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Everything posted by teamrandom21

  1. got myself a 3 day trip coming up, only bad thing about it is i may have to wait till i get back to see the newest sonic comic. oh well. on the bright side this trip technically gives me a bit of a vacation and i heard the food at where were going at is great.

    1. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Hope you have a good time. Enjoy the food.

    2. teamrandom21
  2. Sonic the comic online

    true. i feel the problem the comic suffers is it's too fast paced at times.
  3. Ken Penders Topic...

    personally all's i want is things to go back to normal. i know people like dylan are gonna say the same old "just let em go" speech, but if archie had either paid the other's there royaltise or asked for permission we wouldn't be having this conversation.   and dylan i don't really think panders is the one starting this show, i feel the freelancers just wanted to take a stand and get there money.
  4. Ken Penders Topic...

    sorry I was on my phone and I had to get this out there dylan. Because Archie didn't want to give credit where it's due the comics may be in trouble again 
  5. Ken Penders Topic...

    40+ others are after Archie as well. RIP the comics   
  6. Ken Penders Topic...

    same here. i feel bad for ken. imagine you're just trying to do the right thing but the media or the fan base decides to mess up the message and what not. i'm more mad at archie now. the series could have gone on the same way if they had just credit panders and the other writers but no, they had to reboot the whole (bleep)ing thing. and if that isn't bad enough, they have the audacity to have flynn keep quite and not tell the truth or they'll give him the boot. probably what ken was talking about when he said flynn does't know the trouble he's getting in with hedgehog tales.
  7. Ken Penders Topic...

    I feel so stupid now, this all makes scene, why archie isn't using the other writers characters, why panders is in the right. man i feel so stupid, but i am siding with panders on this one 100%. i have nothing against the guy and thanks to you're comment i now understand who's right and who's wrong. i didn't mean to not know, the situation was just a mess and what not. archie, you really disappoint me here, and people wonder why i would be ok with sega taking away you're rights to do sonic comics.
  8. Ken Penders Topic...

    i got goosebumps now. panders said that the new archie app is a brech of contract and is going after them for it.
  9. If you wrote for the Sonic comics

    agreed. i want evil super sonic from the fleetway comics. imagine him tossing around the distructix's and the freedom fighters, basiclly kicking everyone's (bleep). you don't know how much i'd pay flynn and archie just to see that happen...
  10. just out of curiosity to any of the mods here, what's up with the fan fiction section?

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      As NeKit said in the last status about it, right now its a mistake and they are working on it

  11. If you wrote for the Sonic comics

    sorry dylan. but yeah, if ian flynn ever gets a chance to have super-sonic turn evil, he should hopefully go for it...
  12. If you wrote for the Sonic comics

    i don't know dylan, i didn't see the angle too dark, and with evil super sonic i think it would make a great or convincing story line. think of it this way, everyone's in shock about sonic turning into this thing when he's super and the freedom fighters get backlash over having him still on his team. i know the angle seems streams strange and dark but evil super sonic is beyond orginal and something i'll give sonic the comic major credit for...now if they could bring in some of archie's characters without hell and high water because of copyright...
  13. If you wrote for the Sonic comics

    i would have a storyline sort of like fleetways where people think sonic is turning bad.
  14. i know there "mobions", but am i the only one here who thinks sonic and friends also count as "furries"

    1. teamrandom21


      long story short flynn can't use the word mobious. it's a long story...

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Yeah. That one's SEGAs fault But no I wouldn't. Since it links to a whole other area that not all Sonic fans can be classified to Anyway... I still call them Mobians. Don't care if it's not technicay correct anymore

    3. Shinomi-chan


      actually it's Mobians... but yeah

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  15. Who do you think is most likely to return?

    i still like and don't mind if archie does go fan fic on this. that and why is it that something is only offical when the company releases it? esepcially if that company is dead and gone, then what?  that's also why i like the pre-boot. so what if it doesn't follow the games, the games leaves out a lot of stuff, and we don't see characters from the games like bean and bark and other stuff...
  16. Who do you think is most likely to return?

