anything like that, and he's said that he wants archie to use his characters after they get stuck out of this mess their in in the series.

    Here it is.



    And he's doing it again, saying the comic exists thanks to him, despite the fact that Michael Gallagher is the real first writer.

    I also already asked him about his copyrights being legal. Here's his reply.

    He wasn't even surprised by my question. He knew it all along, and is even proud of it because he feels secure. What a... I couldn't continue this post without being insulting.

    all right you're gonna hate me for this but i don't get it. he's a free lancer so...wouldn't he own everything unless he sold it to them?

  10. So look like Sonic Underground will never have a proper ending unless the show is revival back not many fans are going to ask to get that show back and if they do it won't be anymore than the fans who want Sonic SatAM.

    sonic Satam should get anther show again but more based off the archie comics. i'm sorry but sega ignoring the archie characters kind of ticks me off, and if they want to start lessoning to the fans they better take this into consideration.

  11. Oh, hell no. Penders is doing it again about that he should get money just from appearance of his characters. I agreed with him on the money from reprints and his approval for use of his characters, but that ? He couldn't stay nice all the way, "Nek Srednep" has taken over once again. Bye Ken, it was nice to see you back for a time.

    Edit: Guys, I think I put my finger on something big. Penders said he never signed any contract with Archie. That means he was never officially affiliated with them. And that also means he was never affiliated with the licence fee. Logically, shouldn't this make his copyrights of stories containing Sega content illegal ?

    i may ask him. as for the money he should get for character apparances i don't/haven't heard him say anything like that, and he's said that he wants archie to use his characters after they get stuck out of this mess their in in the series.

  12. apologize to any mods who think this is in the wrong posting place. and before anyone gets bent out of shape it's the sonic fan base we're talking about.

    so what do you guys hate about the sonic fan base? for me it's lack of people accepting others opinions. instead of a respectful why i don't disagree with you, it's "you should feel bad and never step foot on the internet noob."

    this is especially bad in the shipping part of it...

    so what do you guys dislike about the sonic fandom?

  13. With.... perhaps misplaced optimism, it might happen soon.

    After all... Crystal Sonic.  And Shard had that power crystal...so... maybe!

    true. that and i liked the battle between shard and metal sonic. it was like a wrestling dream match up. good metal sonic vs. evil metal sonic.

  14. I heard it was still coming after the reboot... but guess not.

    speaking of shard i really want him to come back. screw sega's policy on only one metal sonic, shard was the bomb and i want him to be a connector or connection from the new world to pre-genesis world.