    Sorry guys on here if topics surrounding mr.panders lawsuit are making you hate me, but one thing i can't help but ask is who (who was not made by panders) do you think we could see return in the comics again. we have storm back which took me by surprise, and i think/hope that others we may see include -ash mongoose -mina -li moon -snively -iron nicole. what's your say in this guys.
  17. Who do you think is most likely to return?

    neo, thanks for the appology, it shows that you don't mean to be mean, and us fans can't help it. like skye said, it's superior to what it's advertising and we want the comics to be more then just some advertisement, hence the shipping and stuff. flynn not shipping characters i can see and have heard about before, but there's a part of me that wants fan out cry to change that, and i know not everyone is gonna look to fan fiction because of stories or other bad experinces that will or have put a bad taste in their mouth.   
  18. Ken Penders Topic...

    i do believe he's attacking because he's not getting enough royalty money. if that's the case i'm backing him up in it, archie should just give him the money instead of be all butt hurt. boo hoo, you have to pay him money, just do it before you lose the rights to the comics or worse.
  19. Sad moments

    what are some of the saddest moments you can think of in the sonic the comic series/sonic universe.
  20. Who do you think is most likely to return?

    bro, i agree with everything you say, and i agree and glad you pointed that up there for anther argument on why we should see them back. that and would it hurt for the former writers to oh i don't know? say "lesson archie, i don't like this or that" instead of just hitting them with a lawsuit.   anther reason why i hate the post wave is because of lack of shipping. guys look, hate me all you want, dylan i know you like this this way but i don't. we already deal enough of that in the games and i hate how ian can't establish any relationships or try to. tails could be with fiona fox or nicole in a touching love story angle, and sally and sonic could get back together, but instead no, we can't have that happen, we probably can't even have stories that take place in the future. I hate and hope this changes, so what if the sega ship fans are out of control? ignore them, you already have fans leaving the comics simply because of the reboot, and i'm sure that sega doesn't give to (bleeps) about how fans feel about sonic boom, other wise why the hell are we getting a squeal to it?   as blue comet said, i know it's time to move on but we can't, some of us really can't. this universe came out of no where all because of a crossover with mega man, and i blame archie because of this situation and how things are running. we could still be having panders and other writers characters, hell, panders even ALLOWS it and doesn't mind, but instead they have to do this out of worry. i get that to some degree but if they really knew there writers they would continue and just make up some excuse for why panders characters are gone, it really ticks me off, and it's why i hate archie and just want to beg sega to take the rights away sometimes. Poor flynn is stressing his heart out cause old archie with there stupid blond haired mascot who can go (bleep) himself had to mess up and give the piper panders his money, and you all wonder why i don't hate him, cause archie had as much as a say in the distruction of there own comics, and could dispute the copyright claims on panders instead of just suing him! panders said it himself on his forms! archie, i hope you're happy with yourselves.
  21. Ken Penders Topic...

    i can kind of see where panders is coming from. maybe he was worried that ian was risking losing his job.
  22. Who do you think is most likely to return?

    i know, i guess i can't help but not want to because i just got into them (the comics) and now the characters are gone? that's why i was glad to see conquoring storm. flynn character or not i feel she's under rated greatly, i don't agree with her robotic eyes though...
  23. Who do you think is most likely to return?

    thanks for that skye and you are very true with the panders thing. i have heard about archie not paying panders his royalties and i didn't know that things like this were somewhat the norm for comics.
  24. i need a break, all this "characters that we won't see in the comics anymore" stuff is driving me crazy and stressing me out more then it should. now if only my account on the bumbleking forms could be accepted...

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Good luck

    2. teamrandom21


      who can blame me dylan? ian's awesome.

  25. Who do you think is most likely to return?

    that's still a bit hard to do for some, which is why they don't read the comics anymore. i still do, but it's because of this incident that I wrote the sonic fan fic sonic multiverse. sorry if i'm getting off point here dylan, but, what i'm trying to get to is not everyone wants to deal with this truth. why do you think so many people attack panders? they don't want to believe it's archie's fault that these guys are gone. imagine if (i forget his name but the dude who made fiona fox) sued archie. he would get attacked wouldn't he? also i feel as though all of this is the beginning of the end for the comics.
